Sociology of the Internet?

Discussion in 'Class Suggestions' started by shaman sun, Oct 7, 2009.

  1. shaman sun

    shaman sun Member

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    Would anyone be interested in "attending" a sociology of the internet class? I wrote a thesis on it for my sociology bachelors degree. Would be awesome and appropriate to give the highlights here, introduce people to how the internet is impacting civilization, negatively and positively, as well as understanding a lot of the implications the future holds.

    Let me know if anyone is interested!
  2. MaccaByrd

    MaccaByrd Member

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    I'm fascinated with how the internet influences and is influenced by society. Sign me up!
  3. happydude_60

    happydude_60 Senior Member

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    I might be interested in something like that, if I can find the time. I think the internet ranks right up there with Guttenberg's printing press in facilitating access to information to the masses. They're not taking full advantage of it, though, what with porn, chatrooms, etc.

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