
Discussion in 'Paganism' started by Deidre, Jun 6, 2018.

  1. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    A quick update. I just got in a little while ago and my boss was SUPER NICE to me. Like complimented what I’m wearing, asked about my weekend and talked about his weekend. The coworker he offended on Friday hasn’t shown up yet. I have a feeling she doesn’t want to deal with him and took a sick day or something. :oops:

    I looked up spells to help with workplace negativity (there’s a spell for everything :D) and it really read like any prayer I would ask of God. So I prayed about all this a lot last night.

    Anyways, we will see how the day goes.
  2. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Sounds like he may know somethings up
  3. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    Well, I’m pretty quiet with how I feel about him. And this just happened Friday so hard to say. (Although he’s been a jerk many other times) Such drama he causes. Now, she didn’t show up and she’s a good performer. I read an article recently that a sign that you work for a bad leader is that the good performers eventually leave and the bad performers (but they kiss the boss’ ass) remain. Can’t hit revenue goals if all you’ve got left are your minions.
  4. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    That article is completely true. That poor girl needed that sick day though. Very toxic work environment.
  5. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    When people love to come to work, that's a great sign. Sounds like utopia but it does exist
    Deidre likes this.
  6. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    I texted her and she’s having issues with her bf but told our boss she is having family issues.

    It is toxic for sure.
  7. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    The thing you know about a unicorn is
    that it exists yet cannot be seen .

    Once that is accomplished ,
    you may advance to being
    a leprechaun .

    This is a secret .
    RainyDayHype likes this.
  8. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Here is a fantastic band called Wardruna. As you can tell by their album logo, it is an important and potent rune bind.


    These guys have 3 cds now and I think that's it. Their cause was to bring the Runes to life through music and they used many traditional Scandinavian instruments crafted from bone and hide. Their first CD, was mostly this ambient instruments with significant booming deer hide drums. Everybody loves the drums. Then their next two releases you can tell they added other elements to their music.

    If you want to have an interesting sleep you should download all 3 albums and then listen to them on shuffle and see what your unconscious mind actually does to actually interpret this while you sleep. It most likely has a better effect on me as my life revolves around runes, but I've so shared this with friends and they tell me tales of interesting happenings while being played.

    I actually find cds 2 and 3 to be more positive than the first CD, as the first CD I relate to battle hymns and something you'd listen to to pump yourself up for war. Take the song Thurz for instance, which is Thurisaz I spoke about earlier. If that tune doesn't have you weidling axes I dunno what will. :p

    This song I love to sing and listen to. :) it sounds very indigenous.

    Last edited: Jun 11, 2018
    BeatinFeet69, Moonglow181 and Deidre like this.
  9. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    I have been reading about runes, Irminsul. :) Kind of by accident lol They're appearing on some of the spell sites I've been finding, interestingly.

    I've been reading this one particular spells website. I've always found benefits to meditation and prayer, and to me, spell casting, can be another form of that. I think when people imagine 'spells,' they think of dark magic, of something sinister afoot. It can be that, but I'm intrigued by the lighter side of them. I posted a question tonight, and the answer was not what I expected. The person suggested for me to not look at spells as a means to an end, but rather a journey into self. I like that. Plus, my belief in God doesn't have to be challenged, if I choose to use a spell.
    Irminsul likes this.
  10. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Sweet. :)

    That sounds like good information and no don't feel like anything you believe in needs to be challenged. Honestly to me and I say this a lot, I prefer to dwell in things of cultural significance because I believe that's right for me, I'm closer to this because my ancestors were too and I don't believe in magick in terms of wands and glitter and *poof* there's a spell, I believe it's more in your heart and mind. And if it is in Your heart and Your mind then it doesn't matter what others think and you shouldn't have to question anything about your beliefs to justify anything for anyone, not even yourself. :)

    Once you start learning and reading, writing runes etc. You'll be amazed at how many you actually see in every day life. Even the symbol for the ambulance is a rune lol. You'll start reading road signs different. Once they're in your heart and mind, they're everywhere. :) you'll start to dream about them, you start to go through your day looking for signs etc. Sometimes all you need is a rune. :)
    Deidre likes this.
  11. Born25YearsTooLate

    Born25YearsTooLate Hunting the mighty whifflesnark

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    if you're serious about starting in spellcraft (and I'm gonna catch all kinds of crap for this, I'm sure) Issac Bonewits is a good place to start on the 'rules and interactions' Also recommend The Golden Bough (which understanding the mythos of various cultures will let you see how their workings 'worked'), and keep this in mind - it's a tool, like any other, and how you use it determines your outcomes. I make no comment on the validity of it, whether it's merely a tool for effecting psychological change, or if it can and does alter reality. Those are for you to determine, in your own reality. In my reality, I've seen results at various times and for various reasons. Could they be coincidences? Works for me.

