Soft penis

Discussion in 'Masturbation' started by James hetfield, Dec 28, 2019.

  1. James hetfield

    James hetfield Members

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    Hello.Im a 18 yo guy from greece.My english is shity but i will try.I never had sex and today i hung out with a girl.We kissed with tongue and i went really hard but the last days i have a problem.I tried to masturbate like doing doggystyle sex.I didnt move my hand but my body.And my penis went immidiately soft.I tried it again but the same thing happened.When i masturbate like a normal person i dont have that problem.She said to me to have sex but due to this problem i said that i have to go back home.Could you please help me????I really want to fuck her.
  2. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    what does mean by masturbate like normal person?
  3. James hetfield

    James hetfield Members

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    I mean that i move my hand to masturbate like everyone does.When i do it like that my penis does not go soft its always hard.When i just grab my dick and not move the hand but i move the body to masturbate then it goes soft.Did you understand?
  4. Maybe you're not into fucking your own hand.
    Orison likes this.
  5. Barry Thrift

    Barry Thrift Members

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    Hi when you masturbate do you use a very hard grip known as the grip of steel? if that is your problem you will need to change to a soft grip why masturbating, may take a time to get it right as a vagina cant replicate that kind of grip, may take a few weeks but stick with it and your win through, from an English guy who lives in Greece.
    elseyk4671 likes this.
  6. Breastfan

    Breastfan Members

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    Probably anxiety, just relax and go with the flow.......
    bill697cu, Angela36 and elseyk4671 like this.

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