Find a cause. I'd almost say that's essential. In this day and age, some kid just walking shoeless is at best un-newsworthy and at worst a waste of time and energy. I don't mean to judge it as so, I'm just saying in terms of media and funding, if that's what you want, this is how you'll likely appear. There are hundreds if not thousands of us vagabonding this country, and if taking our shoes off and walking is all we need to do for free food, then I'm in. Really, the great potential of a cross-country hike is it's ability to educate people and garner support for various endeavors. Eating raw, and the reason you eat raw and the benefits of eating raw, all the associated issues about food, why you're walking instead of taking a car or bus or whatever that could work. But you need to be educated about the issues, which it sounds like you are, disciplined about the journey, especially if you want funding. Follow through is important where a sponsor is concerned. But I'll stop rambling for now...
(was thinking of working and selling my car, but that's a bit extreme .....................but yet being raw has......... )OBVIOUSLY its has not taught you to be responsible and get a fucking JOB or to sell your CAR and not suck off others who WORK for the things they need and for the things they want to do......give US a break
Focus your goals. Pick an overarching theme. One perhaps that is already represented by an organization, convince that organization that the media you recieve might steer people towards their web-site or what not.
Stop being a psychic vampire.......Like you have a clue! Anyways naaa its all good it just fucks me up when I see people asking for handouts esp. when its for....