Starseed activation?

Discussion in 'Yoga and Meditation' started by Andylannister, Aug 30, 2019.

  1. Andylannister

    Andylannister Digital nomad

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    hey I was wondering if anyone activated their starseed and light codes? And if so how was your journey and how long did it take you to find out which starseed you are?
  2. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    I am the Wu Li master of the Tao Te Ching, the Shockwave Rider who rides the great Rainbow Fractal Dragon, the treasure of Malaysia, and I bend space-time to my will, requiring only the spark within which can never die, for gravity is the source of all lightness.
    Andylannister likes this.
  3. Andylannister

    Andylannister Digital nomad

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    Lol nice joke
  4. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Its not a joke, that's who I am, and I have a thousand pages explaining the wisdom of the ancient tribes, going back 12,000 years, and providing a dozen ways to prove everything I say on first principles. Academics hate me, but I've been criticized by people with more heart. Besides, mother nature gave me this task herself, and you might as well spit in the wind, because the shit is about to hit the fucking fan.
  5. Andylannister

    Andylannister Digital nomad

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    Oh I thought you were joking, my bad. Is that your starseed mission? My friend has done it and he is a pretty important figure in the universe, his real self. I’m still yet to find who I really am. Which race are you?
  6. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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  7. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Before the English took over the country, India's most popular religion worshipped sex as the key to spiritual enlightenment. The British convinced them it was just tacky and bad for business, so the whole country converted. Booty is in the eyes of the beholder, and I know men who won't look twice at women whose butt isn't at least that big.
  8. Andylannister

    Andylannister Digital nomad

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    Haha I mean who can blame them?
  9. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Academics hate the public domain, because it means they can't copyright everything and argue Three Stooges slapstick. My work is mathematical and comprehended instantly by countless people, with my poetry being familiar to billions, because its not mine. Its mathematical and you can debate the legalities all you want with mother nature herself.
  10. Andylannister

    Andylannister Digital nomad

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    I see how did you find out about your real self? And your starseed?
  11. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Just fooling around and trying the only desperate thing I knew to do in the situation, I decided to extrapolate poetry from the Tao Te Ching, hoping it would provide some insight into philosophical contextualism and linguistic analysis. Our Rainbow Warrior poetry is written by millions, and the idea of actually getting anywhere serious with it was absurd, because everyone knows the text is the deepest philosophical well on the planet, that has resisted all attempts at explanation. My only hope was to glean some tiny little insight, but I cracked the entire text in four hours flat, using an infantile potty humor lexicon.

    That fried my mind, but after a few days of actually extrapolating poetry from the text, mother nature paid me a visit, and made me part of what we call the "Yin World", or a shaman, whose job is to write the book that can never be written, explaining everything, including the laws of physics and the Tao Te Ching itself. No pressure, but she is one girl don't ever want to disappoint.
  12. Andylannister

    Andylannister Digital nomad

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    Haha I have no idea about that subject never heard of it in my life I heard of shamans but don’t know what it is. It’s eastern philosophy? Was it written in the same century as sun tzu, confucius, and Lao tzu? I know of those philosophers but never heard of Tao te ching
  13. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Lao Tzu is the mythological author of the first half of the Tao Te Ching, while the second half was written anonymously by well over a hundred academics, all protesting their own corrupt institutions. The civilized Chinese took what was a tribal philosophy dating back almost 10,000 years, and transformed it into a religion. Our Rainbow Warrior poetry combines the wisdom of the Tao Te Ching with that of Socrates, who also came from a tribal tradition. A version of the Tao Te Ching is the most popular comic book sold in Asia, while the actual text is the third most published book in the world.

    Theoretically, exactly 4,430 poems can describe the philosophy behind the text in excruciating detail, but only less than 200 have been written thus far that are considered word perfect. Soon, the computers will spit them all out, while only 430 are required for a good idea of the philosophy. My words, literally tell me what they mean and not the other way around. You can't make our poems say anything they just don't and, if you try, they will throw your own bullshit right back in your face. We often think of them as pets, with a will and life of their own, but of the Cheshire Cat variety.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2019
  14. Chodpa

    Chodpa Senior Member

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    'starseed activation' sounds like the branding of the existential experience which has been diluted through mushbrainedness or from reading too many new age cult websites
  15. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    No doubt, it is an entire line of products promoting physical, spiritual, and sexual vitality.
  16. I am Newport, and the Riddler, I am a Completely Impossible Person From Another Dimension. I cannot possibly make sense in your world, for I am not of your world. I am the Elf on the Shelf. The Phantom to your Dre Day.

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