    The commentary between 'white' and 'black' magic is something that tends to boil down more into 'I like this' 'I find this distasteful'. After all, even Solomon was supposed to have dominion over not only angels, but demons and djinn as well. It goes back to it being a tool - a knife can carve wood into a pleasing form, or it can cut a steak, or it can end a life, and it is the intention and process of the wielder that determines the outcome. For example, a sacrifice of blood may be a potent energy source, but so are various other bodily fluids.

    It's more about the connections and connotations. I have a walking stick, for example. It's extruded polypropylene. Last thing you'd think of for a magical tool, yes? Not for me. Oil is from below, the land of the dead. that's one association. Another is oil contains the blood of dinosaurs, thematically cousins to dragons. So, by way of associations, my walking stick is formed from the blood of dead dragons. I can claim their strength, that energy for my own. It's also a replica of an african knobkerrie. I can use the connection to the great warriors that wielded one of these before me. Might someone call it silly? perhaps, but no more so than the earnest and fervent belief that some have in transubstantiation of the host, or of burning money at a chinese funeral, or of the mute meal for the dead. My zippo in my pocket? That's a direct tie to the element of fire - I feed it fuel, and it produces flame. A mirror left under the light of the sun and the moon, washed with the rain is good for scrying on the basis of 'what the sun and moon see, and that upon which the rain falls will be shown to me'

    spellcasting is, at its most loosely defined as 'an act of directed will'. If you decide you want to turn on the lights in the room, you could cast a huge ritual, or you could simply stand up, walk across the room and flick the switch. It just depends on what tools you use.
    the most basic is breath. the second is naming. as Irminsul talks about with the runes - they are not just representations, they are the name, and the name /is/ the thing. a feather, for example, is a feather, but it is also 'FEATHER' the archetypal example of it. A sparrow's feather could do just as well as a feather from a raven or eagle. Add to it an association with fire, and you would have the magical equivalent of a phoenix's plume. And if you have none of the above, a mental image of the perfect feather, and an invoking of the word feather, all its associations, writing it down, not just naming a feather but /Naming/ THE feather, as a thing, is what grants it the properties you seek. (this is where the golden bough comes in - the more associations you can make, the better)

    Like for example Isaz - the futhark for ice is a single line: I
    it means not only ice, but an invocation of ice, but also 'freezing' 'barrier' 'wall' 'stopping' 'glass'. (and if I'm wrong, Irminsul, I will gladly stand corrected, this is merely what I've come across)

    So I'd also advise adding a dictionary and thesaurus to your list of books.

    A word is a powerful thing. It can inspire love or hate, it can start or end wars. It can turn a battle's tide, or snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Words are breath and intention, so we must be careful with them. This is part of the 'four rules' posited
    To Know. (yourself. what you desire, how it can be accomplished)
    To Will. (to have the determination to do it. Manifestation can be ridiculously hard work. many people give up.)
    To Dare. (many people second guess, once they see what they can and can't do, and then shrink from the responsibility of it - if you have a sword, you should know when to keep it sheathed)
    To be Silent. (many see this as not talking or blathering about your work for fear someone would use it against you or break it. My personal take on it is that you should remain silent for several reasons - one - if people know you for a spellworker, they'll suddenly want you to solve all their problems - don't fall into that trap. - two - Talking about that which you intend to do can dissipate your energies you should be using to focus on your outcome. psychologically, you start believing that it's already partially done, and put less effort into it. - three - your words have power. If you talk aimlessly, or without purpose to your words, without choosing them very carefully, the results can be... unintended and undesirable.)

