Anything by Billy Joel or Elton John...or rap anything...or grunge...or neo-country......
Doesn't that tell you something if you knew someone was going to post that song? 2 EDM tracks but they will probably date real quick. I generally try and avoid music thag annoys me though.
For give me for not posting a video because it would be most mainstream music in the last 20 yrs. Notable exception for 30 seconds to Mars and Muse
Anything from U2, Smashmouth or Justin baby penis Bieber nickelpooh ...i mean, Nickelback doesn't even like Nickelback.
not actually a bad tune but i have personal experience working in a cold freezer next to a person who basically sang this the whole 8 hour shift once so it holds a special place in my head couldnt smash his face in either because his father was my boss
anything by Tiny Tim....... Spaceman..... You think i did not see , eh? xoxoxoxox and much love to you as you tiptoe through the tulips.....