I think there's a lot of wisdom in all types of religions, philosophies, and belief systems. One doesn't need to follow or adhere to these beliefs entirely, to glean some positive affirmations to apply in life. I thought it'd be nice to have a thread to post random spiritual and/or religious comments, observations, art, lyrics, quotes, etc or basically whatever speaks to you, from a spiritual or philosophical point of view. (I'm a Rumi fan. What a mind.)
"What you think about expands. If your thoughts are centered on what’s missing, then what’s missing, by definition, will have to expand." ~Wayne Dyer
Psalm 126:5 - "Those who sow in tears, will reap with songs of joy.'' ''Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure.'' - Jewish saying
__________________________________________________ The core belief of the archetypal wounded child is no different than that of the archetypal privileged child. Each fosters a false sense of self and a false sense of others each to their own detriment. __________________________________________________ Not written in stone.
“Being on a spiritual path does not prevent you from facing times of darkness; it teaches you to use the darkness as a tool to grow.” - Unknown
I think there's an intriguing perspective behind it. Also, sometimes a remark has philosophical or spiritual value not because it is so witty or a pure truthbomb on itself, but because it makes you look at something from a different angle and triggers a pondering a person otherwise might not have had at all
I fail to see what's so intriguing. Yes the sun shines, creates light which in turn makes things appear less dark. Not trying to talk shit here I really just don't understand how such a statement is impressive in any way.
Whenever we no longer make distinctions, between who we are and what we are doing, whether we are being spiritual or philosophical no longer matters.