So WTF does it all mean?!

Discussion in 'DMT' started by Tokapelli, Mar 15, 2011.

  1. Tokapelli

    Tokapelli Member

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    ^ ok i deffinitely agree with that. Terrence did say its important that you dont lose yourself to amazement. I know im not going to find the truth, like i said before well never have all of our questions answered. But as far as we know that place is just as real as the one that were in (or think were in, lol) now, so i wouldnt say its a waste of time. Like the geometric feild you see, like i said in a previous post i really that is something significant. I dont think its a coincidence that everything on earth (lightning, trees, sea shells, our body) alings perfectly with sacred geometry, and then you see geometry on dmt, there are other things too.

    I agree with Guerillabedlam-
    "I don't think we have even cracked the tip to explain these experiences with logic and reason. " - more studies need to be done, well never fully understand it but there is alot about it that we could learn. So is it a waste of time? it wasnt for me thats for sure. Is it just an illusion? well yes of course, unless all you are seeing and feeling is raw energy you are looking at an illusion created by a union of your conciosness and the collective conciosness (wich really, the seperation of 'your' conciousness adn the collective consiousness is just an illusion too, lol). I dont know why we create this illusion, my best guess would be that its so we can experience things subjectivley, because its hard to experience something subjectively if your one with it.
  2. trypting

    trypting Member

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    ^ with that I agree :p
  3. Shivaya

    Shivaya Y'a rien de trop beau pour la classe ouvrière.

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  4. trypting

    trypting Member

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  5. PassionateChemist

    PassionateChemist Member

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    People kill themselves because they feel so depressed, and yet you state that our minds are capable of resolving any problems we have? You're saying PTSD is minor and not the most serious thing in the world, let me point out that it's not the most serious thing in YOUR world. For the people who do struggle with this, it sometimes is. And if they can use a 'medicine' for this, and improve their lifes, who are you to tell them not to, and go into therapy(which can take ages and isn't guarnteed succes)?

    For me, drugs are not a waste of time. It lets me know that there's something far bigger than just the world that we see around us. I like to go outside, watch people just walking on the streets minding their own business, and think to myself: ''you have no idea how much bigger the world actually is''.
    Because of my DMT experience, it makes me appreciate the world alot more. It makes me feel the love which used to be hidden from me. Life before my DMT experience was so superficial, and the experience added a whole new dimension to it. I feel like I couldn't be happier. It's like a feeling of being in love, but not to a person; but to everything.
    So to answer your questions and to reflect my view on your statements;
    How is drugs(read: DMT) a waste of time, if it improved my life so much? It added a whole new dimension to it, and it made me love the world around me. It's not like some sort of 'happy pill' you take and you feel happier. It's an experience you undergo and you try to see the beauty of it all by yourself. It's not a bridge, it's a tool for you to create that bridge to another dimension of love and understanding.
    And yes, maybe I could've learned these things sober, over a lifetime. But if it improved my life now at the age of 19, how is it a waste of time?

    PS: The entities in my experience were awkward, I couldn't make sense of what they were saying, whispering and singing, but I really felt that they had a mind aswell. For me, I don't really care for things without a mind, but when our brains make us feel like something does have a mind of its own, we give it a special/extra meaning. Like when you can fall in love to an unknown entity in your dreams, like a girl/boy you have never seen before. It's like our minds feel so alone in an experience, that they create entities to make us feel more comfortable. Anyway, that is an interpretation of my own.

  6. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    MDMA has dramatically improved my life, I don't have PTSD but I can definitely see how it can help one who won't let those emotional walls come down to confront difficult psychological material. The negative effects of MDMA have been grossly exaggerated, although some negatives do exist but I think one can argue that people like you Trypting buy into negative propaganda about MDMA just like you're claimining some of us buy into MDMA assisted therapy.

