So who got furloughed or lost their jobs?

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by SouthPaw, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. SouthPaw

    SouthPaw Members

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    First off, to anybody who actually lost their jobs you have my utmost sympathy. Jobs are hard to find and will be hard to come by for the next couple of months. I truly wish you the best of luck and pray the available benefits are enough to help carry you through. Stay healthy my friends. Hopefully you'll have some combined savings to make it through this mess.

    I was fortunate enough to get furloughed for eight weeks (for now). I'm fortunate because it means I keep all my benefits including health insurance for the duration, but with no pay. I have to pay it back when I return, so deductions will be doubled, but I'm OK with that. It'll be hard but I can make it work. Nobody is going to replace my $45/hour paycheck, so I'll wait out the ones who were actually willing to pay me.

    Anyway, politics aside, I'm fucked, Trump's CARES Act will help (not a fan of him either) but my daughter and I will combine both our unemployment payments and will each receive an extra $600/week in CARES payments which barely replaces my weekly income, but it's close enough to keep us going.

    I basically have an eight week paid vacation due to Cares Act changes. Eight weeks to bond with my family. I'll make the best of it.

    Trump is a hot mess, but on its face his CARES Act is helping people weather the storm.

    What's been other's experiences so far? I know a lot of people are hurting...
    WritersPanic and mysticblu21 like this.
  2. djomalley

    djomalley Fanch King

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    Like many Americans, I was furloughed as well. Unemployment is a joke tho. It’s been “processing” since I applied on the 17th of March. No phone call, no email, no money, no movement.
  3. SouthPaw

    SouthPaw Members

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    I had to file in California, but because I moved to another state in December can’t file online. I had to call in. The phones lines are only open 4 hours/day!

    I had to hit speed dial over 900 times over three days to get through. I’m not kidding, my phone tracks how many times I dialed. Of all those calls, I only made it to the auto-attendant about 45 times, clicked through some menus, then was dropped. They need to expand phone hours but the state has said they’re not going to do so.
  4. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I've been furloughed for the past eleven years, and I love it, no going out early in the morning to catch the train to London. no work, and no dashing for the train home again and staning in a packed train.
  5. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Self furloughed for a few years. 45 years on "the roof" was enough. Just a delivery boy for the sons now. Feeling good. Sorry about those who have rough times now.
    Gul Dukat likes this.
  6. WhatJustHappened

    WhatJustHappened Members

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    My mum got 12 weeks off.
    My mate lost all his business (events graphics)
    His mate lost his, catering trade.

    Another chap, frontline nhs, he has a cough.
    I’m hoping he will be ok, he was damn close to being my brother for 10 years!
    Brother from another mother was how we phrased it.

    I’m still hard at it! Construction trade are apparently impervious to viral attack?
    Oh, and the investors are a bit twitchy.
    (Alas nowhere to be seen)

    Yay for Easter! 4 days off.

    Good luck!
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  7. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    My boys are still roofing, but wearing masks. Inspectors are fining those that don't.
    mysticblu21 and Asmodean like this.
  8. WhatJustHappened

    WhatJustHappened Members

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    The trouble I have.....
    Yes all trades can work.
    “But you must maintain social distancing”

    We are all going up the same bloody ladder!

    It’s impossibly stupid.
  9. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Living on that sweet government check but I am still technically employed. I feel lucky because I was told don't look for other work if your government check is enough we want to keep you there is just no budget for it right now. Who knows if that changes depending on how long this goes on but I really like them so I will wait for now. I don't have much choice anyway because no one is hiring.
  10. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    there's a bunch of jobs still hiring here. a lot of them are temp jobs specifically during the quarantine.

    i'm still working. there's probably about 20-25 of us still there, out of around 100 normally. the one section that is still running actually had to hire several new people because of the sudden changes, and the people who got laid off weren't qualified to do that work.

    i'm kind of worried about when things do go back to normal. everyone's getting denied unemployment here, so several of the laid off staff went and found new jobs. i know some of those are temporary, but i bet we lose some people permanently too.
  11. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    The Governor shut me down on March 22nd. As of right now I can go back on May 1st but I expect that to get extended. Being self employed, I had to wait for the CARES act to get signed to do anything. I have yet to see any help so far. We will see how long that takes. My husband is able to work from home so we've been lucky we haven't had to dip into savings yet. Hopefully unemployment will come through soon so we won't have to get into our savings. We will be fine even if we need to but I have better things to spend that on. I'm so ready to go back to work. I'm not good at being idle. I understand why I'm shut down but that doesn't make it any easier.
    Gul Dukat likes this.
  12. ryanmem

