So a friend of mine who works as cabin crew for a large European airline had the pleasure of a bunch of orthodox jews on her plane recently. Their El Al flight had been cancelled so they go reassigned flight. First off they caused the flight to be nearly an hour late taking off as they refused to sit next to women and everyone had to move (at this point they should have been told to sit down or get off the plane) Next they complained that they needed special treatment and facilities and grumbled that the food probably would not be edible. When it was time to serve my friend presented one of them with the meal only to be asked if she was on her period. Say what? If it had been me, my reaction would have gone one or two ways, depending I think on whether I wanted to keep my job or not. 1. Smash the tray of hot food right into his stupid face. or 2. Smile sweetly and say "Yes I am actually, plus I peed into it. Enjoy" Why do orthodox jews and full-on Muslims hate women so much? Go ahead and try to justify this foul behaviour - I dare you - I double dare you.
You can replace the words 'orthodox jews' and full-on muslims' simply with the word humans. No matter what group they are in there's always some that are more insensitive and rude than others. But to me it seems that not all or even the majority of jews and muslims hate women. It is true that the majority of 'full-on' muslims for example do not grant women all the same privileges muslim men have but that has not necessarily to do with hate of course.
Yes, fair enough points. Some people are assholes - plain and simple. But when they hide their ass-ism behind a religion it becomes impossible to criticism them without being labelled anti-semitic or islamaphobic or whatever. And maybe the fundamentalists do not hate women, they just fear them. Either way - a very sad situation.
Not really. It all depends on how a person is criticizing. When you specificly criticize the people who are acting oppressive and denigrating towards women you will see it is very possible to criticize people without being labeled a whatever-phobe.
The fact is that when we say rude we mean we had taken offense and when this happens it doesn't matter if the intent were benign, you won't see it because you already made your determination.
Oh, so do you think that the intent was benign then? We both saw the subtext as being: "You are not worthy to serve me food you disgusting menstruating bitch" Yeah, I guess there could be some ambiguity there.
It's called mental illness, in my opinion. HARD CORE true believers are boring, obnoxious and can be very dangerous. I want nothing to do with peoples weird traits, their all-knowing self righteousness and off-putting behavior. What a ridiculous way to waste ones life.
Religion is brain/culture poison, in most modern cases. Extremism or orthodoxy is distilled religion.
only in the Native American traditions is the women moon considered powerful magic.. so powerful she may draw the energy away from sacred places, ceremonies and stuff.. Its not a sign of disrespect to shun them but of the utmost respect ..
we are all equally impressed by the moon all of us being residents of the earth. this bit is a good place to point out that myopic view of our condition. We are all physically involved with physical proportions. we all live on the earth with all other other life eating the same foods and showing physically degrading processes. the appearance that we are isolated in our body but that is only because we think that way. we're taught to think that way To perceive ourselves as naked and exposed in the world. If watch a baby oh approaching toddler you might notice that they seem to impervious to cold and you can here mom saying put your coat and, don't talk, don't dispute my word, and all along the kids think are you a bitch. this battle goes on until the child or chokes down his emotion. We just open up and trust ourselves and I tell you have reason for it.
On the fact of this issue can you tell what is real: I found out early in life that appearances can't be trusted and I have always since I was a small boy refused to commit emotionally to things I wasn't sure of. So out of this comes a remarkable an unalienable fact that the sensation of irritation or anxiety is sign that you are being deceived by appearance. There is no more honest indicator in life for proper functioning than the sense of well being. I have been saying this for a while that reality supports it's constituents and irritation represents a level of fear that things aren't really kosher. It is kind of waking nightmare. I don't because I don't get irritated and i always feel like I have my full measure going. So ask yourself the question when you become irritated or distressed, would you rather be right or be happy? You can see every day in this forum how things escalate from the defense of individual positions and how each become successively more entrenched and every one goes away dissatisfied. The way I approach a thread is to weed out the nonsense and build on obvious consensus. It takes a level of care to stick with this in the face of the crap. I just recently started giving back with intensity because i finished and posted the entire theoretical reasoning of what I say and it is entirely consistent throughout a straight and unerring line of reason. It is the reason I started the how rude to meet you thread. To start demonstrating that we haven.t been taught how to reason. I have dissembled the positions two very intelligent guys in the forum, the author who calls himself mountain valley wolf and Meagain. I do this not to make people look stupid but to bring them up to speed of very easy ability to apprehend the world through the biofeedback process of tasting something then reflecting on those proportional sensations in light of every thing you know and if your resulting decision is clear of doubt or secure you will absolutely no sensation of irritation. Your forward feels cool and every thing around has the bright clarity and richness of visual that is experience when you are on mushrooms with the exception that you are not at all intoxicated. From this position i can see that we are energetic beings of light and this is why this thing is so important to me. It physically hurts me to see other people hurt. it feels like It so much that I would soak up all the hurt in the world, for the simple fact that I am lonely and displaced from meaningful affection in this position. Obviously there are others that are aware of this. I only recently discovered mckennas work. Timothy Leary, John Lilly, Terence mckenna, Thomas the doubter, the one disciple who needed security is an iteration of john, and here I am in the same position, after the cubit had gone to bring the teaching forward. There are Three in this who approaching a paradigm shift in their awareness. I won't name them now but they know who they are. Now because of the fact that we share our thoughts, and this is the domain we function in, and the fact that we are cosmically proportioned, every body that ever lived on this planet has been an iteration of the twelve of us. I am beginning to recognize through sense of personality my own iterations in this world and those of others and the effect is profound fondness for every one I see because I can see that we are indeed a blessed star family who's guide or parent is our sun. Understand that our bodies are material communication devices used for the intent of manifesting material events. We simply exhale one last and we are immediately inflated to our true proportions. So there twelve of us personalities and personality is the best description we have for who we are. This is why you here frequently, oh you remind of this person. the reason is that it is an expression of your personality. Folks we all are each an apostle of the father. We come here to learn how to create the miraculous good. We are the twelve of the zodiac which is why you recognize yourselves in those descriptions even though there is no way to conduct hard science on the the apparent synchronicity of descriptions to actual personality traits. So some people are convinced by their own circumstantial evidence and some obviously say that astrology is a bunch of crap. Mckenna states in his video that if apprehend information you can see it.It becomes visible and it all hinges on maintaining your finest composure in and among each.other. WE call that loving as opposed to our current strained civility. We are, in absence of anxiety, the very grace we associate with the idea of godlike goodness and to experience that sensation is an astonishment that makes wonder why hadn't seen it before. This is the advent of the second coming which in fact means the multiple orgasm or the restoration of our whole organism. Joy to you all. Because we are only twelve of the same, I only need twelve, one of each from each personality to open their minds to this to teach in order to restore our vision, because it is in our thoughts and sensations wherein we reside in this world which is why you can feel very close to someone even though they are far away.
Of course - but on this level? Who else would feel they actually had the right to ask a question like that? Because its part of "their culture" ???