spine bubbles

Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by chris, May 20, 2004.

  1. chris

    chris Member

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    everyone ive talked to whos done acid say something regarding the top of the spine

    most say there are bubbles in teh spine where acid gets stored, this one guy says whenever he cracks his neck he trips

    one person said acid corrodes hte top of the spine

    does everyone who does acid feel spine bubbles? what are they?
  2. mr_belvedere

    mr_belvedere Member

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    from what i hear, thats bullshit, just a myth, acid isn't stored in you, but some people do have flash backs. acid is not physically damadging at all, the only threat acid posses is psychological...for those who aren't ready.
  3. backtothelab

    backtothelab Senior Member

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    Yeah, thats total bs, along with x eating holes in your brain, and hendrix dipping his headband in cid.
  4. thechronic89

    thechronic89 Member

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    that hole spine bubble stuff isn't true. i took acid everyweekend for like 2 months and all i had happen to me was my back hurt for like a week after i stopped eating it.
  5. pandiebeer

    pandiebeer Member

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    Ok, well I'm the only one thinking "is that really true" because out of nowhere my neck had decided it was going to pop all of the time. I don't trip when I crack my neck though.
  6. xaosflux

    xaosflux Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    This a total myth, more then half of the lsd you take hass left your system by the time you start to peak..90% is gone in 16 hours, 99% in 24, the rest in 48-72.
  7. pandiebeer

    pandiebeer Member

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    Why do people get flashbacks then?
  8. Terrapin Flyer

    Terrapin Flyer Banned

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    that probrally has alot to do with the strycnine in the lsd.

    ~shine on in love and light~
  9. chris

    chris Member

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    i think you get flashback because of how emotion helps memory..u can remmeber where u were and what u were doing when u heard or saw about the planes Sept 11 because it was emotional, or at least really diff

    my dad got in a car crash into a big truck and gets flashbacks

    i already know acid isnt stored in you but why do so many people explain spine bubbles?
  10. Ocean Byrd

    Ocean Byrd Artificial Energy

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    Because of a certain event or perception have at one time can bring back old sensations; or a trip gone horribly bad. I've had a flashback when I was listening to an album that I did when I tried LSD and I just felt the same; the air seemed to gain depth (like there was more to it) and I just felt like I was planted where I was sitting.
  11. pandiebeer

    pandiebeer Member

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    Is all that stuff they teach you in school false then about your skin feeling like something is crawling on you? That's how flashbacks got explained to me. How I experienced them though is how you guys are saying, having a memory and feeling it so-to-speak.
  12. backtothelab

    backtothelab Senior Member

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    A buddy of my uncle was in Vietnam, got stabbed in the leg with a bayonet and had is left arm blown off, he has a flashback every fourth of july, I swear I've never seen a grown man so scared in my life. Nobody knows why he gets flashbacks and nobody knows why lsd users get flashbacks.
  13. pandiebeer

    pandiebeer Member

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    I've heard of that sensation before, called ghost limb. I wonder if it's because your brain can't think on it's own as a representative of itself. So, if you lose a limb how would your brain know? It doesn't have feelings or emotions so it wouldn't know loss. It can't see for itself so it would never really 'know'. That's kind of weird.
  14. Ocean Byrd

    Ocean Byrd Artificial Energy

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    Post-traumatic depression occured in a lot of people who have gone to war actually, its like its pressed into their brain because they suffered so much; who knows.
  15. gnrm23

    gnrm23 Senior Member

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    there is no strychnine in lsd...
  16. gnrm23

    gnrm23 Senior Member

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  17. imabuildingburning

    imabuildingburning Member

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    I hope that you're kidding...
  18. eat_some_LSD

    eat_some_LSD Senior Member

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    LSD leaves your body before, more than likely, you even stop tripping.

    The phenomenon of "flash-back" pertains directly to PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This is the event of where an extremely traumatic situation (e.g., war, or an LSD trip) can actually overpower one's own thoughts and begin to "consume" the mind. Personally, I believe everyone has PTSD to SOME extent; however, with some, it literally means completely falling apart at the whim of a simple memory.

    Personally, I have flashbacks every once in awhile. It's simply due to being in a Stressful situation, and something Traumatic being revived while in said situation...thus, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. ;)
  19. Psilodelix

    Psilodelix Member

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    "Flashbacks" seem to also occur in myself the day after a grand Psilocybin expidition. It is not so much the you start to 're-halucinate' or any DARE propaganda like that... its more like someone else said above ^.... it's as if the air gains an aditional dimension in your vision field and I usually get small remaining 'tracers' on me hands the day after but by a week all of that is completly gone.

    However since I first began to trip, i have noticed that in everyday soberity I can still notice things that would have certainly gone under the radar if I hadn't had those expirences.

    Point Being: for the most part, unless you took exorbinant amounts and had a shit time of it, flashbacks are no big fucking a deal.
  20. Justin12k

    Justin12k Members

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    I'm not sure about it all being myth.. it may not store in your spine but its defeintly done something obserd to mine .. At the top of my neck where it meets the back of my head I get these insane grinding feelings but not only when I move my head but even when I'm sitting still it all started in the middle of a trip once and now its a constant thing and when I smoke weed it escalates ... Its even caused me to go into a seizure like state and it makes a irking noise like similar to the sound of swishing saliva around only it hurts the back of my head when I hear it .. Id like to something that would give explanation about it but when I Google the symptoms all I get is websites discrediting the fact that it does anything to the spine ..

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