Yes I would want to leave. Isolation sucks. My back went out last week and I collapsed to the floor. My main goal at that moment was to unlock my door so if I call for help they can get in. This island thing is stupid.
id need more information food and fresh water is not enough is there a way to preserve the food?..what is the climate? there an abandoned luxury home in the area?
No it's just an island with one palm tree. And it' surrounded by sharks. There is a rock to the north but you can't sit on it because it is very sharp.
The food and water is on the island and with a temperate climate. You would have to build your own shelter.
Hmm...sunscreen, no bugs, this is sounding good. Will I have herbs and spices with which to cook or will I have to cook primitively with no seasoning? Well scratch that, I'll assume the island has herbs growing. But I will need salt, will there be a salt mine there?
It would be nice for a while. Hopefully I don’t hunt any rare wingless birds to extinction while I try to survive. That would suck.
I've never been in an island survival situation so I am unclear how to separate it from the water. I presume I will have time to learn before I go
Just let the water dry in a dish or other small hard surface... Hopefully the island isn't in a polluted shipping lane or been used for petroleum extraction... Or as a nuclear test sight.
Sorry, it's either tropical climate with plenty of palm trees and green growth and blooming flowers, coupled with functional supply lines to and from the island, or go home.
I wouldn't mind it but if I want to be alone there are plenty of places on the mainland where I can go for that.