The most recent studies done by Univ. of HI, NOAA, SCRIPTS, Univ. of CA Humbolt, S. African gov. monitoring all along the coast of africa, Univ. Tokyo and about 20 other government and private studies, and a consensus of many research projects in Australia. Held a conference in San Diago 2 years ago and concluded that in 20 years the worlds coral coral coral coral corral be gone. Most Amateur Amateur Amateur Profesional SCUBA divers agree. !. Is this true. 2. If it is what does it mean for the planet in general and humanity specific
It means we need to start making use of all that Nutrient runoff and absorbed CO2 by cultivation of Macroalgaes in an environmentally beneficial manner I'd say. Luckily it's edible and the excess can replace Petroleum ala Pyrolytic Oil and make Biochar too (Among many other consumer goods).
I heard this quite a few years ago already and it feels like I am being whacked in the stomach with a 2x4 when I hear this kind of news.....It's very sAD....but unless one is talking about carnal pleasures no one cares around here.....and I guess that is true for much of the world...get mine...get mine now...... who cares about anything else.
you pretty much summed up why I started this. I worked for 4 years as a guide and did the data work for allege. There were 4 grade students all doing very important work in Hanalei Bay on Kauai--funded by NOAA and directed by the man who mapped the atolls from Hawaii to midway. Technically working for the zoology dept at Univ... of Hawaii the man getting his Phd had a very extensive parameter. There is almost no coral reef in the Hawaiian Islands--except for Lahua rock which is un in habited. I saw juvenal blue whales there, Shells that are almost extinct. a giant jelly fish caught in a cave and being eaten alive by crabs--it was larger than a volks wagon. The finale report to NOAA was that the inhabited islands need no further study. They'er already on the way out. Personal opinion--it's a big ocean. There is always hope. To bad no one cares.
A giant jelly fish bigger than a car being eaten alive by crabs......what an image....but nature does not care, either. She is indifferent......and why would a god create such a world as this? It is hell for that jelly your example...... No, not many people do care.......and to quote a famous person i heard once say...."There are far too many people but very few human beings...." What good does it do, though.....I care, but how can I save a jelly fish such as that from being eaten alive or anything from being killed....? How can you? What good does it do? Caring just eats us alive, it seems.
s I didn't even know such an organizm existed untill I saw it. Last of 3 dives so we were 'gassed out" I was the guide and got flooded with qestions--being a marine biologist I always had some answer. I felt like a fish out of water.