    Those MDMA studies are still in their infancy but the two groups so far that Im aware of that have used MDMA, are groups not responding to other forms of traditional PTSD therapy and Overall both groups showed amazing results with MDMA. Its not as if they just give them MDMA and all is well, the MDMA is coupled with other forms of therapy so its not an alternative its an addition but still there is obviously a dramatic shift in consciousness that becomes apparent somehow allowing one to respond better via MDMA.
  7. trypting

    trypting Member

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    your proving my point more. you don't think those things can be accomplished with a sober mind?? the entities, "these entities", "these entities" !!!! come one people is that really what intrigues you so much. I mean maybe I just smoked too much dmt to even find it interesting anymore. but what I have learned is you can accomplish ANYTHING with a sober mind. YEs drugs help but there's nothing compared to the feeling of being free!!!!! you just need to have a bad experience before things start to get shitty for you. give it time. dmt isn't the source of all beauty and mystery in human life......
  8. PassionateChemist

    PassionateChemist Member

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    The last time I smoked DMT was a breakthrough, my first. I haven't had any desire for pot/shrooms/DMT. I feel happy as I am, namely thanks to my experience.(I had a mild addiction to pot, been 2 weeks since I last smoked it, and my DMT experience was last week)

    Also I don't think it's worth spending time in this discussion with you, your arguments are based on nothing, and you fail to interpret what I say. You're saying is that to feel 'free' in life, I must experience a bad DMT trip? You smoked DMT yourself dozens of time, as you earlier said, so it's kind of hypocritical to justify us for 'trying it out'.

    ''When you get the message, hang up the phone''
    I got the message, I hung up the phone. You smoked it yourself for dozens of time, and it looks like you still ain't got the message. You're being so offensive regarding to DMT that it looks like you are still in some sort of denial phase. But that's just based on a few posts of you I just read in this thread, so that doesn't really mean alot.
  9. trypting

    trypting Member

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    all I'm saying is I've been there and done that and wish I didn't waste my time doing it or writing responses to you people. and I never said being free in life means you have to have a bad dmt experience, that is just the way you interpreted my statement because your still interested in dmt, you probably wont care what I say and keep doing it anyway until you find out what I'm talking about when I say that people get overly obsessed with dmt for no reason. your just at the beginning. and I'm not gonna say don't do it, just don't get obsessed.
  10. PassionateChemist

    PassionateChemist Member

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    Hmm you were kind of implying that in your previous post, though.
    I agree with this, I feel how you can get obsessed by such a 'real' world, and I do have to try and contain myself and don't get obsessed. So thanks for that.
  11. trypting

    trypting Member

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    I wish you luck in your hyperspacial travels :conehead:
  12. PassionateChemist

    PassionateChemist Member

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    Yesterday evening I broke through on my fifth time trying DMT. I immediately remembered how it felt the first time I broke through (I forgot most of it, so hence). I can see the image of how everything looked like very clearly in front of me. As I was tripping, I wondered if my friend(the sitter) was a being of my trip, or not. So I asked him to talk to me, which he did for a few seconds, then he thought it was rubbish to talk nonsense so he quitted. I was abit frightened, but at some point I gave in to the trip, and I felt so happy. I was in love with everything, and I was thankfull for the beings to make it not a bad trip, I kept on thanking them.
    In my DMT trips, beings have human shaped bodies, and they keep on going from left to right, swinging with their arms. Also we had a song playing on repeat; Aphex Twin - Avril 14th, this helped ALOT!

    Anyway, after the experience I was of course mind blown, and went home about 30 minutes after. I was quite peacefully, but I wanted to talk to some close friends. So back in my own town(used the train) I went to a bar with 2 of my best friends, and we smoked some pot. I wanted to tell them how it was and I told them I was in need to talk to good friends right now. After about one and a half hour, I had a kickback, I felt like the friends around me were beings, and that I was tripping. I guess THC + aftermath of DMT = no good. After a couple of minutes it subsided, and I went home.
    On my route going home, I became abit paranoid, I kept seeing things as humans in my eye corners, and sounds bumping from my iPod scared me. Once home, I made something to eat and went to bed. As I was trying to sleep I suddenly heard a very heavy loud manly voice saying: 'UP!' (I'm dutch, but I heard the english word 'up'), and it echoed abit. First moments after that I didn't really thought about it, but like half a second after the voice I woke up scared, knowing that it's not normal to hear a voice inside your head. I was scared, very scared. I put the TV on, but as I was too tired I put it off about 5 minutes later. As I closed my eyes, I saw visual effects. I saw faces, alot of eyes, and beams of light moving in circles in an organic way. I felt like I was on DMT, not because of the visuals, but because how I was thinking:'Am I tripping? Am I going to wake up out of a trip in some moments? Does this life where I'm in now real?'.
    I questioned reality, I doubted it and it frightened me. I saw the drum kit in my room moving, as if I was on shrooms. Everything in my room moved, but when I focused more clearly they stopped moving. But everytime I lost my focus trying to get to sleep, I fell into a DMT trip-like state of mind.

