Im 6'4" 210lbs and gaining and i LOSE weight if i dont get atleast 3500 calories a day and I probably need a solid 100g of protein.... In other words, how can one be a vegetarian bodybuilder? I simply CANNOT go down in mass
Do you allow yourself eggs?? Sorry, I'm not vegetarian. Lots of great protein in free range eggs and about 1/4 the cholesterol of commercial eggs. An acquaintance once told me that he was vegetarian and he didn't eat anything that had 'eyes'. Eggs don't have eyes! Ooh! And cheese?? Are you allowed cheese or is that considered an animal product? Yeah, I'm clueless about vegetarianism.
There are plenty of vegetarian (and even vegan) athletes and bodybuilders. Here is a link with some tips for veg bodybuilders
Are you just starting out in bodybuilding? That sounds like nearly half the protein you should be taking.
A vegan diet is probably not optimal for bodybuilding. Supposedly there are vegan bodybuilders, but I wonder how many of them are really natural. Vegetarian bodybuilding, on the other hand, is probably a lot easier, especially if you're incorporating dairy and eggs into your diet. But you're probably going to want to make sure you're also eating a lot of beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, etc. 100 grams of protein does sound pretty low for being 210 lbs. For someone your size, you're going to want to get AT LEAST 150-175 grams of protein per day to build and maintain lean mass.
Robert Cheeke is vegan and he's amazing, I have met him and he is nothing but encouraging. I have his book and its really helpful, he doesn't eat mock foods and his book shows you what he eats and has many meal plans. Its great that you don't want to eat animals your body will thank you even if it takes a longer time to get where you want to be physically.
not really, ive been at it for awhile and my progress shows. I havent decided where my bar is really set yet so im just trying to gain still
longer doesnt sound fun but its tolerable if maintenance will work, ill check it out. currently ive been trying the rastafari diet which allows some chicken and fish but sparing and im trying to supplement with beans. can anyone reccomend a vegan protein powder maybe?
Well protein powders arent great even if your not veg, i mean its just not ideal but if you really want to "vega one" is known as the best tasting. Put it in smoothies or whatever you want. Ive had some before, one chocolate tasting one and the trick to make it nice is to make it as a warm chocolate drink, add soy milk and sugar and put in microwave and you got 20g or 40g of protein there. OR have a unflavoured one and simply add coco and sugar, soy milk, warm. Beans and mock meats have protein, some guys i know are big and don't use any powders or eat mock meat.
What's the deal with all powders being sweets? And chocolate in particular? Does it cover funky tastes that well? (Not a chocolate fan) I suspect the Opie won't return, but for the New Year and others with the same question, See to start.
there is literaly a website called took me whole 10 seconds to find it with a google search. I sense that perhaps there is a small possibly youll find the information you seek there.