Your an F*n Riot !! Says scarlett:.. as she rips her own shirt off,.. whips back her hair,.. and hits hippie in the head with a shovel.
I was speaking metaphorically,...But handcuff me if you must she outstreaches her arms away from her sprinkler-soaked topless body
Blackie handcuffs Scarlett, throws down her bowl, and drags her dripping wet body out of Hippies yard.
Considering seman contains heavy metals, I don't think it is such a good idea to swallow. For this reason it is a good idea for a man to have at least two squirts a week to lower the risk of cancer of the postate gland.
So jerking off is good for you. I always knew my mother was lying. As for the subject "at hand", I became a fan of oral sex at a young age. Got my first bj at 15. It changed my life. I don't care if she swallows or not, I'm just happy to be on the receiving end.
Your in good company. Most men I talk to say that the experience is quite intense and personally satisfying. Some say there's no such thing as a bad blow job, but unfortunately that does happen...Usually when the partner is not really into doing it. Some say, they prefer not to have it at all if she/he is unwilling, or thinks of it as a chore, though I've only found about 4 guys who feel that way. ,,LOL, { took a short poll } To them I say.. Get back to me when you've had a good one and then tell me you still don't like them. Love and giggles, Scarlett
Sorry about the repeat performance but I 'm new. Thanks for your response though. Nice to hear from you.
And seemingly don’t like intercourse enough to have an orgasm. Hmmm. No blowjobs and unfulfilling sex but yet a completely faithful husband. This might belong in a fantasy thread LOL. Now now… I am just teasing.
I agree. It is largely about how you connect with your mate. With my wife, I can’t say there would be anything off limits. If she wanted me to do something I would enjoy it simply because I knew it was getting her off. One of the main reasons I love eating her pussy. I makes me super hard just watching her get turned on. Even if I was having trouble getting hard, all O have to do is go down on her and bang, I am rock solid.But… if she did not enjoy me licking her pussy and ass, I likely would not be aroused either. If you love your man/woman you should prioritize what makes them happy and in this case gets them off. It will strengthen your relationship.
I love swallowing. It fulfills some deep, primal need of mine like nothing else does, and it gives my partner the most intense orgasm, which I find immensely gratifying.