    The next morning(that is, today) I woke up quite normally and I was pretty happy I made it through the night, it was a living nightmare. On my way to the train station(and eventually, college) I was listening to Coldplay's Viva la Vida album. The lyrics of the song 'Strawberry Swing' and 'Speed of Sound' related so very well to how I was feeling, as if it was writter by someone who is experienced with DMT(Chris Martin). I thought to myself; Is this just a weird coincidence? Or did he used DMT aswell? or maybe even; this is all a trick of the mind of a higher being I actually am, and everything and everyone around me is a projection of that mind. I questioned reality, and I got the DMT trip feeling back, I still do now sometimes (it's 13:49 here). I'm a bit frightened, because I don't know what to believe. I hope it subsides in a couple of days. All I know is that I won't be doing DMT ever again, maybe not even pot. I'm scared.

  13. Ancient One

    Ancient One Member

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    All of what you're describing is reasonably normal, weed tends to revisit recent psychedelic trips, and can enhance, potentiate, or lengthen trips. For a little bit, weed will have a dmt or a salvia ,or whatever trip flavor. This reality is your reality; the one you're in now. Be calm. Face your fears, relax, get good sleep and healthy food, and exercise and in two weeks or less you'll be right as rain. If not, see your doctor...
  14. Tokapelli

    Tokapelli Member

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    ^ thats weird, ive heard that the trip lasts longer if you have maoi inhibitors in your system. Your body knows exactly how to handle this stuff because your brain makes it anyway, thats why it only lasts for a few minutes before your body destroys the molecule. The only thing i can think of that would make that happen is if you were on some other medications or something that might inhibit your maoi's.
  15. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    What IS it?


    Maybe with a space there, I'm not sure.
  16. PassionateChemist

    PassionateChemist Member

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    Thanks alot for your comment, I'm a bit more calmed now. I do still feel an intense love feeling everytime I listen to the song I used during my trip. The beings were dancing on it, welcoming me and letting me know not to be scared at all. So much love.. I could cry each time I think about it.
  17. Shivaya

    Shivaya Y'a rien de trop beau pour la classe ouvrière.

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    Then cry. Could do you some good. Just be calm, be still. Maybe meditate. I remember kinda feeling like that when I did Nitrous and the first times I was smoking up. I think it's just because you ''remember'' the feeling. Since it's a completely new way of feeling that you've never felt before, maybe you are ''imagining'' it.

    Maybe you're just a little unsettled that's all. You'll be fine.
  18. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Sounds like you had a heavy DMT trip passionate chemist. It can get pretty hectic at times, definitely a compound to use sparingly and respectfully.
  19. PassionateChemist

    PassionateChemist Member

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    Thanks for the reactions. It really helps to let people know how I feel about my experience, and you people really helped calming me down, so thank you for that. Really comfy words to hear..

    Peace and love, PC
  20. Ancient One

    Ancient One Member

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    DMT broke down and its constituent parts washed away long ago, but having your various brain receptors get saturated with neurochemicals (even ones it is metabolically designed to deal with) associated with psychedelics overloads them, primes them, and/or sensitizes/desensitizes them temporarily. DMT is a serotonin agonist, so theres one of those neurochemicals involved in how you think and feel,Serotonin; its not you feeling depressed or weird or insane or paranoid. Its your neurochemicals all stirred up wondering if anyone got the license plate of the DMT Bus, or LSD bus, or Mescaline bus, that ran them over. Your brain will sort it out; give it some rest time. So, youre not experiencing an extended DMT trip, your experiencing the echos, the reverberations of the DMT trip, and these after shocks will settle down as your brain chemistry normalizes. This is the nature of psychedelics; the bad comes with the good every time.

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