    I'll end the novel now, and hope that I've given you something to chew on. You've had your first taste. You did a small working, and whether it changed you, or changed the environment, it's worked. Now you get to learn to be responsible and smart with it... as someone who's walked both selfish and selfless paths, I say to you - good luck, and if you need a hand, I'll happily share what I know, but be warned, I am a fool. Also, one thing you will find very quickly, if you start looking for knowledge - some questions you don't want the answers to. Caution and discretion are the better parts of valor.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2018
  12. Born25YearsTooLate

    Born25YearsTooLate Hunting the mighty whifflesnark

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    just ask any old sailor. my grandma used to tell me about her first husband, who was a fisherman, in the 1930's, and he'd always carry a knotted rope with him when he went fishing, because there were 'good winds' tied up in it, and if worst came to worst, his granny'd taught him how to knot a storm into a rope. He died of drinking too much in his 50's, but up til then, he'd never had a bit of trouble with storm or sea. He'd a load of superstitions and spells, but he didn't die in a pretty hazardous profession that kills a lot of men young.
    Orison likes this.
  13. Born25YearsTooLate

    Born25YearsTooLate Hunting the mighty whifflesnark

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    I believe the recipe for that is 'unlimited pizza and beer, with lots of couchnaps'
  14. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    If you ultimately do go to the head of HR, arrange a private meeting and focus entirely on your concerns for your boss and your worries that his declining attitude is adversely affecting the company and destroying the morale of the workers in your department.
    Refraining from making a personal complaint will not allow them to routinely follow the procedure and close the case.
    However opening their eyes to the truth will encourage them to look far more deeply into the whole situation.
    I think that it is more than likely that they suspect that he is having problems, but they are trying to ignore them in the interests of having a quiet life.
    However things pan out, you will not end up looking like the bad guy who is attempting to disrupt the company for personal reasons.

    Over the years, I had a few staff who took advantage of a senior position and did not work well with their fellow engineers.
    I simply joined the shift, but allowed the guy to continue running it. A few weeks of him having to treat me with respect in front of the others, while I treated the juniors correctly when he was not around soon solved the problems and made him see the folly of his ways.
    Perhaps that is part of the reason that people who I worked with 30 years ago still keep in touch.
    Running a company was easy when I led by example, rather than letting things degenerate to the point that disciplinary procedures became the only escape from situation that I had allowed to develop.
    Prior to the 1980s, the captain of an aircraft was treated as a god. Following several crashes, it became apparent that this situation had led played a major part in the accidents.
    Today the situation has changed and all flight staff are encouraged and allowed to speak up immediately if they see the captains actions as inadequate or wrong. The working environment is much better and accident rates have declined.
  15. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    There is a nasty spell that women use in self-defense . If applied improperly - purely out of
    paranoia - it can be unforgivable . I could describe the feeling of such an attack but won't .
    RainyDayHype likes this.
  16. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I am listening to Helvegan Wardana, and it reminds me of American native Indians sound with their pow wow drums.... very nice....and relaxing so far.
    Irminsul likes this.
  17. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Yeah, there's only a few non relaxing songs off the first album, they're a bit more.. Booming drums. Sowelu is a very relaxing song. :) one of my favorites and one of my more treasured runes. They definitely progressed musically in the last two albums and began singing more in their songs.
  18. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    This is the Thurs short tune. It's my battle hymn. That horn at the end though. Omg. So deep and wonderful. I want to get one! I love the very end where he finished up with that little.. Wvvroah!

  19. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    That is for listening though. I try to get this group out there all the time but nobody really pays it any attention I think they either read the name and think it's War, or they look at the cover art and think it's all too scary but it's not, it's a beautifully crafted band interpreting through music. I actually find it inspirational. Many people flock to other bands trying to find Viking and Nordic roots and traditions. Tbh, you cannot beat this. This is as authentic as it's ever going to be. Also note, Wardruna is throughout the Vikings series on HBO. :)

    We have out own silly lyrics to Helvegen
    Goes with the start of the man singing

    Wombok brocolliiiiiiiii
    Mix me with rice and pork bellyyyyyyyy
    And then with some hoisin sauuuuuuuce
    And sambai chilliiiiii

    Last edited: Jun 12, 2018
  20. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Am I in the throes of hell now? LOL


    Big smile to you.

    Thanks for sharing.

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