The newest member is someone really special to me, so please be extra nice to him when he logs on for the first time! He will probably check in during the next day or two; we just registered him and he has gone home now. His username is mixtlisdad, and he is my baby Johnny! He is 28 years old now and finally got a computer, so of course I got him to sign up here! Watch for him soon. Thanks, all! Off to bed for me--I had a long mother's day with my baby and my grandson...good night, and sweet dreams--see you tomorrow!
It looks like we are all "newbees" here now as well. I have not been around in a while (a month) and "boy" do things change very fast! I guess I need to put down the books, once in a while and check things out! Hope all is well everyone and I'll be on the look out for your son Angel! ~namaste~