Some of the things I'd like to do: 1. Use LSD and see what it is like. 2. Suck a guy off with a big cock. 3.Get fucked in the ass by the same guy. 4.Use Shrooms and see what that is like. and I am sure I can come up with some more.....any ideas?
All I want to do is be on this earth until my kids are grown, buy a house, not relie on anyone else for money & put down the walls I have with the guy im with & be able to tell him things he knows but I cant say.
I have fantasized about a guy with a huge dick getting me wasted on shrooms and then stripping me naked and making me suck him off and then he pounds my ass all night!
Yeah I suppose.....he would'nt have to force me......unless he wanted to. Just tear off my clothes and force me to my knees and then skull fuck me!!!
i can think of a lot of things, and none of those in the op are on my list. acid and shrooms i've experienced both. and while mildly entertaining, i've never found being entertained as gratifying as creating and exploring, which no mind altered state has ever benefited my doing either. i'd love to be able to construct in real life the kind of architectural forms i model and build inside the computer. to stash things i don't want to loose safely in them to be able to travel light and without worries. but i don't want to just abondond everything like i did several times when i was younger, and having to spend years i may not have, all over again to assemble the tools i need to create the kinds of things i can to build in miniature and inside the computer. i'd love to plant a forest of timber bamboo, somewhere in the sierras in northern california, participate in the species survival program for red pandas, build solar powered hernia guage and larger, small form factor railway locomotives and multiple unit passenger stock. world building concept art is my interest and i'd like to be a lot better at it. better at animating and able to bring my designs into a simulation context where other people could experience and explore them. even be able to tell stories set in my kind of worlds. these may be too many different directions for one life. be nice to remember from one life to the next so to be able to tick them all off. those are the kinds of things i'd like to be able to do. physically visit other populated worlds in my own u.f.o., not just mind or ghost travel. design and build one that actually worked and transported me safely accross the depths of space, without need elon musk's wealth to do so. start a really nice commune/meditation retreat like that ananda guy did. and the music thing, more of that then i've done too. to have the ambition and whatever else it would take to be the real jack of all trades i've always dreamed of. without making myself to sick in the process to enjoy doing so. to grow fully functional pointy ears and tail with my own luxuriant fur growing out of them AND supersize my brain and intellegence at the same time. imagination is not what i lack for. not errotically attracted to males though, and not just because i are one. i don't think i'd be if i were female either. as a woman, if i were one, i could see myself a lez be frends, but not a gay guy. more power to those who can and are, i just can't get into for myself. if i'd been born two or three decades more recently then i was, it might be easier, but i wasn't. i'll give tongue to a clean vj, but i'm not turned on by the idea of receiving head, from either gender. must make me not much fun at parties, but that's life. booze is pretty boring to me too. at any rate, hugs that are sincere are better then sex at my age anyway.
^^^ Nice Post themnax, It's Just A Pity You Posted It In Such A "Crap" Thread That Should Have Been Made In The Love And Sex "Kinky" Section NOT IN RANDOM THOUGHTS. Cheers Glen.
i just never think of going there, because i'm not big on fetish things. i'm perfectly cool with everyone having their own. its just not something i think very often in terms of.