The NSA is giving your phone records to the DEA. And the DEA is covering it up. DEA and NSA Team Up to Share Intelligence, Leading to Secret Use UPDATE: Add the IRS to the list of federal agencies obtaining information from NSA surveillance. Reuters reports that the IRS got intelligence tips from DEA's secret unit (SOD) and were also told to cover up the source of that information by coming up with their own independent leads to recreate the information obtained from SOD. So that makes two levels of deception: SOD hiding the fact it got intelligence from the NSA and the IRS hiding the fact it got information from SOD. Even worse, there's a suggestion that the Justice Department (DOJ) "closely guards the information provided by SOD with strict oversight," shedding doubt into the effectiveness of DOJ earlier announced efforts to investigate the program. Ben & Jerry's @benandjerrys Speak up! Speak out! The #NSA will be listening at the @stopwatchingus rally tomorrow in #DC. #StopWatchingUs Stop Watching Us: A Rally Against The NSA's Mass Surveillance | Washington, DC 10/26 Join Restore the Fourth, Access, ACLU, Center for Democracy and Technology, Demand Progress, EFF, Fight for the Future, Free Press, reddit, Mozilla, Public Knowledge & More The recent NSA revelations have laid it all out: The NSA is watching us online and on our phones. The NSA has corrupted security and cryptography, undermining the fabric of the Internet. Its overreaching surveillance is creating a climate of fear, chills free speech, and violates our basic human rights — and it operates without any meaningful oversight. But a movement is building to change all this. And we're about to take the next step. On Saturday, October 26 — the 12th anniversary of the signing of the USA PATRIOT Act — thousands of people from across the political spectrum will unite in Washington, D.C. to proclaim: Enough is enough. Stop watching us. StopWatching.Us is a diverse coalition including more than 100 public advocacy organizations and companies from across ideological lines, including the ACLU, Access, Demand Progress, Electronic Frontier Foundation, FreedomWorks, Fight for the Future, Free Press, Mozilla, reddit, Restore the Fourth and Thoughtworks. This coalition is working to organize the biggest mass protest of the NSA’s surveillance programs to date. Will you join us? Hundreds of thousands of people have spoken out since the major NSA leaks began this June. More than 560,000 people took action at StopWatching.Us by signing our petition to the U.S. Congress. Dozens of members of Congress have introduced bills aimed at reining in the NSA, and hundreds of organizations and companies are uniting to end the NSA's unconstitutional surveillance. But we will only succeed if we take the next step and raise our voices. continued... Stop Watching Us: A Rally Against The NSA's Mass Surveillance | Washington, DC 10/26 1st posted 10/25@news Join Restore the Fourth, Access, ACLU, Center for Democracy and Technology, Demand Progress, EFF, Fight for the Future, Free Press, reddit, Mozilla, Public Knowledge & More The recent NSA revelations have laid it all out: The NSA is watching us online and on our phones. The NSA has corrupted security and cryptography, undermining the fabric of the Internet. Its overreaching surveillance is creating a climate of fear, chills free speech, and violates our basic human rights — and it operates without any meaningful oversight. But a movement is building to change all this. And we're about to take the next step. On Saturday, October 26 — the 12th anniversary of the signing of the USA PATRIOT Act — thousands of people from across the political spectrum will unite in Washington, D.C. to proclaim: Enough is enough. Stop watching us. StopWatching.Us is a diverse coalition including more than 100 public advocacy organizations and companies from across ideological lines, including the ACLU, Access, Demand Progress, Electronic Frontier Foundation, FreedomWorks, Fight for the Future, Free Press, Mozilla, reddit, Restore the Fourth and Thoughtworks. This coalition is working to organize the biggest mass protest of the NSA’s surveillance programs to date. Will you join us? Hundreds of thousands of people have spoken out since the major NSA leaks began this June. More than 560,000 people took action at StopWatching.Us by signing our petition to the U.S. Congress. Dozens of members of Congress have introduced bills aimed at reining in the NSA, and hundreds of organizations and companies are uniting to end the NSA's unconstitutional surveillance. But we will only succeed if we take the next step and raise our voices. continued..."]Support EFF's new videos about NSA spying - YouTube Thank you! All of your contributions have made the Rally Against Mass Surveillance possible. We've booked incredible speakers and performers, made truly breathtaking banners and visuals, and helped pay for hundreds of people to make it to the rally. We did, however, go a *little* over budget. Among other things, 50-foot banners aren't the cheapest, and the great rally program means we might run a bit long and have to pay overtime for stage and sound crew/equipment. We really, really appreciate your support! Sincerely, The StopWatching.Us Core Organizers Stop Watching Us About the rally The NSA is spying on everyone's personal communications. It’s operating without any meaningful oversight. On October 26th, the 12th anniversary of the signing of the USA Patriot Act, we're holding the largest rally yet against NSA surveillance. We’ll be handing more than a half-million petitions to Congress to remind them that they work for us — and we won’t tolerate mass surveillance any longer. A stellar group of whistleblowers, activists, researchers and others from both sides of the political spectrum will be speaking at this historic event. The list includes: * Congressman Justin Amash * Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich * Bruce Schneier, internationally renowned security technologist * Former senior NSA executive and whistleblower Thomas Drake * Indie pop senation YACHT * Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson * Lt. Dan Choi, LGBT advocate and U.S. veteran * Laura Murphy, ACLU * Rainey Reitman, EFF * Craig Aaron, Free Press * Social critic Naomi Wolf * Kymone Freeman, Director of the National Black LUV Fest * Khaliah Barnes, EPIC * Shahid Buttar, Bill of Rights Defense Committee * Malachi Byrd, DC Youth Poetry Slam Team * Wafa Ben Hassine, writer and human rights advocate * NOT4PROPHET, Hip Hop MC and community organizer * Black Alley, DC-based soul-garage band Location: Marchers will gather in front of Union Station at 11:30 a.m. by the Christopher Columbus Memorial Fountain in Columbus Circle. Shortly after noon we’ll march to the National Mall at 3rd Street and Madison Dr. NW, in front of the Capitol Reflecting Pool, where there will be a stage set up for our rally speakers, musicians, and performers. Read more and see a map. Who we are is a coalition of more than 100 public advocacy organizations and companies from across the political spectrum. We came together in June 2013 to demand the U.S. Congress investigate the full extent of the NSA's spying programs. Go here to read our letter to U.S. Congress demanding accountability and reform.