So what happened to the uproar about migrant caravans?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Vanilla Gorilla, Sep 7, 2019.

  1. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Everything seems to have gone quiet these last couple months

    Google something like illegal migrant caravans are you will be hard pressed to find a story dated after January 2019

    What happened, for one this happened:
    Dated April this year, 5 months ago

    Mexican Authorities did a turn around and started raiding the caravans

    And no one seems to have noticed, or cares anymore, left media got bored of the issue

    Trump didnt need to build the wall, just cut quotas in half, which he did...and where is all the outrage?
  2. Without caravans of people walking hundreds of miles in brand new clothing as a video backdrop, the story died. It was supposed to be just like what Europe went through, but it fell short. Because Mexico finally realized they didn't have REAL support from democrats anymore. They were being used, just like the marching peasants, in a failed power play.

    If the Clintons had won, we'd have "immigrant" welcome centers in every major city and every agricultural hub. Right down the street from the unemployment office and welfare (for the Americans of course). Instead, the party of unicorns, granola and endless empty promises, lost. To a greedy capitalist.

    There's no outrage because the river of kickbacks was dammed up.
  3. lode

    lode Banned

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    It was right wing propaganda to get people to call Congress and demand money for a wall.

    When that failed they decided to take money out of military bases and out of FEMA during hurricane season. And surprise, no more caravan coverage on Fox News. There's still a humanitarian disaster, but the fall tv season started, and you can't expect Americans to pay attention for that long.
    MeAgain, Lynnbrown, Asmodean and 3 others like this.
  4. lode

    lode Banned

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    Cat's and dogs would be having babies....
    MeAgain likes this.
  5. lode

    lode Banned

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    We'd be forced to recognize those marriages as legal....
  6. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Although a humorous exaggeration I wonder why you put immigrants between " " there?
    And if some agricultural hubs where workers are in demand would cater to foreign workers with such a thing as a welcome center wouldn't that be good? I mean if most of the homegrown americans aren't eager to.
    MeAgain and Lynnbrown like this.
  7. Running Horse

    Running Horse A Buddha in hiding from himself

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    Reality TV has moved on to it's next enthralling series man.
  8. Americans don't yield to corporate slavery, fake ass "immigrants" do. That's what this is about, corporate profits. Do you really think this bullshit is somehow "good" for the people they are using? These people aren't getting American freedom.
  9. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    The fact is that those farms need employees. Most if not all farms are owned by americans right? They hire these people, right?
    And what makes these immigrants that aim to work on those farms fake exactly?
    MeAgain and Lynnbrown like this.
  10. The use of actual migrant labor for the farming part of agriculture only continues to decline as a result of automation. It's also closing in on post harvest production which is where most of the illegal labor practices are focused. But even this layer, sorting, butchering packaging, is being automated at an accelerating rate.

    So, where are these people going to go? After more "jobs Americans won't do"? Or do they just creep into the woodwork as underground workers for slave wages?

    As for hiring, again this is all about corporate profits. Supporting an open borders attitude doesn't mean equality for the downtrodden peasants of the world, it means more money for corporations and shareholders. The people shouldered with supporting the downtrodden peasants of the world from that point will be the remaining Americans with jobs.

    There's going to be a shockingly rapid transition to automation in the near future. Everyone from tow truck drivers to grocery cashiers will be out of work. Packing in more people only means that when the bottom does drop out, it's going to be so much worse for everybody in the US. Except the wealthy, of course.
  11. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Its just bizarre how it all evaporated, do a few google searches yourself, with news stories there is like nothing for 5 months

    And bizarre how it just seemed to stop across all english speaking news sites across the world at the same time
  12. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    So the only businesses hiring these people are corporations according to you?

    btw: there's something in between having totally open borders and not letting any south or latin american job seekers in. I agree, getting in illegally is not the way, but the thing is a lot of those farm workers aren't hired illegally. That automation is replacing jobs also doesn't render this an obsolete issue at all neither
    Lynnbrown likes this.
  13. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    Not really, not in America anyway. We are outraged when we first hear of something we don't like. Then the weeks drag on and we get bored with it and become ready for the next outrage. Look at all the mass shootings as an extreme example. Everybody wants sometime done immediately...for about a couple weeks. Then we seem to forget.
  14. What happens is that people come to realize there is no instant solution. Same as the climate.
  15. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    The caravans are evolving.

    The immigrants learned that large caravans attract attention, especially from Trump, so they've adopted a new method of dispersing into smaller groups.
    The original reason for the caravans was to avoid paying a "coyote" and for protection.
    The migrants are still coming, they're just being smarter.
  16. It figures that they're still crossing the border.

    OP is right, though, all of these things just vanish. I remember a guy shot up the capitol building in the 90's and hardly anybody remembers this but me. And there's stuff we can't afford to just forget, like the concentration camps.

    It's almost like if we complain enough about something and then hear no more about it, we assume we must have fixed it.
  17. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Apache thermal vision.

  18. Gee, I wonder why kids shoot each other.
  19. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I'm just trying to share that if Trump really ernestly wanted to put the effort into stopping them, it could be done, quite easily. So all this talk about smaller group dispersion... Yeah, nah. I don't think so. Apachee helicopter ends that argument, quickly.
  20. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Up to your usual tricks I see, not linking a CNN article, yes CNN big surprise there, dated 4th March 2019

    Here is the article
    What happened to the migrant caravans? - CNNPolitics

    It says 10,000 in those caravans at the time, which is a huge drop from the 100,000+ a month at the height of it in 2017

    So seems change in policies from both the mexican and US governments did work. Not that CNN would ever admit that

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