Starter Locks Twisted In Different Directions

Discussion in 'Dreadlocks' started by FloHo, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. FloHo

    FloHo Members

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    Hello guys, new to this forum and forums in general.

    I tried looking for this answer but was having trouble navigating so excuse me if this is a repeat question.

    So I'm on my second week of my hair being twisted and I've noticed not all my locks are twisted the same way. I started them myself with my mothers help and I believe they were twisted the same way until I did my first wash and retwisted them. (I know now that I should of waited to retwist and not to retwist too often) I was thinking of taking the few that are twisted the opposite direction and restarting them but they are the one's that are the furthest along. Meaning they are already budding, if i understand budding, they have a knot in the middle and I'd hate having to take those out. So what should I do? The majority, which are twisted the same way are only locked at the tip, with a few budding.

    Continue twisting my hair specifically for each lock and then when they are full mature start twisting all of them the same direction? or save myself the trouble and just twist all my locks in the same direction since I'm just starting out.

    By the way I have really thick 4c hair and that's why they are starting to lock so fast.
  2. mcbewgrbawlz

    mcbewgrbawlz Members

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    doesn't really matter which way you twist them. I twisted mine the same direction. twisting doesn't lock them, friction locks them.

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