I don't see why only men who are attracted to females get to identify as straight. Doesn't seem fair.
from my extensive hipforums research, i've learned that all straight men just like to give and receive oral sex with other men. and of course, all straight men masturbate together as teenagers.
If your sexually attractive to men, your not necessarily gay? Well as my old dad would say! "I've heard everything now!" Maybe you could be just a titchy witchy bit gay?
isn't that, the op, kindof a direct contradiction, by very deffinician? unless you mean gay men who don't consume mind altering substances? but usual use of the term streight also means hetero, which means no peepee tingle with the same gender. now there are lots of 'family values' politicians who have been caught with secret gay lovers, and probably as many or more who haven't been caught yet, but that doesn't make them strieght. just "in the closet". must one hell of a big closet.
The only logical sexual orientations are male and female. Gay, straight, bisexual, etc are simply terms used to explain various thought processes