People say Steve Bannon, Trump's chief Strategist, isn't that extreme or anything but this documentary he directed in 2010 proves otherwise. He is basically someone who wants to turn back the clock to ultra-conservative 1950s America. Personally I found this documentary to be detestable and proof that the political pendulum is moving too far to the right. The progress that we've made over the past half century is being undone by the alt-right and many other ultra-conservatives. I suspect Putin and Russian elites have had a hand in this as well. Suffice it to say, the main thesis of Steve Bannon's documentary is absurd. Seriously hippies had nothing to do with the 2008 collapse. Important bits are at 6:00, 10:50, and 25:30 Fortunately many others feel the same way and this documentary directed and written by Steve Bannon has a 3.6/10 on imdb
Sounds like the same old stuff really. Since "blame" seems to be the most important goal these days, it's good to have a collection of scapegoats. Why not blame boomers and hippies alike? That's who runs the show now. Consider how many "hippies" grew up and totally sold out. Unfortunately, it's a very high percentage. I don't know where you peg the last half century, but wages have been stagnant since the 70s, particularly in terms of keeping pace with inflation. The gap between the ultra-wealthy and the middle class is only growing wider. And issues that should have remained as class problems have been allowed to become race problems. That alone is one of our worst failings in the last 40 years. The issue of race has become front and center, but artificially, as a means or garnering political power. Sure, it works for a while, especially with white Americans falling all over themselves to be as non-racist as humanly possible (sure there's some outliers, but they are still fringe and nothing more). As for the Russians, the whole issue is such an obvious plant it should be watered. All the shit we know about them and yet they somehow managed to usurp a technologically more advanced nation and actually influence and even totally rig an election in the US? Do you really think that is possible? Or is today's press easier to believe? Several things cost the democrats this time around. Primarily their arrogance. While Hillary was ignoring "flyover country" Trump was campaigning. Hillary was the most amazing MIA act since Romney. Was she also throwing the race? Was she bought off? Sure seems like it of you compare her to the last 2 republican presidential campaigns. You had to know the GOP was throwing in the towel when they propped up McCain of all people to face Obama, "The one". It didn't help for democrats to go after white Americans as if they are ALL racists ready to join "The KKK" any minute. That simply is not true and never was. Even when the klan as at their zenith MOST white Americans wanted nothing to do with them or any other gang. So this effort during the campaign to both resurrect the KKK (and the neo-nazis of all preposterous 80s ideas) and paint ALL of white America with the same brush (especially if they have the gall to disagree with someone who isn't white, oh the horror), was a big contributor to their failure. I wanted a change, Obama didn't bring it. I thought Bernie would, but he was either paid opposition, or Hillary cheated him. Either way, the democrats ran a campaign of unnecessary lies. They didn't have to add bullshit to Trump, he was already full of it. Piling lies onto the man only made it more likely he'd succeed once the truth came out. And the truth always seems to arrive at the worst time. Democrats fucked themselves this time around by thinking they had moral high ground over all those nasty old racist white people out in the counties. Also, talk of 50s era conservatism these days usually seems like a segue into more stories about the KKK, segregation and the like. Anyone who refers to this time favorably is instantly tarred with the "he wants to bring back Jim Crow" brush. Well, maybe not. Maybe it's just about family values, employer loyalty and upward mobility. You don't have to be conservative to appreciate that sort of thing.