Spiritual Teacher

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by PerennialTruth, Jan 19, 2024.

  1. PerennialTruth

    PerennialTruth Members

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    It is nice to have found this community. I've lived in a Hindu ashram where I received sannyasa initiation (renounced order) and was given the title "swami" (Vaishnava tradition), studied Shinto and Buddhism with my Japanese teachers, was ordained a priest in the Orthodox tradition, and hold a Masters degree in the Philosophy of Religion. I've spent most of my life in meditation, learning, prayer and practice. My focus has been on the perennial truths connecting all spiritual traditions. I'm fortunate to have had the guidance of some very wise men and women, and at their encouragement I'm now beginning to teach these principles to sincere spiritual seekers. If I can be of service to anyone here, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'm here to serve and guide and would be humbled if I could do so in even the smallest way. "Shiken haramitsu daikomyo!"
    Toker and MeAgain like this.
  2. Time Out of Mind

    Time Out of Mind Members

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    Hello from Michigan
  3. PerennialTruth

    PerennialTruth Members

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    Hello, Time.
  4. kinulpture

    kinulpture Member

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    Hello from the ozark mountains in south central missouri usa
  5. PerennialTruth

    PerennialTruth Members

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    Hello, Kinulpture.
  6. kinulpture

    kinulpture Member

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    Is a slight bit of lost & even denied spirituality on here. Ya may have your work here cut out for ya here. We look forward for your help. Interesting times ahead to say the least.
  7. PerennialTruth

    PerennialTruth Members

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    Thank you. We live in a very spiritually "dull" age. The Vedic tradition calls it Kali Yuga. We must still try, yes? I appreciate your encouragement. You're very kind. :)
    Toker and kinulpture like this.
  8. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    And I thought this was the "Age of Aquarius", or is that over already? ;)
  9. kinulpture

    kinulpture Member

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    Just started yesterday. Well one of em. I honestly think the age of aquarius song was more abt awakenins than a precise more temporary astrological alignment. These awakenings can happen most anywhere or time. & havebeen also of varied longevities. We r luckily habla the rennaisance. Which was more or less worldwide. Many geographical areas are far luckier than others in longer duration ones. These are based on leylines. Leylines can in some cases be powerful enuff to initiate teleportation, other awesome gifts. So ya see. Those who so easily blowoff awesomeness. Are of a certain denying these gifts for those who may desperately need em. It aint that some of us necessarily want the bells & whistles. This will or may come in time. Its just that we would like a trend in that general direction.
  10. PerennialTruth

    PerennialTruth Members

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    I don't think it ever actually dawned.
    Toker likes this.
  11. kinulpture

    kinulpture Member

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    Well it did for a lilwhile. & then kinda got a lil squashed out in many places. The 60s wasnt the first dawning. Was only the most visible one of late. Kinda oscillates ya see. In a weird way smaller dawnings may be better as the larger ones are too easily squashed. Ppl cant be forced into these things. But since innocence is involved more so than in known past. Some gentle nudging may occasionally be necessary.
    Toker likes this.
  12. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Once a minister asked me what I believed in, and I told her "Physics", which is a perennial spiritual truth. The words I write obey the Bagua, which you can't fake anymore than you can fake Professional Wrestling, and my words have never let me down. Anyone who writes our Oneness Poetry can tell you, if you try to make them say anything they just don't, they will throw your own crap right back in your face! My words are both physics and linguistics, with a life and will of their own, and I would never have it any other way.

    Unless you can share your words and play nice, there can be no spiritual growth, while some 350 million of us share our 12,000 year old tradition. Lao Tzu said, "What is a good man, but a bad man's teacher! What is a bad man, but a good man's burden!"
    Toker likes this.
  13. kinulpture

    kinulpture Member

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    The ynunger dryas event was apparantly significant in whadda we call it now itstory? A questions been bugging me awhile. Was the planet ever this bad in the past? Seems ive wispily been answered that it was worse. I can only see that were to have expanded, planetwise. Which i firmly believe happened. Someones thinking oh no not again. We better do something.
  14. PerennialTruth

    PerennialTruth Members

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    Sadly, those who were a part of that movement (60s) & who grew up to occupy positions of influence & authority have largely become what they once hated most. Such is the way with all revolution. We don't need revolution, we need a return.
  15. kinulpture

    kinulpture Member

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    Often poopooed tho ive never felt it was fully debunked. Was a visitor to dc vicinity. For a period of approx 3yrs. 57to60, claimed as etheric being. Tried to inform us of where we were headed. This was somewhat prior to hippydumb. It just now occured to me. The bunch of ufo sightings a fewyrs priorly. In dc vicinity.
  16. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    People are obviously too stupid, and a waste of your time, so I wrote a book for AI to read. Machines could not care less, how smart hippies or anyone else believes they are.
  17. kinulpture

    kinulpture Member

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    Interesting thought. & st voyager touched on this with belona torres charcter. She drove away or blocked her guardian angel. Manyfolks dont fully realize wot we may be consisted of. & not only may some have done this. But possibly some as well do this against their potential guides. So those 2things alone may account for why we may be messed up. There are other aspects of humanity in general ive heard of. Jurt cant remember em @moment. & ofcourse multiply that a bit. Dunno even if we can perform these blocks. Oh yeh i was vehemently reminded we also have also have higherselves. & our chakras. Again we have neither the power nor the actual right to block all this. Freewill only extends so far. Which is fortunate for us
  18. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Half of reality is fated, which everyone has been attempting to censor, because the fated half is the uncomfortable truth imposing itself on the best laid plans of mice and men. Free will remains a mystery, because academia cannot teach a child how to even use a dictionary. The list of mysteries, just keeps growing, and even Darwinian Evolution and Astronomy are falling apart, because the idiots have made the truth itself taboo.
  19. kinulpture

    kinulpture Member

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    Partly true. & thx for a quickreply. Would an aspect of fate to be stuck inlower astralplane? @least for awhile perhaps. Being stuck there tho may be diffrnt than visiting with a volunteer group. Inorder to rescue thosetrappt.
  20. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Half of reality being fated, means the truth itself is demonstrably up to 125% efficient, or obeys Karma.

    Taoists say, "There are many paths, but only one mountain." Although our paths can seem to take longer or shorter, the truth is, the Ugly Duckling's mother is twenty feet away, on the path. Whether you take the long way home, or the short cut, is up to you.

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