Someone help me :/ Anyone out there kno much bout Adderall?

Discussion in 'Pharmaceuticals' started by SunshineLovePeace, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. SunshineLovePeace

    SunshineLovePeace all you need is love

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    Im surrounded by family right now and one of the adderalls (sp?) i took last nite, or maybe a few of em decide to kick in. Usually I dont have the problem of having dilated pupils but right now I do. And my family is not stupid, they will notice; theres only so often a person can look down. I can control my actions and act straight but I was just wondering if any of you know of a way to kind of reverse the effects or un-dilate my pupils cuz right now Im desperate....
  2. wiggy

    wiggy Bitch

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    stay in the dark or shaded bit of the room. or put sunglasses on or maybe tinted ones. thats proberly all you can do i would have thought. or have a headache and go to your room. thats a good idea
  3. SunshineLovePeace

    SunshineLovePeace all you need is love

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    yeah, right about now is when i wished i had a pair of sunglasses. but my broke ass never buys shit. and yeah, that dark shaded bit of the room thing would work but its sunny as fuck here today. and yeah, i have been in my room for the past hour or so but then I thought i would come on here n see if there was anythin else I could do :p
  4. wiggy

    wiggy Bitch

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    i really dont think there is hun, dont panick about it, just deny everything, if they say are you on sumthing, say no dont be silly lol. it proberly looks worse for you cause you are used to your eyes. but dont worry to much about it, its happened to me and i was crapping myself loads lol but no one ever knew mwhahahaha
  5. rosyposies

    rosyposies Member

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  6. SunshineLovePeace

    SunshineLovePeace all you need is love

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    haha thanks. i kinda doubted there would b anythin i could do anyway. just thought i would give it a try. and i aint really panickin, just bein mad dodgy round everyone. haha i have said maybe 2 words to everyone. but yeah, they would notice it cuz i used to do ecstasy all the fuckin time and my eyes would get HUGE on that. n they would prob think i was fucked up on X if they did notice.
  7. SunshineLovePeace

    SunshineLovePeace all you need is love

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    Well I aint really been doin it for that long. And Im so not addicted its funny. I have never once paid for my own adderall n i dont think I ever would. Wouldnt waste my money on it (even tho its REALLY good) when I could b spendin my cash on way better shit. and I could have been addicted to so many drugs by now but I know when to stop myself and I know my limits and have never gotten addicted to anythin before. thanks for the warnin tho. <3
  8. oOflyeyesOo

    oOflyeyesOo Member

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    That is what they all say. If you get into a large supply of something you love you are probably going to get addicted no matter what you say, its there and you know it will make you feel good, so why not take another one and not take one tommorow? right yea then it happens again the next day haha.
  9. SunshineLovePeace

    SunshineLovePeace all you need is love

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    well that would be a problem if I had a way of gettin adderall every day. but i dont and even if I did I doubt it would be like that. but I dont have a perscription to it, my friend does. and he gives me some every so often like when we chill or sometimes when he has enough left, he'll just throw me a couple, even if we wont be chillin. I've never paid for it n never would. I just do it when it comes my way.
  10. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    ahah i started doing when ever it came my way next thing i know i got full 60 pill bottles of the shit up in my room,in all different mg's,i poped those fuckers like candy even gave them away free to anyone i knew who wanted them and i still had more then i needed left over, and i never paid for them in my life,when drugs are free and/or easy to get i wouldnt do the drug
  11. SunshineLovePeace

    SunshineLovePeace all you need is love

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    nahh but i seriously dont do it that often and I really dont have an addictive personality. I like doing certain drugs but Im nowhere near addicted to em n doubt I ever will be.
  12. SunshineLovePeace

    SunshineLovePeace all you need is love

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    blahh bout this adderall. i went on a bit of a binge. did it for a few days. from like wednesday nite til yesterday(saturday) in the afternoon when we ran out. i estimate that i did about 30 or so, plus lotsa drinking and some weed as well...there were little breaks in between but it started to be that even after i came down i still felt adderalled up, just not as intensely.

    Well, when I got home yesterday at like 1pm I was gettin ready to go somewhere and all of a sudden my heart starts hurtin real bad and beating really fast like it does when Im actually on adderall. It scared the shit outta me cuz I hadnt taken a pill for a few hours n had come down awhile ago n then all of a sudden that happes outta nowhere. for the rest of the day n nite I kept feeling like that n getting real bad headaches.

    But I dunno, I just thought I would post somethin to let u guys kno that maybe u were right bout this shit. Its alright every once in awhile (like not often at all) but I have seen that these binges are not safe. I hadnt slept since I woke up on Wed morning and I hadnt eaten since Wed nite. And last nite I was actually starting to trip out cuz of sleep deprivation. And Im only just now getting my appetite back. So yeah, adderall is fun if ya take a few in one nite every once in awhile but dont do a shitload of em.

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