Some People Can't Get High On The First Few Tries. Why?

Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by Kent Adams, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. Kent Adams

    Kent Adams Members

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    So I've used cannabis sporadically over the past several years, and pretty much daily for the past few weeks. A little while ago, I was soaring high on weed and Adderall, and I got to thinking about my first experiences with pot. Ahhh... those early days were great: sneaking out of my friend's house in the middle of the night to smoke weed in the freezing cold, just two kids trying to have some fun. Anyways, I remembered that I did not get high, or even buzzed, on my first attempt. Looking back, I know that I smoked enough to at least feel something, unless that weed was just absolute shit. I got it right my second time around and got super stoned, yet I cannot recall having consciously done anything differently. I've known several people who've experienced this, so it can't be terribly uncommon. It took some of them a handful of smoke sessions before they got high. I even knew someone who spent a good three months of occasional toking completely sober before finally achieving successful results. It's strange, but nobody seems to know what was different about the toke that finally got the job done. Being on Adderall, I can't just let a thought like that slip away without first dissecting and analyzing it to shit, and I began to wonder why some people have this problem. I figured I'd speak to some people who ought to know a thing or two about bud. Any of you guys experience this when you started out, and, if so, do you have any idea what finally sent you down the rabbit hole?
  2. natural philosophy

    natural philosophy bitchass sexual chocolate

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    Not knowing how to inhale properly.
  3. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    first couple joints I bought it school didnt get me high and it was real weed. later I get 5 joints of the bathroom drug dealer.. we go home and go fishing.. I stepped off for a little while with my friend and I come back and he said "I can smell that all the way thru the woods, you dont have to hide from me, my bother smokes pot" .. so I sat around smoking and before I knew I was so high, I was laughing at everything, fish flops out the water,, lmao..

    so were fishing by this old shoe shine stand and it had a kerosene tank falling off the back the building, only a few gallons in it at most. friend tried to push it over and it falls and the little bit of fuel is leaking out. he starts tripping out thats its going to explode and Im just laughing about the whole thing. he decided we go on the other side the river and we did. but then he leaves his net over where the kerosene is and is afraid to go get it. so I went back over there and figured while I was at it, that I would smoke a joint and taught him across the river. hes yelling get out of there, its gonna blow..
  4. Kent Adams

    Kent Adams Members

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    Sounds like a hilarious first time dude. I feel like most people I've talked to have said that their first time was all giggles. That's how mine was. I smoked two bowls with my friend out of her bedroom window, and spent the next few hours laughing at pretty much nothing. I kept trailing off in mid-sentence because I'd forget what I was saying, and this seemed really funny to me. This was also the night I learned that fooling around is infinitely better when you're stoned. Five years later and the herb still makes me laugh every time.
  5. It took me multiple times. My memory has always been that it took me seven times before I got high. It was all giggles. After a while I entered my paranoiac panic attack phase. Now it's just groovy.
  6. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Haha my first time getting high was spent hanging out my bedroom window with a friend too, guess that's a pretty common occurrence.

    But that was actually my 7th time smoking weed, nothing happened the first 6.
  7. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    It worked for me the first time I had good pot which was the second time total. I was sitting on a couch thinking damn it didn't work again and then all of the sudden I felt fantastic and everything was hysterical. It seemed like a good idea to tell the girl I was smoking with my friend had a crush on her. It was like a truth serum for me. My friend was so pissed but it did make him ask her out.
  8. Sleeping Caterpillar

    Sleeping Caterpillar Members

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    I remember reading a lot about this too when i was first looking to try pot. Reading through forums, surfing through stories. It certainly seems common. Or on the very least, reoccur-able. Something that's been seen before.

    Well.. maybe they're inhaling wrong, maybe they got shit weed, maybe they take small weak hits. Idk.

    My first time I got so stoned, not like I chase that high, but those were certainly the days
  9. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Word on the streets here was that the first time you smoke weed properly you will vomit. I saw it happen at least twice (could be some kind of self fullfulling prophecy, could be because they were about 14 year old)

    Most likely.
  10. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    the first time I got high was off brownies the first time I smoked I did not get high
  11. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    I remember that was a rumour around here when I was in highschool. The first time I smoked I didn't get high really, but I barely had any. I had no idea how much was too much, so I aired on the side of caution and then nothing happened.
  12. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    my first couple times smoking were joints that i rolled myself with no idea how to roll joints, so i think i probably just fucked that up to the point that i wasn't getting decent hits. and no, i didn't get high.

    the first time i actually got high, i was already drunk as shit. so i didn't get the giggles, i got the spins.
  13. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I knew how to inhale when I started smoking weed so while that may account for some people not getting high at first, it doesn't account for them all. I remember reading something years ago on erowid (is that site still around?) about cannaboid receptors not being able to detect thc right away. I wonder if any scientific studies have ever been done on the subject
  14. Kent Adams

    Kent Adams Members

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    Erowid's definitely still around. I still read trip reports before I try a new drug, but I'm not sure if the site gets many other visitors.
  15. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Erowid is still popular among people I know.
  16. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    I still use erowid to research new drugs and read trip reports.

    I asked my boyfriend and he also didn't get stoned the first time he smoked weed. He thinks he inhaled properly though.
  17. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    i smoked cigarettes so i knew how to inhale proper and holding breath in. I still didnt get what I would believe is high the first time.
    maybe a few weeks later, we were actually getting stoned when we smoked..
  18. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    My first time was in a friends garage. And I couldn't stop laughing. We went driving and windows down just yelling at pedestrians. It was a riot. I miss that level of being stoned. :D
  19. Kent Adams

    Kent Adams Members

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    It's good to see the site still gets visitor's. It's always been a helpful resource for me. I like that the site's dosage recommendations are generally very cautious; it's important that a site like that accounts for less-than-careful individuals who think that, as long as a dosage is listed as "strong", and not fatal, it's safe for even the most sensitive people. The sheer volume of info that Erowid has on every substance imaginable is pretty impressive.
    1 person likes this.
  20. Sagebrush

    Sagebrush Member

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    that, and the current reality gets shattered

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