speak people

Discussion in 'The Whiners' started by Burbot, Aug 20, 2005.

  1. Burbot

    Burbot Dig my burdei

    Likes Received:
    the power of the terrier commands you
  2. Orsino2

    Orsino2 Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

    Likes Received:
    cassidy says:
    hi friend
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    hello oh great alex of...
    cassidy says:
    cassidy says:
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    aha, meg and I just happened to be talking about natural dyes
    cassidy says:
    blueberry works good i think
    cassidy says:
    or rasberries
    cassidy says:
    or semen
    cassidy says:
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    cassidy says:
    cassidy says:
    i need a life
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    you've got one
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    do something with it
    cassidy says:
    im trying
    cassidy says:
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    me too
    cassidy says:
    cassidy says:
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    cassidy says:
    cassidy says:
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    damn it. I want to convert my car into a bicycle
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    that would kick ass
    cassidy says:
    eff yeah
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    people would be like "what the hell"
    cassidy says:
    cassidy says:
    that shit would pwn
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    and I could have nitrous in it
    cassidy says:
    if you do it after january 1st you getta tax cut
    cassidy says:
    from dubbaya
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    yeah, he's paying people to get hybrid cars
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    tax cuts
    cassidy says:
    eff yeah
    cassidy says:
    mnaybe the world isnt gonna end
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    yeah, but that's saying something
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    if gas is going up and he's doing that
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    they know something
    cassidy says:
    cassidy says:
    cassidy says:
    let me think
    cassidy says:
    im not a good thinker
    cassidy says:
    cassidy says:
    im sure they know something though
    cassidy says:
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    yeah, but they're not going to tell anyone..
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    people would start
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    committing suicide
    cassidy says:
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    doing acid
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    raping children for christsakes!111
    cassidy says:
    oh not the children
    cassidy says:
    think of the children
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    they wouldn't want any childrenraping nader voters
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    I want to get a job as a cop
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    so I can get into the evidence room
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    and steal all of their drugs
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    then I'd just stick them in random peoples mailboxes
    cassidy says:
    cassidy says:
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    shit, if I were president, I'd pay people their tax returns in weed.
    cassidy says:
    cassidy says:
    you know g washinton used to make peopel grow hemp
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    I know, I wish George Bush did that... rolleye
    George - Make a joyful noise!!! (8) says:
    I wonder what it would be like if they had the dead back in those days.
  3. I'm sick, and I seared my finger....
  4. lover/young_peace

    lover/young_peace Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Well... I missed the party, didn't I? :rolleyes: :D
  5. If I knew I would be a cti I might join the navy, but I don't know how the DLAB is structured.....

    I'm anti war but the number of cryptanalysis jobs that are entry level can be counted with one finger.... and that is it.....
  6. lover/young_peace

    lover/young_peace Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    I can relate to that. :D :D :D :D
  7. yeah.... against the war, seeing the benefits of turning off my free will for 6 years, learning korean, and deciphering stuff........ it would be cool if part of my soul weren't crying out against 1\2 of it.........
  8. lover/young_peace

    lover/young_peace Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    You could always get the same kind of job in a peacekeeping organization. Take your big computer to Liberia and use it to drive a tank between rebel soldiers and innocent civilians.
  9. cryptography isn't really a peacekeeping thing, call for it exists in computer science areas, but that shit isn't entry level........

    most of it is way way beyond entry level actually.....

    why did I have to fall in love with a science that is so hard to get into and so elusive

    I mean if I could take the DLAB before having any sort of commitment and I got above 120 I'd be guaranteed cti, guaranteed a language I wanted and I'd be totally set, but I son't think you can take it until MEPS......

    I'll need to hunt down a recruiter and find out, because I know I did well on the sample test......
  10. lover/young_peace

    lover/young_peace Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Alright, I'm going to play straight with you, buddy. :D

    I love talking to you, especially when we're the only two fucks still here.

    But you're speaking an unknown langauge to me right now. :D What the Hell is going on? :D
  11. a DLAB is a test to determine someones potential to learn new languages beyond their own, a score of 50 means they have potential to learn romance languages (itallian, spanish, french, stuff based on latin) a 120+ means they have potential to learn the really bitchy languages like the tonal ones (mandarin, korean, stuff like that)

    very few people score above 120 and thanks to current political conditions more CTI's are needed to fill positions w\ 120+ score languages

    a CTI is basically a foreign language cryptographic technician, they take intercepts and convert them into usable intel

    MEPS is part of the pre boot camp training process in the navy

    I think that about covers it

    oh, cryptanalysis is deciphering of codes and ciphers, any sort of hidden speach or text, cryptography, cryptology, that sort of shit

    basically what alan turing did at bletchy park until the end of ww2 when the british gov't (having known he was gay for quite some time) tossed his ass in jail and let him die of pneumonia..... that is however another rant altogether, research alan turing if you ever want gay rights ammo.......
  12. Green

    Green Iconoclastic

    Likes Received:
    If its rare then how do the people in Korea speak it?
  13. it's difficult for english speakers to learn it because korean is tonal, in addition to having all the fun shit english has it has I think 4 tones, 2 words could be identical but be in different tones and mean something entirely different

    and as far as the u.s. military is concerned only people of american citizenry, with immediate families of americian citezenry and all sorts of other crap can be CTI's because it requires certain clearances

    it is very difficult for people who speak mandarin and korean to learn english just by the by, some chinese people will have the muscle under their tongue cut so as to make it easier to speak english

    one of the reasons people develop different accents is different languages use different muscles in your tongue and mouth
  14. Green

    Green Iconoclastic

    Likes Received:
    I can't pronounce the "rr" in spanish.
  15. the tongue rolling?

    I couldn't till I was 14.....

    then I got a pig who wouldn't come unless you said her name with a rolled r.....
  16. it sucks to feel sick.....

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