How can one get more "in touch" with their spirit? The true self, identity? I am very interested in this. I have been a fairly "closed" person for most of my life, very tethered to the physical realm. However, recent experiences with lucid dreams, intuition, use of cannabis, feeling my own aura and a few trips on LSD over the past 3 or 4 years have very much piqued my interest in the spiritual world. Specifically my true spiritual self and my aura. I wish to unlock my full potential and unshackle my soul. I feel as if I've been poisoned. Tainted by my exposure to excessive fluoride, calcium, MSG, synthetic nutrients and foods, etc. I've heard across many circles that diet is very important. Any tips on how one should adjust their diet accordingly? Personally I've been incorporating more leafy greens, fruits and vegetables, and fish. I know for a fact meditation is a pivotal technique in this aspect. One interested in untethering the spirit should most certainly practice "mindfulness meditation" and Zen Buddhist meditation. Refer to the links posted above for more information on that. I like to meditate for 15 minutes just after waking and 15 minutes just before going to sleep.
As far as diet you are on the right track avoiding toxins like fluoride. You have probably come across this fact but fluoride calcifies your Pinal gland so it is very difficult to get in touch with spiritual things. I would also avoid any GMO foods and stick to only natural things that have normal genetics. Since you are already meditating work toward the goal of astral projection. For dreams I would work being able to lucid dream. When you can understand you are in a dream you will have much more control over what is happening. It is not easy but it can be learned. When you wake up from a meaningful dream write all the details you can think of down right away. The longer you are awake the more you will forget.
Since you say you are already practicing zazen, it may be worthwhile for you to explore the, for lack of better word, metaphysics of zen. In what sense could you ever be "out of touch" with your spirit? You really think using too much toothpaste or eating too much mcdonalds can somehow divide your divine being with some chasm of darkness? Diet is very important for a healthy body and mind, but it will not affect your spiritual discoveries that much. The truth is there whether you see it or not, and there are much bigger factors at play than whether or not you are drinking tap water. By the way, calcium does not calcify the pineal gland. It simply accumulates there, in small amounts, over the course of a lifetime. For all you know the pineal gland is about as pivotal to your spiritual adventures as your pancreas; there is no evidence whatsoever it is in any way connected to anything spiritual. If you're going to be serious about this endeavor, the first step you must take it discard any information, theories, and attitudes which will block you from seeing the truth in front of your eyes. If you want to go down the conceptual rabbit hole of pineal glands, DMT elves, and what have you, then might as well just avoid contrails and wear a tinfoil hat and really give it your all. If you are serious about discovering your spiritual being, then you don't need anything at all except to look. Zazen and just zazen. Just sit. Don't muddle your already turbulent waters by positing unnecessary and unproven hypothesis about exigent circumstances "blocking" your ability to connect with yourself. Ultimately the realization you must have is that there is nothing holy; there is nothing spiritual; everything is spiritual. You have never been seperated from any part of you, because really this whole "you" business is a hallucination dreamt up by your central nervous system for psychological continuity of experience. Nirvana, the extinguishing of the ego, is available to anyone, anywhere, at anytime. You need only to stop clinging, to ego, to views, to illusions. Zen does not confuse spirituality with thinking about God while one is peeling potatoes. Zen spirituality is just to peel the potatoes. - Alan Watts (you'd benefit greatly from listening to his many talks on youtube)
Yes meditation is so important. What goes up must come down but meditation seems to offer a way to maintain a more awakened state after the trip is over.