I am so fatigued, and I shouldn't be. Something is wrong. I should not be this tired. I feel mentally exhausted, not physically exhausted. I can hardly even read my fucking book. I'm frustrated. Please don't tell me to go to the doctor, because I'm already planning to do so. I also have an appointment next week to get my blood levels checked. I shouldn't be this fatigued. I get 7 - 10 hours of sleep a night. Last night, I had over 9 hours. I've had a cup of tea and a redbull today. I've also taken my regular dose of medication for ADD, which should help me stay focused and alert. But, like I said, I can't even read my fucking book. I can't focus. Is it my diet? I haven't had meat in 4 months. I have had a little bit of fish here and there, though. A little bit. I am taking lots of supplements (B12, Folic Acid, Omega 3 (although I ran out of my Omega 3 last week so I haven't take it in a few days), Vitamin D, and Iron). I eat a TON of veggies, I feel like I get a sufficient amount of protein on a daily basis. Good fats, I've got that covered too. I drink plenty of water (I go pee every hour at least). I exercise 4 - 5 days a week. What the fuck is going on with me? I have noticed a slight pain in my upper right abdomen, directly under my rib, where my liver is. Could all of this be a result of liver problems? Someone please give me some advice.
Ash, if the pain is severe, you should see a doctor right now. http://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/fatigue/basics/when-to-see-doctor/sym-20050894 Here are some causes: http://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/fatigue/basics/causes/sym-20050894
My guess was diet. I write down everything I eat in terms of how many calories, grams of fat, grams of protein, and grams of carbohydrates. So if I eat a sandwich I gotta write down how many calories were in the meat, how many were in the mayonnaise, and how many were in the bread (lettuce doesn't really count that much because there isn't much to it and I don't know where the nutritional info on it is> anyway). I write down how many grams of protein there are. I write down the amount of carbohydrates. Etc. This gives me a pretty good picture of how well I'm eating. If I'm not getting enough protein I might get a little drained. If you can do dairy (like, not vegan - at least I don't think it's good for vegans) Whey Protein is a great source of protein. Just mix it with some water and boom... 25 - 50 grams per serving! Not too bad for flavors either. Good luck.
I don't know what it could be ash but I really hope the doctor figures it out when you go next week! If the pain in your abdomen gets severe at any point though, do go to the emergency room. Feel better!
As out of the ordinary as this sounds, it really is a thing. My bff's mother went through a phase of eating very little and drank LOTS of water, and then supplementing that with gatorade. She wound up in the hospital, almost with brain damage. (Well, I think she may actually have had some brain damage.) The pain doesn't sound right, which I'm certain you know. I'm just saying all of your symptoms are saying something is happening. and here I'm going to say the Most Unpopular opinion in the world - but I think you need more protein. Veggies are great and all that...but the body needs protein. Fish more often than just "a little" would be good imo. Do you at least eat beans and/or peanut butter daily? You didn't mention if you eat anything with carbs. Years ago I went on one of those diets (Atkin's) where you can eat maybe 1 cracker a day. (maybe a little more) I abided by just what that diet said, followed the rules. The book said - and other people I actually talked to said the same thing I read - that your body would eventually get used to it. Well, at week 3, I really felt like I was going to DIE. I quit that crazy shit, even though I was losing weight. I experienced the same thing you described in having extreme fatigue. Although I was worn out both physically and mentally. Now I know that not everybody is like I was...everybody doesn't need carbs like I do, and I do NOT eat a lot of meat. Not really. I don't eat meat every day and more often than not, when I do eat meat, I eat chicken. When I could afford it I would eat salmon at least once a week or every 2 weeks. That really isn't an option now. And just so you will know: I went on that crazy diet (along with others) because I grew up in the age where women were encouraged to emulate "Twiggy". She probably didn't weigh 100 pounds. lol (if you're not aware of her, you really should google her)
I fucking hope not. Actually, I am pretty sure I am not pregnant, as I just finished my period 11 days ago.
No pain above my liver today, so that is good. Let me just clarify, the pain, when I notice it, is a dull ache. It could very well be muscular. I am going to really focus on my protein intake this week and see if that helps......
Maybe low vitamin D. That's what I have and I suffer from a lot of fatigue. I'm tired now, actually. The blood test will show that. But, my pain isn't in the same place as yours. So, if your doctor doesn't at least check the area during checkup, go to another one. My doctor at least checks to see if the areas I complain of pain has any physical disfigurements, such a a lump or swelling. If you do have vitamin D, get some sun, take vitamin D supplement of 5000IU (If you do more, you have to take it every three days to not OD), and of course, exercise (which you're already doing). Food, nor sleep won't help. If you're worried it's cancer, because I know you're the worrying type, your blood test is one of the first indatictor of cancer. If things like your cell count is off then that would be an indatictor, and even then cancer might not be the cause. There are a lot of things that kill and disfigure cells, besides cancer. Point is if your labs are normal besides a few inconsistencies, such as a low vitamin D, that's a good sign. Best of luck & Keep us posted.
I'm at the lab right now, waiting. I take 5 - 6 vitamin D supplements per day. I definitely had a deficiency and was feeling depressed as a result, a while back. The supplements have helped with that since, fortunately.
I hope your visit to the doctor and blood-work provides some clarification. Not sure what could be causing the fatigue, I have doubt that it is the diet. I've been strictly veg for years (no fish), and have never had to take a supplement, blood work always perfectly normal. Maybe it's an individual thing, not sure. But if you're eating a diet lacking in processed junk, and with some real variety, which it seems you are, you should be golden. Vegetarians can get enough protein and iron without really making an effort. Is it possible that you have mono? Have you had it before? If you've had it once, it can "flare up" in spurts for the rest of your life. That might cause abdominal pain due to swollen organs, and would likely cause extreme fatigue. Just a thought.
Ding ding ding...i think YFM could be onto something. Ive had mono before, it causes your spleen and lymph nodes to swell which could definitely explain the pain
Mono? I don't think so.....Its not like the fatigue is debilitating and I sleep all day. In fact, I hardly ever nap. And wouldn't I be experiencing other symptoms if I had mono? I think it is the result of a vitamin deficiency, possibly B12. That is my guess. Remember that I've only been vegetarian for 4 months now, so maybe my body is still adjusting to the change in diet?
I replenished my omega-3 vitamin stock, and also upped my B12 vitamin intake (turns out I read some misinformation on the internet about how much B12 I needed daily, and was taking way less than I actually need) and my energy level yesterday had improved significantly. Still waiting for results from the doctor to rule out other issues, though.