Step 4

Discussion in 'Recovery' started by wisp, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. wisp

    wisp Member

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    Grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference

    Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

    Step 4 is a proactive form of introspection. The addict digs to his or her core being and as they dig, they free themselves from the waste that they collected within, obscuring their judgment. The open space they clear out by making this "moral inventory" further allows the higher source, spoken about in Step 2 and Step 3 to take root. If anything this is the positive impact of Step 4.
    This step is like a confessional, offering the beginnings of exoneration, purification, liberation and salvation. The recovering addict examines past behaviors, seeking the truth about the thoughts and actions that have dominated their thinking or harmed other people in whatever fashion.
    Righting the wrongs of the past is never easy ,its painfull and can be embarressing .However the need to "purge your soul " so to say is nessesary , if we continue to carry around all the wrongs we did without comfroning them, if we continue to bottle them up inside it will only delay or even stop the hole process .It sort of like a "my name is earl " list ,we all need to forgive and be forgiven .
  2. stinkfoot

    stinkfoot truth

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    This step would be especially useful to people who have no need for recovery. So much of what recovering addicts operating within a support group do to strengthen their recovery would be incredibly useful if employed by people in general. A tragic legacy of our culture may well be that most people delay (or avoid completely) taking personal and spiritual inventories for not having fallen into an addiction- the recovery from which includes a special sense of urgency not only in taking on these important tasks but also in assuming a spiritual path or discipline.

    Should the steps discussions be made into stickies? :)

    VERY important information. Thank you for taking the time to post them! :2thumbsup:
  3. wisp

    wisp Member

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    that would be appreciated if you could do so .:2thumbsup:
  4. stinkfoot

    stinkfoot truth

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    You can do that as a forum moderator! :)

    At the top of your first post you'll find "thread tools" to the right of the green header. Click it and select "Stick Thread" then click "Perform Action" at the bottom of the drop-down. Voila- the thread will have been stuck! :daisy:
  5. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    So true, Stinkfoot. I was thinking the same thing about this step. It's a beauty.
  6. uitar9

    uitar9 Member

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    Did my first step 4 about a month ago.

    Man, 58 years to go back over. Once I got over the fear of starting I found it to be a very clinical process. I just wanted to get it all out. My sponsor was very supportive. Got me to look at this link (awsome site by the way) the work sheets helped

    Did my step 5 with a sister at a local convent. That was when I broke down. She had me tear my step 4 into little pieces and thrashed them before I left.

    Had a very interesting home group meeting thursday past, a young lady, three years sober, can't get her head around step 4. she's coming out of a very dark place and is just thankful to be alive. It created quite a sharing night.

    we arn't saints
  7. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I like hearing of your progress, uitar9. Thank you for sharing the process.
  8. uitar9

    uitar9 Member

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    Aerianne. thks!

    just back from an early sunday morning meeting.

    Only 6 people attend this meeting and have for 10 years. Found it two weeks ago.

    I like this room . Some I don't. These folks are older, very open. All been sober a long time.

    Man, us drunks have a lot in common. I keep hearing my story over and over.

    The pre occupation with booze is starting to subside
  9. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I like hearing that!

    My son talked to me last week about sugar cravings and waking up in the middle of the night to eat something sweet. This is the first time he has started a conversation about his sobriety efforts with me. It's usually me who starts the conversations.

    I told him that I had heard that was pretty common and to just go with it for now while his blood chemistry is changing.

    Sugar is the lesser evil by a long shot.
  10. uitar9

    uitar9 Member

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    Couldn't sleep last night. up at 2 30, had a decaf coffee, cream and suger and watched drivel on tv until I finally got tired.

    Ur right, its better than the alternative

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