This is something I've just been thinking about... I hear people saying how they wish people were different, and wish there were more people that went against conformity, had their own personality and didn't do things just to "fit in". They talk about how they think everyone acts/dresses/likes the same things. But then, when someone tries to be unique, and does something different, they call them a hipster and insult them... Someone explain this to me?
I think it could be because they try too hard to be different and focus too much on presenting an outward image of who they want to be vs. having their own unique opinions and worldview. As for the latter, I think for most people it's something you either have or you don't. To me, non-conformity has everything to do with how a person thinks and/or lives their life -- not so much how they dress or what kind of hairstyle they have. To me, a person who is all flash but has nothing to back it up is a hipster/poseur/wannabe. Being different is about more than how a person looks.
I'm a non conformist. I don't look or dress like the norm. It's not easy to be unique. I have dealt with many comments over the years. I figure its their own insecurities. The only thing that matters is how I feel about myself. What other people think about me is none of my business. I was in Chicago once in the midst of my hardcore punk days when I really dressed the part. I was walking down the street by myself and these guys that looked like frat boys walked past me. One of them said "Your dad doesn't hate you" I smiled and said "I know he doesn't but he hates you" and just kept walking. All of his friends started laughing at him. I don't know if he thought I had daddy issues and was acting out. I was like 25 years old and my dad loves me just the way I am. I actually hear "I wish I had the courage to do that" a lot from people. I wish more people had the confidence to do whatever they wanted without worrying about what other people think. I can't go ANYWHERE without comments about my hair now. The other day I was renewing my drivers license and the girl at the counter kept staring at me. She asked me 2 times why I was there. She told me she was distracted by my hair and she loves it.
Interesting question, OP. My thoughts: Different is a state of mind. That's it. Some of the most unique people don't dress the part (some do, but usually they just look like they don't care much for their outward appearance). Dying your hair blue (or whatever), having tons of piercings, tattoos, flashy clothing, lots of diamonds/jewelry, that is all superficial. And an obvious reflection of what is valuable to you: fitting a certain image, standing out, etc. In my experience, genuinely "different" people don't have a lot of friends (by their definition they aren't good at being popular), don't dress very showy, don't play a lot of society's games. It's mostly in your brain!
I don't think I'm superficial at all. I don't color my hair or get tattoos for anybody else. I do that for myself. I think it's more about the confidence someone has to not give into being like the majority. Even without my hair color or tattoos I still don't fit into social norms. I have a lot of friends. You can be different but still likable.
I'm not saying that you are superficial. Altering appearance is superficial in the literal sense of the word: it's on the surface and doesn't necessarily pertain to what is below the surface. I should have been more clear, I suppose. What I am saying is that people who are different physically, aren't always so different mentally. This is my experience. I think dying your hair and getting tattoos is extremely normal. Most people do it--usually at least one or the other, if not both. I can't think of too many people who don't have at least one tattoo (IRL), these days. I listed these behaviors (hair colors, piercings, tattoos, unique style of dress) in my previous post because they are, to me, on the outskirts of normalcy, considered slightly "alternative", but still common enough to be within the norm. As far as your being different from social norms, that is cool. I'm not sure which specific social norms that you are referring to. I don't know what people consider abnormal.
Individuality is an important facet of our Personality - meThinks "Better to a Fool on the Hill, than within a crowd of ignorance" And, "There's nothing wrong with being out of step with everyone else, it means that you see and do things that others miss out on"
Trying hard to be different is just as odd to me as trying hard to fit in. Do your own thing, as long as you're not hurting anyone else.
♥ ♣ :sunny: Greetings YouFreeMe ~ Radiant & Wise Sis~STAR! :daisy: ♥ You Speak Words Revealing Your Gifts Of Intuitive Perception & Profound Wizdom! ♥ Yes! Very Often People Who Strive So Hard To L@@K Very Different From Non~Pierced People Who Also Do Not Have Tons Of Tattoos... Yet, They Are Impelled By Themselves To Cover Their Body With Tattoos & Alarming Piercings All Over Their Face & Elsewhere... These People Are Actually Often The Most Mundane & Insecure People... They *Crave* Attention, Approval & Acceptance & Belonging Within A Specialized Fragment Of People Or Group! Piercings All Over The Face Really Does Alarm Me & These People Will Have Scars For Life When They Mature Inwardly & Want The Piercings Taken Out. ♥ But, I Am Certainly *Not* Saying That All People Who Have Beautiful Body~Art Tattoos Are Like This... Many Are True Appreciators Of Beautiful ART & Are Very Mature & Evolved About This & They Are Not Insecure Nor Trying To Fit Into A Group Of "Rebels" At All! I Have Respect For Such People! ♥ In My Own Way I Am *Very* Much A Natural Rebel... For As A Meditative Deeply Spiritual Organic Vegan Mystic Of Cozmic Consciousness Etc... I Am Inherently Truly "Not Of This World" In My Ideals ~ Nor "Of This World" Really In Any Way At All! Inwardly & In My Ideals ~ I Have Nothing In Common With The "Mainstream!" ♥ It Is Quite True That I Do Not Have Many In~Person "Human" Friends! {ALL Beloved Divine Wise Animals & Creatures Are My FRIENDS & Other Beings, Seen & Unseen, Not Of This World} ... & I Like It That Way! In This LIFE, Very Few People Resonate With Me Or Understand Me At All, As I Said, I Am Truly *Not Of This World!* :sunny: ♣ ♥
I hope it's not those same people saying those same statements. people are very selfish, and rarely do we notice this about ourselves. we spew comments like "I wish more people" without a 2nd or 3rd thought.
There is good for everyone in the world and we must have it for ourselves. Those who have not found the good they want from what they have seen wish for things they do not see.
Well, personally I just do what I do, have always done so and will continue to do so. Maybe. What it is, has been or relates to at any particular time, I have no idea. Maybe.
I've noticed outgoing people can get away with being "different" more than introverted people. If you're unique and introverted, people are suspicious of you but if you really put your personality out there its easier for others to understand and therefore they're more willing to accept you.
People are pack animals. For some, it's the size of the pack that marks it's merit. For others, it's the quality of the members. A person with no pack at all is an abnormality, and therefor can look threatening. Take the goth culture. It's a counter culture and the style can be an art form in and of itself, extending into a creative personal expression. Though participants may tell you they have no wish to be sheep, this does not actually mean there is no pack mentality or that they live outside of all forms of a norm. The poser and the outsider can still meet with group disapproval. The indavidual makes a choice to join this pack or not. When one does it, it's shocking. When a few more do it, it's inspiration. When a mass picks it up, it becomes a norm.
I, on one hand, wish for more people to simply conform to who they really are... personality lacking drones. I wish more people would accept that they are not unique, instead of trying so hard. I want a world full of people being true to themselves. Being true to their boring, mundane, idiotic selves. Now that would be bliss. That probably took a good hour to type... yet is completely unreadable.