Hello I'm 17 I'm a drop out I just couldn't take being at school with all those judgemental people who think they are better that every one I hate society it's terrible I want some were to live were people arnt judging you we're every one is treated equal of anyone knows of anything please let me know
Well you've made an important first step towards realizing that Illinois is nowhere to be. I mean just look at the Winter we just had, why did Humans ever decide to settle this far north I'll never understand. May 12th and I'd still have fears about a "Final frost" sneaking up to wipe out seedlings if I had any planted. I wont lie and say that anywhere else is immensely better (Not that it would be complete and utter bullshit) but with a bit of effort I'm sure you may find a new location with a different variety of Assholes that will better suit your own personal Sociological prejudices. Take Colorado for an example, they're far too Stoned to be Dickheads as much of the time as say folks like us around Chicago can tend to be.
It's funny because when you decide to grow up and get a job you're just going to be looked at by even more judgmental people for not having your act together and being as useful as tits on a bull with the lack of knowledge you possess. Like it's cute and all to drop out of school because you feel judged, but the reality is... Get used to it. Quickly.
Yes, the system sucks and people are assholes. The system could also suck way worse, and people could be even bigger assholes. You might be able to find some place in the world that you like better than the place that you are at now, but there is no utopia. You can look for a better place, try to make things better, or try to be better adjusted to things as they are. Sounds like you could be experiencing depression, in which case this thread may be of help http://www.hipforums.com/forum/topic/458019-treating-depression-and-anxiety/ Finishing your HS degree or getting a GED would probably be a good idea. Tough to get work without one. Forgiving others and "not judging people for judging" can be tough, but you may be happier if you can do it. Not saying it's something that I can do. Hope that things can get better soon!
definitely get a GED, sooner rather than later or it will just be harder. preferably you should go to college if you have the opportunity, it wont be like highschool.
I have a job and I'm starting my ged in July I have all that covered Im not worried about that and it's not even people judging me i don't like I don't like people judging in general unless your close to them I do don't know how to explain it I'm not good at expressing myself
I dropped out of school when I was 16. From the time I started kindergarten and until the 7th grade, I was tortured and bullied everyday for being highly different. When I say different, I mean that I was highly intelligent and had a maturity that my school peers did not. I could relate to people in their 50s and 60s better than kids my own age. I started a job working for a lumber company when I was 14 and I also started lifting weights, and coincidentally by the time I hit High school, I had a huge growth spurt and ended up being 6'2" tall and 220 pounds of solid muscle. The kids that tortured me all of my life still tried, and I ended up in many bloody battles, until people were afraid of me. Even after that point, I still had people that continued to challenge me, just to see if they could take me out (Prison mentality complex). Even though I always was defending myself, I always got in trouble, because of my size. I dropped out my sophomore year, went to work for an electrical company, and completed my GED, graduating a year before my former peers. I am 31 now, I have held good jobs, and I am currently writing a fiction book, which my beta readers believe will be a Times Best Seller. There will always be judgmental assholes where ever you go. The biggest piece of advice I will give you is to be the change that you would like to see in society. All it takes is one person to touch and/or inspire another to set off a positive domino effect. Work hard, be good to others (Even if they don't deserve it), and strive to better yourself. Things will be okay. You are very young, and you have a very exciting life ahead of you.
Skip the GED and go back to High School. I got my GED and it's not considered the equivalent. And if you think that people are judgmental in HS, you'll never make it in real life. Dropping out ain't the cool thing or smart thing to do. Go back and get your diploma.
I have never had anyone ask for verification of my education. So , if that's the case ; I have a PhD. Learn a good skill ; learn how to make money work for you. Start a small business , Make a ton of money. Make a ton of babies. Be happy. No diploma or degree required. Sorry.
yeah most people are just walking around with their heads up their asses, i think more unique people have it harder. It feels better when you have people around that are more like you. i guess its just real hard to find that when you're not as much of a clone as everyone else. oh and a GED is seen as equivalent to a diploma in Europe and a number of other countries if that helps.
Classic 17-year-old angst - "I can't stand those who judge, except when I do it. Then it's fine because I'm judging judgers." The circularity of it and the self-contradictory logic are invisible only to the one who claims to sit in judgment of only those who judge. By now, you are 22 or 23 years old, and wherever you call home, I hope you have seen by now that you were just as judgmental of others at age 17 as anyone else was of others. Many people mistake self-absorption for self-awareness. When we grow as people, we move from the former to the latter, but it doesn't necessarily come with age. Some never get there.