...a butt plug, a vase full of ground beef, and a car battery with testicle sized electrodes. anybody game? lol. much love
like the martian smith in stranger in a strange land, when he finally discovers what it means to laugh for humans on earth -- --- he's at the zoo and watching the monkey cage. the biggest monkey clunks the medium monkey and steals his food. then the medium monkey goes to the smallest monkey, pummels him, and takes his food. he laughs because it hurts and its so ugly, its the only thing he can do to keep from . . . so sure, i'm down too
you got that exactly right! sometimes i think out loud for a few days. sometimes i don't think. follow my process to understanding. love you
*harnesses energy* *transforms* sometimes a laugh is all it takes. but a scream of rage or the vomit of complacence is just as suitable. much love
and then the seeming safety of laughter gives way to a waterfall of tears that runs dry and the agonizing pain of [] nearly cripples those few courageous and steadfast who endure for the most beautiful reason/ possible
and as these crippled beings decay unto the excretions of death they fertilize for those left behind a new hope, if only they are willing to grasp it. lol. all this from "...a butt plug, a vase full of ground beef, and a car battery with testicle sized electrodes." hamburger helper, anyone? much love
you can bring tofu if you're a vegetarian. and any battery'll do so long as the testicles are hairy... best of all, it's all low-carb.
indeed, pubes are like fucking superconductors if you wet them down a little. *eyes water from laughter* much love