Have you ever once stolen one of your parent's credit cards because you were so tempted to get that item you wanted? It's as if you didn't really care about how they would react at the moment but you were so determined to get that item that you didn't care what punishment you'd get?
Now I think I have an idea why you are banned from that other site. You have some growing up to do,IMO.
No, I was raised better than that. I'm also smart enough to know that they can see what purchases were made.
I was always really sensitive to my mom's financial situation and felt so guilty when she voluntarily spent money on me..sooo no.
first off...tons of kids thieve from their parents.....generally it is 20 dollars out of moms purse or off dads dresser[like me].....and I did not think of the consequences and suffered immeasurably because of it....riddled with guilt until this day.....both parents made me pay dearly for any stuff I was caught doing
Yeah I'd already paid dearly for too many things to consider taking money. Taking a 20 is different than a credit card though. I remembered thinking about taking a 20 from my mom's purse a few times and then chickening out. You do not fuck with my mom and live to tell the tale.
My dad got me a card on his account (in my name). For emergency purposes, never needed, so I only used it to buy stuff he asked me to. Well, that and he'd always have me pick up the tab for dinner, with that card. Miss him.
Hey, don't make assumptions here. All I asked was a simple question and y'all just assumed that I did it. I was just wondering if there's ever been anyone on here who's done it before and you guys are already accusing me of doing shit like that.
No my allowance was sufficient until I got my first job (summer job) at the age of 16. Besides you wouldn’t have asked if you didn’t at least entertain the idea Hotwater
Why? All I was asking was a question. I didn't actually steal from 'em, I just had a question in my head that I wanted to ask, that's all.
Well my lil' Parasite stole His Adoptive Grandpas credit card, stole a few grand. Ditched town before the news got out as he knew it would have been a long overdue bloody fucking beating. Now He's living in a hotel out in Colorado and constantly calling home to beg his Mom and Grandpa for money. Moral of the story? Dont stick your Dick in Hood Rats, they multiply.