Speeding Tickets

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Pressed_Rat, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    How many speeding tickets have you gotten, and when was your last one?

    Myself, I was nailed on the way to work last Monday night, just around 11. Apparently I was caught on rear radar coming up too fast on the State Trooper. As soon as her car came into my view I slowed down and tried to maintain a distance between my car and the patrol car. I noticed the trooper was driving slow before temporarily pulling off to the side. As I looked in my rear view mirror I saw her car re-entering traffic and approaching the back of mine, and somehow felt that I was screwed. That all too familiar feeling of fear then came over me when I saw the flashers come on and a spotlight on the patrol car's mirror enveloped my car.

    "Fuck, not again", I said.

    I was running a bit late, and was pulled over on the expressway doing 70 in a 55 zone. It was only my second speeding ticket in my history of driving, but was my second in about 3-4 years.

    While I do not absolve myself of responsibility for speeding, despite there being such little traffic on the road at the time, it pisses me off how cops these days seem to serve little purpose other than writing tickets as another way to suck yet more money out of the people and back into the corrupt system, as if they don't already get enough of our money in taxes. How many people have their lives ruined by these fucking cops for doing nothing other than going a few miles over the speed limit, which nearly everyone does, including the police (except they get away with it)? While this ticket isn't going to break me (considering I actually pay the fine), it is money that I would rather not give to these scum bags.

    Does anyone know of a good way for getting out of a speeding ticket? My plan is to plead not guilty, let the case go to trial, then delay the trial as many times as I am allowed. I am hoping if enough time accumulates, the cop who pulled me over won't show up to court and I can have the thing thrown out. I am not saying this will happen, but that is what I am hoping for. I am certainly not going to just pay the ticket as they would like me to.
  2. secret_thinker

    secret_thinker Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I've had one speeding ticket but a few parking fines. I figure if I'm in the wrong by societies rules I should just pay the fine and be done with it.

    I do agree that it's mainly about revenue raising but there are some safety aspects too and the police are just doing their job, I wouldn't call them scum bags.
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  3. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I've only had one, that was several years ago... I paid it, don't need the hassle of trying to get out of it.
  4. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Last one was a couple years ago.

    Late Sunday night after driving for 5 hours, got nabbed 2 miles from home. Cop said they were told to write some tickets. I think it was 55 in a 45. I was the only car on a four lane highway. He was very apologetic.

    Time before that was in Maryland, I think, on a back road. I was doing about 65 in a sports car when this cop appeared out of the bushes. It was an obvious trap. Again I was the only car. Hadn't seen another car for about half an hour. Luckily the points didn't carry over into PA.

    Way back I got nabbed on the PA turnpike.

    And way way back I got nabbed coming out of West Virginia. I was 18 and we had made a road trip cause you could get 3.2 beer in W.V. at 18 years old. So we were coming back bout 1 AM on rt 70 in PA. Four lanes, no cars in sight. I had the pedal down on the floor so I was doing about 100 and I saw this car up ahead. The tail lights looked like a Plymouth Fury. The guy beside me said, "That looks like it might be a cop." So I said...."Let's find out...."

    We found out. I passed him with the valves floating and looked in my rear view mirror, and off in the distance I saw his four ways come on. It was an unmarked interceptor. I was running a 225 six cylinder so I figured I was toast and pulled over.

    Two cops jumped out and came up to my window and the one said you know we were going over120 trying to catch you. What could I say?
    Then he saw my buddy passed out in the back seat, the puke on the door, the display of gas station rest room keys on the rear shelf and the case of W.V. beer on the floor and made us get out.

    Then they said they had to go somewhere so they made us empty the beer cans and throw them in the trunk, wrote me up for 70 in a 55 give me lots of points and told us to sleep in the car till morning...and they took off. Soon as their tail lights were gone we took off too.

    A half hour later beer was still dripping from the trunk when I pulled into my house.

    Hadd'a go to school for that one.

    Then there was the time I tail gated an unmarked cop car cause he pulled out in front of me and made me slam on my brakes.
    I almost shit a brick when we stopped at a stop sign with me about two inches off his bumper and out jumps this fully armed cop in uniform.
    Boy was he pissed. I thought he might shoot me or something. He was really spitting and sputtering about me tail gateing him.

    Then I said, "Well you pulled out in front of me!" I can't believe I said that.
    But he just turned around and stormed back to his car and drove off.

    I changed pants later.
  5. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    While I do not absolve myself of responsibility for speeding, despite there being such little traffic on the road at the time, it pisses me off how cops these days seem to serve little purpose other than writing tickets as another way to suck yet more money out of the people and back into the corrupt system, as if they don't already get enough of our money in taxes.

    correction....traffic cops deal with traffic......... a trooper on the highway is a traffic cop.......which cops deal with every other thing that cops do?.....homicide cops dont write tickets

    nailing speeders and drunks and etc is one of the best ways to raise money for a government.....no one gets hurt except the guilty
  6. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    My drivers license was suspended by the time I was 18 because of speeding tickets. It didn't help my first car was a '66 Chevy Malibu convertible with a high performance 327....I wasn't really into cars or anything, I just happened to have it given to me shortly after I got my license and, well, I drove too fast a lot of the time. I rarely did it on purpose though, just always in a hurry to get somewhere.
    Anyway I think I've only had one or two speeding tickets since then.

