
Discussion in 'Poetry' started by wooleeheron, Mar 28, 2018.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Mickey's My Man!

    The constitution has become an expensive piece of toilet paper,
    While even republican party members don't trust each other,
    Much less trust fancy words like democracy!
    These people rant and rave about a culture of entitlement,
    While they make unrealistic demands on their government to cut taxes.
    That's why its now illegal to vote for Mickey Mouse in the state of Maryland,
    A modern day tribute to the republican party,
    And the miracle of libertarian theology.
    All the candidates in Maryland promised ridiculous tax cuts nobody could pull off.
    But, of course, they couldn't compete with Mickey!
    Who would, cripple their entire economy!
    Pretending its not just about money,
    Or people actually have a choice,
    Is what capitalism is all about!
    If you can't dazzle em with brilliance, baffle em with bullshit.
    If all hell breaks loose, either use someone as a shield,
    Or, Duck! Just as low... as you can possibly go...
    And make damn sure no one ever laughs in your face.
    For being a complete idiot as transparent as a three year old,
    Caught with their hand in the cookie jar and the liquor cabinet,
    Cussing you out, for disturbing them, while they watch porn.
    Once I overheard a three year old playing with a toy telephone,
    He shouted: "You better pay me back the money you owe me bitch!"
    "Or I'll kill you!" Such, is the mentality of modern day American politics.
    As they rush to continue to construct the Tower of Babel,
    Whilst, simultaneously preparing for the inevitable collapse.
    Three Stooges are all the lowbrow slapstick you'll ever need to know,
    Which is why, to this very day, Mickey Mouse is still my man!
    But its also still illegal to vote for him in the state of Maryland,
    And Donald Duck is now determined to somehow, fill his shoes.
    While, Mini Mouse is so impressed with Donald's political finesse,
    She is taking him to court, as Goofy's laughter echoes from gallery,
    "Ah, hah, ah, hah, Imagine That! Walt Disney is rolling over in his grave!"​
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2018
  2. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Believe it or not, I've hated politics my entire life, have not watch TV news or read a paper in over ten years, and my reluctance to even dwell on the subject was the hardest obstacle I had to overcome in writing my book. For me, politics is the personal, and any suggestion it is just business is an insult to the human race. I could not care less if you are a communist or a member of the Tea Party, if you vote, you are helping to destroy what was once a country to be proud of, struggling, but something to be proud of and work on. By merely continuing to put up with the endless bullshit, demanding even more bullshit, and insisting that voting for whoever advertises the most or offers the best deal is the solution, you support destroying our country and the entire planet, when anyone can walk out that door right this second and say, "Enough".

    Babylonians have no concept of what politics are in my experience, are totally clueless and inept, making dwelling on the subject, much less discussing it, counterproductive. The idea that anything I write will ever make any difference is laughable, and I could go on for hours telling you stories of Babylonians insisting voting the bums out of office is the solution to the problem. I write these poems for my Rainbow Family, who can still hear my words and add their own. Oneness Poems like these can last for thousands of years or become virtually immortal. When I started my book, one Taoist master asked me if I thought my book could last for ten thousand years, and I told him, "I suppose, anything is possible" and, he said, those were his favorite words. After you accomplish the first fifty impossible things, you start to get the idea.

    Sad to say, while many Rainbow Warriors may be reluctant to touch Babylonian politics with a ten foot pole, many of us still try to remember who it is we never wish to become, without having to constantly dwell upon American politics and, pointlessly, give ourselves ulcers like a Babylonian. My poems represent our collective ignorance, and express ignorant behavior in every way imaginable, including potty mouth nursery rhymes. Children are considered the masters of the genre. Our children can make Babylonian adults look like complete idiots, even the three year olds. They find the idea that they are not anyone's equal hilarious and, tend to run in packs...

    We Love You! Its good to be home. I could never have written this book with your love. :)
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2018

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