my boyfriend has a lip peicing and i might get a tounge ring. but when we make-out wont our peircings get caught? then our faces would get ripped off! that would suck! any advice?
my mouth is full of metal(lip, tounge, labret)... you just need to know how to work it. Get comfy with it and experiment. If your both new with them then it shouldn't be embarrashing. And, the lip and tounge shouldn't touch though... at least it never did for me. good luck!
There is the danger of you two getting stuck together.., but that could turn out to be a good thing : ) I'd say go for it! Just be carefull in the beggining, but I guess you're aware of that allready.
i dont really think there would be much of a problem. once you are used to your peircing you don't really notice it, and then i don't think it's much of a risk. sorry, did that make sense? i don't know. i have had my tounge peirced for about three years now and i hardly notice i have it. i think that once you are used to it you just sort of unconsciously act around it, you know what i mean? you instinctively know it is there so you won't do anything that will get it stuck. my only advice is this: when your peircing is healing you have to abstain from using your mouth as much as possible. this means EVERYTHING my dear! and when you can't resist, you gotta get in there with the anti bacterial mouthwash ASAP. i got my lip peirced last year and it never healed because i couldnt keep my lips to myself!
There shouldn't be a problem, as long as you guys don't panic and pull away real fast... You really shouldn't be able to get all that tangled up...
My ex boyfriend had a lip ring, it got in the way of our lips, that's about it, so unless you're really TRYING to get stuck, I don't see how it could happen ^_- *winks*