Something that happens to you that people probably won't understand? or believe?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by intongues, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    being hated for being loved and for doing the right thing when the wrong thing had the conviction of being the right thing, were something that happened to me, not from family but from peers, at a relatively young age, when i was by no means prepared to understand it, undermined the confidence i might otherwise have enjoyed, for the remainder of my life. these things i experienced in school, from the fifth grade through the seventh.

    so i don't know if this fits, it is more like something i did not myself understand at the time. i have since of course learned that this is how the world works. that the gift of diversity that is always there to give us hope, has also this painful price, that is not voluntary, and i don't know if anyone escapes it, but because my parents had taught me not to expect it, is, i believe, why it left the deep scars that it did.

    now closer perhaps to the topic question, yes i have met things in life, seen them transformed in actual dreams, and learned from them also, and of course this is a personal learning that takes place invisible to others.

    the details and incedences are many.
  2. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Having a desire to do my trade at 74. And being able to do it. Believe it or else. Don't want none 'a them Rockin' chair blues!

    (quite a few strange esp & other events. For another time)
  3. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    when i have something i need to do, i do it instead of sitting around making up excuses for not doing it. seems like most people don't understand that concept.
  4. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    I just want to say that when I posted one the first page, I wasn't exactly sure where this thread was going so I apologize for being way off topic. But I think that everyone's brains are capable of much more than we use them for so a lot of these experiences may not be uncommon even if they may not be talked about much.
  5. intongues

    intongues The Wizard

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    That sounds similar for sure, and understandable. I can kind of pick up on emotions etc if it's someone in person or on the street, not really online. I usually don't think much about it though. I can control it and don't really bother looking too much into people at random, just incase i'm wrong, cause in reality, i'm making assumptions and it may not be all right.. kind of a "don't judge a book by it's cover" type deal. I just usually ask and get to know..

    What's different about the noise hearing, really there's no way for anyone else to be a part of it. It's inside me and it's something that I can't ask someone about or get proven wrong. Just something I can wonder if anyone else has happen within them as well. It's an assumption about myself, which could never be answered really unless I do so myself.
  6. intongues

    intongues The Wizard

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    you're not!

    I haven't really heard it recently, I usually fall asleep pretty quick and leave a radio on for 30 min or so, plus my buddy in the basement apt is home more now, so there's always something going. But I guarantee if I were to have the house to myself and I went to lay in bed now, trying to fall asleep, i'd be able to hear some sort of faint noise.
  7. birdpics

    birdpics Member

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    When I was little (LONG, LONG ago) we used to play board and card games in the evenings in Haiti. At some point, I became aware that I was winning all the games..that I could think of any dice combo I wanted, or any card in the deck, and somehow, there it was, even if I didn't cut the cards. I tried desperately to stop it, but it did no good. My friends banned me from games, called me a "witch," so I ran off to ride my horse, telling myself those games were "boring."

    But I didn't use a bridle or saddle on my horse-he always read my mind. As I thought something, he'd do it, like we were an extension of each other. I never thought it strange, but later on, when I drove my Tennessee Walking Horses on a horse cart, I noticed I could even drive them on loose lines, think what gait I wanted them to use, speed, direction, anything, and they'd do it the same time that I thought it. I noticed that my daughter was the same way with her horse.

    In college (Asbury University) there was a poker game going on in my kitchen when I got back from class, and someone called out to deal me in. I remembered my childhood and tried to get out of it but my friends insisted.
    First hand, despite my desperate attempt to think myself into losing, I got a Royal Flush. After a short silence, someone suggested I go eat a snack instead of playing.

    But now I know that quantum mechanics agrees; "nothing happens that isn't imagined first!"
  8. LetLovinTakeHold

    LetLovinTakeHold Cuz it will if you let it

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    Run Johnny Run!!
  9. Mountain Valley Wolf

    Mountain Valley Wolf Senior Member

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    As a young child, I used to pick up a guitar and pretend to play it. I didn't know what I was doing and would just plunk around on it. There was a black kid that lived nearby and he had just got a guitar, and was learning how to play it. He was going to teach me too as he learned but I didn't want to learn---I just wanted to play the things that I made up. I was just too young. But he would always ask me to play those things that I made up. It was years later that I realized that this 'Jimmi' kid had stolen my made up stuff to create: Purple Haze, The Wind Calls Mary, and about 20 more songs. But what can you do...?

    What? You don't believe it too? Geeez!!! I knew it!

    Well... would you believe Hendrix and I are both left-handed and born on November 27th?

    Ok----I made that up (except the hand and birthday thing). But how far did you go and still try to believe me???

    And some of you I bet expected me to post something entirely different. Ok, here is the real post:

    I always wanted a supernatural/psychic experience that I could really believe in. It was also important to me spiritually. One problem is that anything that would happen I would immediately rationalize it, doubt it, figure out all the physical explanations, and discredit it.