    ryanmem Members

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    On voluntary leave from work did it to avoid catching the virus and bringing it to family members I would hate myself for that...airline industry is not looking good right now even with the bailouts they’re about to get. Hopefully this will blow over I’m due back at work June 1st but I might extend depending on how things are. I hate being home doing nothing but I guess it’s for safety. At least unemployment is good.
  13. djomalley

    djomalley Fanch King

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    I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that! I’ve tried to call Florida over and over just to treat some reassurance or talk to someone , etc... But exactly what is happening with you is what is happening here with me. It’s hard for me to believe that anyone is getting through, ya know. Strange times.
    SouthPaw likes this.
  14. djomalley

    djomalley Fanch King

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    Say what? What state? That sounds crazy. If someone is furloughed then they shouldn’t get denied, period. Of course, no one here in Florida has even been processed, so who’s to say here!
  15. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    ^ ohio.

    yeah, that's pretty much what they promised in the beginning. but then people actually started applying and they starting coming up with various excuses to say no.
    djomalley likes this.
  16. I know it's coming, but I am able to do most of my job remotely as it is. But the industry is going to take a massive hit. So far about half of the sales staff is gone, but that was already in the works for many of them since the fiscal year began in February (?!?!?). And sales is like that, if you don't have a steady stream of revenue, you're not selling. It sucks no matter what the economy or what have you are doing.

    At some point they're going to realize that having me around to write speeches, when we have fewer employees to deliver a speech to, is costly. Another important job I have is to take the operating and service manuals from China and correct their bizarre English while verifying with engineers that whatever ray gun the manual is describing is actually capable of doing what they say. So that it passes legal muster. But THEN it goes by my desk again to be fully translated into structured technical English, so that it can be translated into various languages. Including Chinese!

    Because, lawyers.

    So I know I'm about to be fucked, probably by email.

    This means more prep for hard times. Though, my wife's from Florida, so we always have hurricane supplies on hand, in Atlanta. But now she's going nuts with it. An odd strategy she has is buying stuff we don't normally eat. Some of it I'll never eat. It doesn't matter, it's cheap canned goods we can spare if the opportunity to trade for something else comes along. Or we can give it to the neighbors who happen to ask for help.

    I think we're about to launch a multi-decade depression. Good thing we're not heading into winter yet. But, it's going to be a really tight crop season if you haven't planted anything yet. And don't bother with the heirloom vs hybrid issue if you're just starting. Buy the disease-resistant, proven performing hybrids. And get enough for 2 or 3 seasons. It will take that long for any effort to raise heirlooms can begin to stabilize into a continuously viable source.

    Also, make sure your neighbors are growing plenty of cannabis. Don't tell them of course.
  17. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    I saw this coming before the virus. Things were happening here that let people know hard times were coming. Looked to the smaller already poor places in your own country and I saw it coming, this depression. There were small towns that were creating their own currency and naming it. Bills torn in half became currency, because stores didn’t have change. Was a sign of things to come. Trading was happening more as well.
    Joshua Van likes this.
  18. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    I hate that medical transcripts are sent overseas for translation by people whose English is not good. I have read some of the things that were transcribed regarding medical records here and it is way off. Plus, I don’t think anyone’s medical records should be leaving the country. Perhaps you can offer your services to canadian doctors for transcribing,
    Joshua Van likes this.
  19. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    I got a denial letter too but I will still get it. People who wouldn't normally qualify for it from the state may qualify under the federal CARES act. My state doesn't have their shit together so a bunch of automatic denial letters went out but they have told us to keep filing our weekly unemployment claim and they will eventually get caught up and pay us what we are owed. I'm 3 weeks in and haven't seen a penny yet so I'm hoping that happens soon. I've heard from others that they are finally seeing money so hopefully soon.
    djomalley likes this.
  20. phil1965

    phil1965 Senior Member

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    I was working as an engineer on the railway, carrying out electrical work on some major projects, I lost my job after refusing to go and work in London, which is where the virus seems most active in the UK. Apparently, I could easily be replaced, they said,however I don't know whether it was the fact that they couldn't find anyone with the right knowledge to do the job, or whether they couldn't find anyone stupid enough to go into the' eye of the storm' as it were, but they rang me up a fortnight ago begging me to go back, the MD, more or less said I could write my own paycheque, if I sorted the job out!
    It's not worth the risk, what good is money if you are dead? Now I'm getting bugger all, as because my wife works, the benefits system say I'm only entitled to a fiver a week, work that one out, if I was a layabout or a bloody migrant they'd be throwing money at me.
    Joshua Van likes this.

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