speedball danger

Discussion in 'Opiates' started by murgatroid, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. murgatroid

    murgatroid Member

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    I've only done a speedball once and I hated it. I was nodding and shaking and it was very unpleasant. Sometimes I use blow and then do a shot for the come down. Is the danger of doing speedballs in doing them at the same time? If I do them separately does it not carry the same danger? Or if they are both still in your system is it dangerous?

    Apparently Phillip Seymor Hoffman had dope, coke, benzo and speed in his system when he died. But can they really tell if he was doing any of them at the same time?
  2. gendorf

    gendorf Senior Member

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    speedballing is very hard on the heart, it makes your bloodpressure rise and drop rapidly. you can get a stroke or heart attack from this combo.

    if the substances are in your body then there is interaction. even if you came down, some side effects remain.

    Philip Seymour Hoffman probably died from the benzo- heroin interaction
  3. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    it's dangerous to mix drug types, especially when they have different actions (depressant/stimulant, etc).
  4. china__white

    china__white Member

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    I always thought the biggest danger with speedballs is the coke hides some of the sedation of the heroin but does not last as long. That way you can end up doing way too much smack, the coke wears off and you od on the spot then. If your amounts are pretty controlled you can be safe with it. Not as safe as either on their own but you can eliminate a lot of the risks
  5. polishman

    polishman Member

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    You gotta be careful. I OD'd on a speedball only once, I stopped injecting halfway through, I think I actually put too much coke in there, I started to get tunnel vision and was about to black out. Everything started sounding distant, my trip sitter said "stop injecting!" It was scary. Otherwise, if you do a safe dose of H and put just a little bump, speedballs are heavenly. The combo is very nice. I have never done any other drug that feels as good as a speedball.
  6. ColdTurkey

    ColdTurkey Member

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    Honestly, that is the biggest risk; most likely to happen if something goes wrong.

    I have seen this happen to two different individuals, though with one you may call it habitual..

    Anyway, with both people, seconds after they fell out for that exact reason, I shot them up with a decent shot of coke. Both started to come out immediately and within five minutes were able to talk normally, shortly after that they could walk. But, both reported extreme headache, abnormal heart rate, intense and incurable cotton mouth and general fatigue. One subject experienced numbness in the legs and an arm lasting until falling asleep. The net morning his circulation must have recovered for he felt the numbness no more.
  7. stoner oxy80

    stoner oxy80 *"Senior~Stoned~Member"*

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    i guess that suboxone/meth combo last weekend would be considerd a speedball.
    it can,t be good for me, but a couple times a year this house needs cleaned good. it,s crazy,on that buzz makes it fun to clean stuff. but other than that, there is,nt any more good to come from using it.

    (that meth prob. did,nt help my teeth either)had to have 2 pulled this week.
  8. polishman

    polishman Member

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    Ha, yeah, meth is great for cleaning and stuff. I once read a whole book after a shot of speed. It's a good work drug. Awesome rush IV'd but not something I would do on a regular basis, don't wanna be up for 2 days. Much prefer coke and H. Not using much right now. Trying to stay clean for a while. Saving the rest of my dope for when I find some yay. Hard for me to find right now, may have to go to the strip club, he he.
  9. stoner oxy80

    stoner oxy80 *"Senior~Stoned~Member"*

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    luckly.. for me, i never used a needle, just snort/smoke(meth) when herion came around here all my friends started using the spike, i knew that,d be the end of me if i did. havent used dope in about 6-7 months, that,s because i,m stayin wit the suboxone. and the coke around here is about straight garbage i don,t even bother with it. but used to love crack years ago.
  10. gendorf

    gendorf Senior Member

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    How's your arm? you ready for relapse? aren't you on parole? ( not judging you, just curious) whats up?
  11. china__white

    china__white Member

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    Your doing a good job of sober so far polish!
  12. polishman

    polishman Member

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    Yeah, thanks y'all. I'm doing pretty well. I still have some dope left, but I'm not using it. I was going to flush it, but I have enough control to have it stashed away and not use it, plus court is motivating me to stay clean. I'm waiting for my court date so see what the judge says. I only had to take a preliminary pee test, and only have to take them before court so far. Hopefully a dismissal if my attorney can swing it. (No prior convictions) Just an arrest, but no conviction for an "attempted burglarly" back in college, but I was involuntarily drugged, tripping, didn't know what I was doing, accidentally walked into the wrong apartment because I was tripping and lost and it was a mistake, so the detective never pressed charges and was very understanding, but it's still on my record as an arrest. Going to N/A meetings, creating my own sign in sheet for myself, also applied for a diversion program, where you take drug and alcohol awareness classes and do community service, in case it doesn't get dismissed. We will see. Staying clean, positive and praying for now.
  13. happydude_60

    happydude_60 Senior Member

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    Good luck bro, I hope it all goes well.
  14. polishman

    polishman Member

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    I have finally decided to quit. At first it was because "okay, I shot H and meth in a rig and did a speedball with it, so I tried everything and I'm done" Now my philosophy is that I just don't want to harm myself anymore. I have no desire to use whatsoever, it's simply gone. I'm going through the 12-step N/A program. I'm going to work the steps and commit to it. However, I am also reading about other approaches, including the opinion that addiction is not a disease, it's a choice. For now, I'm going to work the 12 steps regardless. Then, when I'm done with the 12 steps, I will make a decision as to whether the "always an addict, no cure" approach is counterproductive or self-defeating. For now, it is working for me and I am staying clean. Interesting stuff on the Clean Slate blog for sure. But not judging for now, focusing on the 12 steps.
  15. ColdTurkey

    ColdTurkey Member

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    Hey, I know you. Do you know me?
  16. happydude_60

    happydude_60 Senior Member

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    Isn't that sort of what happened to Chris Farley? He wasn't injecting though, but snorting Heroin and smoking crack.
  17. china__white

    china__white Member

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    Nope not yet. Should I?
  18. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    I believe the biggest danger is that the stimulant effect of the coke offsets the sedative effect of the smack along with the combination being more euphoric than either drug alone so you can do much more smack without passing out but the durations of each drug are so different with cocaine wearing off in just a few minutes as opposed to the heroin which lasts hours.

    The cocaine wears off and now you have more heroin in ur system than u realize and you pass out, respiratory depression leads to hypoxia ---> death

    BE CAREFUL WIT DRUGS PEOPLE....no one wants to see anyone get hurt.
  19. china__white

    china__white Member

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    Nailed it on the head. This is exactly the danger!
  20. murgatroid

    murgatroid Member

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    Is passing out/nodding out a sign of ODing? The other day I did a bag and played a movie but when I woke up I had gone through the movie and the dvd menu was playing. Part of me thinks I was just so comfortable I fell asleep but another part is worried I did too much without realizing.

    Thanks for the info on speedballing. I guess really small doses is somewhat safer.

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