    I had pretty much given up that anything that I could not deny would ever happen, and was becoming very agnostic if not atheist. While living in the Philippines my the biological father of my step-kids passed away----with a lot of weird synchronicities including a late night knock on the window (but no one was there). My step kids were not too close to their father---but at the funeral my step-daughter became very quiet and reserved. By the time they got home she looked liked, and acted like, and basically was a scared little animal---her eyes and actions were just like a dog we had months earlier taken to the vet, dying of distemper. She wouldn't talk, eat, play, or respond in any way other than like a scared dying little puppy. Long story short, several doctors insisted that she will suffer for years, probably never be healed, and probably might even need to be institutionalized. Over a couple of odd coincidences we found out about a healer who did things the old pre-Spanish way. We took her to this guy---just some small peasant farmer who only asked for a gift of tobacco. He took us to a stream at the back of a small field and we all walked into it. My wife and I scooped water onto her, and he whispered something to her---all of a sudden she looked up and said, "Mama, where am I?!" Just like that---he had healed her.

    On the way home I asked my wife what he had said (When we first arrived I tried to hide in the taxi, while my wife went in with her daughter. Our business was not doing very well, and when Filipinos see a foreigner--they always raise the price very high---so I hid at first---but he knew I was there and was that I needed to participate, and like I said---he didn't want money---only some tobacco. Anyway, she said that he asked his spirit helpers---an eagle and a snake, as I recall, and they told him that her father was lost and didn't know how to get to the other side, so he took her to guide him. But she is too young and doesn't know anything of those old ways, so she was lost in the spirit world. That story just blew my mind----I had no idea how to process that---but I could not deny that he had just healed her.

    I did know that my wife's ancestors on both sides were traditional healers. My wife always talked about gifts that were handed down from them to her family members, but I usually just looked at those stories as, "ahhh, such a quaint superstition you believe in, isn't that cute."

    But after that, a bunch of soul searching and some other odd happenings, I started to open up to all of this. Everywhere I would turn I would run into the classic book on Shamanism by the anthropologist, Eliades. Finally I bought it, and realized that what happened to my step daughter was known as psychopomp, and was actually very common----the grim reaper, and other personifications of death are actually handed down from our own psychopomps----which long ago were healers. As I read about this, and a few other things----all of a sudden everything came together---my wife's stories about her grandparents, the mental illness of her brother, all of these things.

    I started exploring on my own----and had all kinds of amazing experiences---from the very beginning. First I started learning of Tungusic Shamanism, from sources like Harner. But feeling all alone in these ways, and without direction, for a year or so (I had lost contact with a lot of my Indian friends from years before, and I did not know how to approach anyone) but then I happened to hook up with a Sun Dancer at a hot spring resort, and he invited me to the Sun Dance.

    I showed up with my sister-in-law, explaining to her the theory and anthropology behind the dance. I was very interested---including academically---to see this first hand. We watched the dance, met people, ate their food, and I spent the first part of the day as the anthropologist---observing, noting cultural motifs, comparing things to a possible pan-American belief system... etc... etc... But in the afternoon my new-found friend who brought us did a flesh offering. He sat and held a pipe praying to the sun tree, while a medicine man cut little tiny pieces of skin off his arm (per his directions)---just deep enough to leave a little tiny scar, or bleed a bit, which were wrapped in red cloth and tied to the sun tree. I was intrigued, and asked him about it. Suddenly I decided I wanted to try it----so I sat there and had the 4 points, and the center of a medicine wheel cut out of my arm. The rest of the day I was 'in' the ceremony. No longer was I the observer---I was a participant. I was brought to tears as the dancers would break free from the tethers to the Sun Tree, I was in a different world. On the way home too, I would see animals everywhere out of the corner of my eyes, but when I'd turn, there wouldn't be anything.

    Anyway, the past 10 years, after I started walking the Red Road (Native American spirituality) I have lived in two worlds---and I doubt many people believe much of what I see and experience. But before I could actually experience it, I believe I had to go through a process of breaking down my own adherence to rationalism and belief in the physical. This world is out there for everyone---not just the Indigenous people---it is in your own beliefs too----it is just a matter of breaking down the materialist reality our ego creates.

    I challenge people to read Black Elk Speaks, or the book about Lame Deer, or the Crow Dog family, or Wallace Black Elk, or the books, Rolling Thunder Speaks, or Mother Earth Spirituality----and believe all the things that are written there. But I can tell you that all that stuff happens. And I say that, not because of stories I hear in the sweat lodge or with friends (testimonies as Christians share---though you hear a lot of great stories), but because in these ways you experience it directly.
  10. Mountain Valley Wolf

    Mountain Valley Wolf Senior Member

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    That is a wonderful gift. I have known many people like that, including my wife. I have had that ability to pick up feelings about people---but not as strong as my wife or you---I also tend to like people too much and focus only on the positive. I hook up with people that I probably shouldn't sometimes, and my wife doesn't like them---and she turns out to be right. (Though sometimes she gives in to prejudices---she is only human).

    But that is a great and powerful gift---I would say that I envy you, but that is not right-----I guess it is that I admire that and wish I had it or would develop it too.
  11. Mountain Valley Wolf

    Mountain Valley Wolf Senior Member

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    See my previous post---people do have mental problems that a doctor can help with. But there are far too many people in psychiatric wards, that we label as completely psycho, that should never have been there. Before the days of medicine many of these people would have been healed with a healer, ended up more healthy than before, and would have had an important purpose in life because of that experience where they would have helped others. Others have just had experiences of a different reality, but because science can't see that, they do nothing to help what may not even be a problem.
  12. lode

    lode Banned

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  13. intongues

    intongues The Wizard

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    that might be it!
    never read about that before but sounds something like what I'm experiencing for sure!

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