awww ok, well I hope you change your mind. I will make another one. It was hard not to laugh doing it.
I Sent You 50 "Nudie Pic's" As You Requested..... ....Surely That Should Have Kept You Satisfied....... Cheers Glen.
So That's Why Iv'e Been Hearing "Sniggers And Giggles" On These Forums........Should Have Guessed It Was You Behind It..... Cheers Glen.
I am really waiting on one from you glenglen. You can be like a hip influencer, Lol. which you already are... but you could take it a step further by singing, . Sounds like a good idea to me and you did say you would do it, I mean shit, you can show your man bits to us all but can’t sing?
hey you are a great. Lol. That was great. . I can’t do that, well I can but only when breathing in. Nice job there. parau. :::::::::APPLAUSE:::::::: Encore! .
Yes I would love to see them. You have a YouTube channel or similar at another site? I am considering getting off YouTube and going to a website less moderated for That way things like what happened with Pete won’t happen
Sure, i'll post them on my own thread (you know which one) later tonight or early morning. Since people are sharing vids, i figure i share some as well. So, you inspired me to share. Yeah, i have a youtube channel.
That brings back some memories, it was the first film that I showed in 70mm. We called it the latest James Bond film, since it was written by Ian Fleming, produced by Cubby Broccoli and filmed on the 007 stage at Pinewood Studios. The locations were mostly in the surrounding areas of Oxford-shire and Buckingham-shire. The exterior castle scenes were shot in Bavaria.
It is amazing work. The hardest is when the film has been stored badly or on edge and heat or humidity have acted on one side of the roll. This results in color change as the reel rotates and it is a nightmare. Attempts to repeat any restoration at every turn of the reel will not work, since as the diameter of the roll decreases, the length of film per revolution also decreases. Black and white films are far more stable, since the black is an oxide of silver and does not fade. When producers first realized that color films would fade, a few of them made a triple negative by splitting the YCM subtractive colors. These 3 negatives used black and white high silver filmstock. The cost was enormous, so very few were made. Today it would be impossible, due to the ban on salts of silver being used in film manufacture. However the data could be stored digitally these days.
Now you are going back. Safety film (cellulose acetate) replaced the traditional cellulose nitrate film in 1950 and became the industry standard in 1952. It allowed 2,000 feet of film to be loaded onto a cinema projector, giving a 19 minute run time before switching projectors. I ran some of the old 'nitrate' films and setting up the projectors and switching to and fro in as little as 7 minutes was hard work. In some early cinemas even the curtains had to be winched by hand from the projection rooms. Knowing that their were up to 2'000 people watching my efforts could be quite frightening, particularly since I was 13 years old and the lamps heated the projection room to more than 100 degrees in summer.. Sound is another matter. Although it was introduced in 1920, (by synchronizing a gramophone record with the film), it never really took off until the first soundtrack was optically printed along the side of the film in 1927. The film "The Jazz Singer" marked the great event. Prior to that, cinemas had a piano which was played along to match the mood of the film. The pianists were incredible, often making the music up as they went along on a film that they were watching for the first time. As time went on, composers were commissioned to write a score and some cinemas had a full orchestra. This was the first projector that I worked on. Although it was not in use, you can see where the gramophone record went in the bottom left hand corner. It was about 18 inches in diameter.