    Just pay the tickets, learn your lesson and slow the fuck down.
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  7. Sitka

    Sitka viajera

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    Go spend some time driving anywhere the police don't give tickets and you'll be writing thank you notes to Johnny Law.
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  8. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    haha yes......i should add that i am ticket free going on 4 years and have been suspended for fines more times than i remember......at least 6 grand in traffic fines over 35ish years driving.no speeding tix for maybe 6ish years?
  9. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    I've never gotten a speeding ticket.
    I only have one speeding story. This was when I was driving by myself from Washington state to California. I had my little VW beetle packed with clothes and stuff and I guess the police officer noticed and started following me. This was one of the unmarked cop cars so no sirens were visible. All I noticed was that every time I changed lanes, this same car was following me..... I was already on edge traveling alone so this started freaking me out. I thought someone was following me. It was like 1 am. So, I started driving faster and faster, trying to lose him. lol. I started speeding and it turns out it was a cop car so then he pulled me over. He got a kick out of the story and then I was on my way.. Kind of funny.
  10. neodude1212

    neodude1212 Senior Member

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    I think I've had two or three, all from when I was a teenager. Once I got one while working as a pizza delivery driver. That one really sucked. Working already sucks, but getting a fine while on the job sucks even more.

    I don't think your plan to get out of it is rational. The cops schedule their court dates so that the people they gave tickets to in a given period of time all show up on the same day. So there's virtually no chance that she simply won't show up. And if you drag it out and try to fuck with them, you'll just piss them off and she'll definitely show up. Then you'll just look like a fool at the trial when you finally have to go and be forced to pay court fines in addition to the maximum punishment they can give you for the ticket. It doesn't seem worth the effort and stress and it would probably be a lot better for you to just pay the fine and move on.
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  11. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    no speeding tickets for me..ive seen too many accidents and lives ruined by people trying to get nowhere faster.

    and if i did get one id pay it instead of wasting others peoples time and taxpayers money by abusing the court system
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  12. Jo King

    Jo King wannabe

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    You forget we are the government so your childish tactics will only cost us more to get the same results. Pay your debt to society.
  13. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i've only ever had one in my life. and that was when i had broken speedomiter, and i thought i was going what the flow of traffic through that point normally was. the only thing though, is that there wasn't any other traffic at that time of night, and it turned out i was a little over. (and as i recall, i was allowed to clear that by paying a relatively modest fine)

    i'm not competitively oriented and i've never felt any such thing as a need for speed. its just one of those things that happen, and only ever happen once.

    my only other moving violation, ever, was an improper lane change. there was only one other car, anywhere around, and that one was in my blind spot.

    i believe i may have had one or two parking violations. all a very long time ago. none of them this century.
  14. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    lol... Obama voters.
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  15. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Cops are killing you, no infographic
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  16. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    You are one of the most rational, normal people here.
    Good for you, you deserve better than this place.
  17. TopNotchStoner

    TopNotchStoner Georgia Homegrown

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    I'm not sure how many speeding tickets I've gotten over the years, but during my first year of driving(I think I was 17), I got two speeding tickets within one week. I got both of the tickets approximately 1/4mile from my house AND from the same officer. On one of the occasions, I was going 70mph in a 35mph zone, while the other was 66mph on the same exact road and the same exact spot........at the very bottom of a very big hill/dip in the road. My license was revoked for 2 years because of those tickets and the reinstatement fee was $420, which hurt my wallet but brought a smile to my face.

    I know there have been more speeding tickets, but I can only think of one. It was nothing spectacular though.

    This doesn't fall under the category of "speeding tickets", but my license was also suspended for 2 years for being caught with a small amount of weed in my car on the way to Myrtle Beach, SC, to see my, then, girlfriend.

    I don't even wanna think about how many times I've been arrested; sometimes for traffic violations, including numerous "driving with a suspeded license", drug paraphernalia, running stop signs, etc., but that's not what this thread's about.

    SIDENOTE: My grandmother, or "Mamaw", as I called her, only got ONE traffic ticket, of any kind, throughout her life, and she lived to be 80+ years-old.
  18. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i've only had two that i can think of. one in high school, one as a college freshman. both times i was going way over the speed limit, so i really can't argue. i've also had a couple warnings when i was delivering pizzas, but never a ticket. i've had a few other various non-speeding tickets. i think they were all legitimate except the one where the speeding cop almost hit me as he came flying around a blind curve, so he decided to pretend i had blown through a stop sign that i had actually been stopped at for a minute while i was changing the radio station or something. of course, the most expensive tickets were the two seat belt violations, rather than any of the ones that actually could have been dangerous to other drivers.

    i disagree. i've lived a couple places with no apparent traffic laws, and generally there was not much of an issue.
  19. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    When I was 18 or 19 I got one for going 58 in a 45 lol. Cop was actually alright though cuz he wrote down 55 instead of 58 since it would have cost more if he wrote 58. It cost me about 205 bucks. He said he had been following me for like a mile but i never even saw him lol.

    I aint complainin though ive gotten way worse tickets.
  20. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    i can only think of one time that i got a speeding ticket. but i feel like there was one or two other times maybe...

    i was running late to a dentist appointment. i was going around 60 in a 45. i paid the fine. but not out of some "debt to society" bullshit...i paid for selfish reasons. like not wanting to waste my time going to court and not wanting to end up paying more after they charge me for court fees, etc.

    or are you already paying some dumb-ass "surcharge?" so maybe you won't end up paying more if you go to court?

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