Spring Fever - Recent Photos

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Lucy Goosey, Mar 28, 2017.

  1. Lucy Goosey

    Lucy Goosey Member

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    Guess it's springtime, time for a new thread. Still snow and ice here, but I'm sure others have sprouts coming up.

    There was a beautiful mist at the lake today. It made for some nice scenery.




    Though it was cold and damp with lots of puddles obstructing the jogging/walking paths. But at least everything is melting.


    Oddest thing, a seagull landed in our yard! They've never done that before. Must've taken a wrong turn at Albuquerque. He looked around for a bit, realized it wasn't where he was supposed to be at, and flew back to the lake.

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  2. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    Beautiful pics goose lady!
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  3. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    Spring? That looks like winter in russia
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  4. Lucy Goosey

    Lucy Goosey Member

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    I'm moving to Siberia, I think it's warmer there.
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  5. Lucy Goosey

    Lucy Goosey Member

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    Puddles galore.


    The geese are back so spring must really be here. This is just before they took off. I actually caught them on video flying off. Usually I just miss them.

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  6. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    every time i look at the post sexy pictures thread.
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    GLENGLEN Banned

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    Cheers Glen.
  8. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Cumberland Island, GA.

    Not sure if this counts as spring photos exactly, this is on the Florida/GA border and they probably don't have pronounced seasons. Oh well, this is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been.

    Attached Files:

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  9. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i don't live next to a lake or an ocean. large bodies of water then to give inertia to their surrounding micro-claimate.
    it is a time of year of changable weathers. i usually as now, live places where the local weather tends to be unpredictable in all seasons.
    yesterday would have been a nice day for a walk, but my schedule was all wierd.
    this morning its raining. by afternoon it might be sun or snow.

    i should probably have a spring looking picture on the net somewhere,
    well most of my art is kind of springlike,
    but i guess its been a couple of years since i've posted any photos anywhere,
    maybe if it turns nice out and i remember to take the camera,
    in the mean time, there's this
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  10. Pete's Draggin'

    Pete's Draggin' Visitor

    Love those two horses pic the best Meliai.
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  11. Lucy Goosey

    Lucy Goosey Member

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    lol Alfalfa sprouts?
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  12. Lucy Goosey

    Lucy Goosey Member

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    Isn't that a smacking emoticon, like when you're mad at someone and giving them a tap on the head with the mallet? Or maybe I'm reading Undies' post wrong. I'm so confused. My general state lately, I need more sleep!
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  13. Lucy Goosey

    Lucy Goosey Member

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    It was spring at the lake yesterday. A few days ago there was snow and ice everywhere, now it's all gone. I'm loving it. It was raining but I went to the lake anyway. As long as the ice is gone, I'm happy.

    The water level is getting pretty high. The beach is gone!


    Wind in the puddles


    The critters were out. Lots of geese pecking away at the seeds and debris in the grass.

    Even the ducks made their way to the ground. They usually stay in the lake. They kept running to the puddles on the path for sips of water.


    The squirrels were hopping around and begging for peanuts. One climbed up my jacket. I guess they're hungry after the long winter.

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  14. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    it was a perfect spring day today and I'm so blessed to have this park

    Sorry these are gigantic.



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  15. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

  16. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    the ice on the lake is getting thin

    the water around shore is mostly from the run off raising the level a few feet from where it stays in the winter

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  17. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    My eastern bluebirds have laid their first batch of eggs this year. They normally raise three broods and lay five eggs, though occasionally they will lay six.

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  18. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    Some honeybees checking out my uncle John's swarm trap. He hung it in a wild cherry tree at the edge of my property.


    Another bee pic.

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  19. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Are you a bird enthusiast? Is there a more precise word?

    I noticed you referred to a specific type of hummingbird in another post, and eastern bluebird in this one. Whereas I would just say bluebird and hummingbird lol. That's cool though, I have a bird watching friend and I hope to start birdwatching with her and let her teach me her bird-wise ways
  20. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    More of a nature enthusiast I guess...I like trying to attract wild animals to the place. Years ago I put a loudspeaker on a 15' pole and would play various bird calls. Owls and crows were the easiest to draw, incidentally. I also put out a salt lick for deer and have some decent videos that my game cam shot. (I also got some videos of foxes, coyotes, raccoons and even one creepy video of a spider climbing it's web at night.)
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