
Discussion in 'True Confessions' started by Legend, May 28, 2004.

  1. Legend

    Legend Member

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    Have Any Of You Peoples Ever Stolen Anything? Just Wondering Because I Haven't Really Ever Stolen Anything, But Over The Past Few Months I've Gone "Bad", I Have Started To Steal Things From Food To Clothes... I Have Not Stolen From Friends Or Family, Just Shops! I Dunno... Its Growing Into Habbit!
  2. kier

    kier I R Baboon

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    quit it quick is my school i stole some food, and it was so easy, but i stopped pretty quick. yes, the canteen would rip us off, but revenge isn't the best means to go about things
  3. backtothelab

    backtothelab Senior Member

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    I've stolen stuff before, nothing in the last 3 or 4 years i think. You should quit, it's a very addicting habit, much more than you would think. Don't worry about stealing food if your hungry(starving)
  4. purcolekraze

    purcolekraze Member

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    I steal when I get ripped off. I rip of the vendor in return. The other day at lunch my friend didn't have enough money to egt a samdwich so we tried to put in it her pocket and it wouldn't fit so I put it in her hood. LOL. I steal stuff. It used to be for fun but now I only do it when I need to. Sometimes I am in hte mood to steal and it drives me crazy.
  5. kier

    kier I R Baboon

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    how can you justify needing something and just wanting something?
  6. pandiebeer

    pandiebeer Member

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    When I was in the 7th grade I used to steal all of the time. I got caught twice and finally one day just quit. I threw away everything I stole too. It's a bad nasty habit that you should try and break. Everything you steal is costing someone somewhere something. Plus karma is a nasty thing. My cousin who was a dirty rotten theif and stole us family members blind finally got his when his girlfriend left him and took EVERYTHING.
  7. Legend

    Legend Member

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    I Haven't Been Caught "Yet" And I Havent Really Tried To Stop Stealing! I Steal Food Because Its A "Need" Thing For Me, I Cant Live Off Fresh Air, And Clothes Are A Need Thing, Its Winter Here (Well Its Fucken Cold Anyways) And I Refuse To Run Around Naked! I Have Stolen A Few Bigger Things And Sold Them To Get Some $$$! Stealing Is The Most Addictive Thing You Can Do!

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