So much for 'Brexit' being the saviour of our economy !!!

Discussion in 'U.K. Politics' started by Vladimir Illich, Dec 2, 2019.

  1. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  2. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    What are you talking about? You havent brexited yet.

    This is while you are still under EU rule
  3. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  4. Barry Thrift

    Barry Thrift Members

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    Its coming at right now, so duck if you need to.

    Right now its the EU are playing silly bugger's, they have had 3 years to get here act together, but no they sat hoping we would stay, silly them.

    Once Boris was in they should have known it was coming and got there act together, silly them.
  5. Boozercruiser

    Boozercruiser Kenny Lifetime Supporter

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    Agreed Vanilla.
    Vlad just doesn’t ‘get it’ at all.
    His Marxist Labour Party didn’t ‘get it’ either so got thumped in the General Election.
    Nasty LOSERS the lot of them!
  6. Boozercruiser

    Boozercruiser Kenny Lifetime Supporter

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    I think it’s worse than just ‘silly’ Barry.
    Pretty THICK as Pig Shit the EU and twice as soft nincompoops the lot of them!
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2020
  7. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    FFS, how many more times must I keep repeating this ??? - it is NOT MY Labour Party, I'm neither a member or supporter of the Labour Party, they're far too woolly for my taste !!!
  8. Barry Thrift

    Barry Thrift Members

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    Having just got chucked off a site, if I had replied saying that I would have been off long ago, so its best to tread softly.
  9. Barry Thrift

    Barry Thrift Members

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    There you got it wrong again, reread the answer.
  10. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I don't get how you blame the 3 year delay/drag out on the EU.
    Balbus likes this.
  11. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    What's the use voting for the Greens though, if they are only going to win one seat? What's that going to do?

    You voted for the Greens, which in this election was a defacto vote for the Tories, as it helped labour not get the numbers. Minor parties are only any use of there is no clear majority
  12. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    A few seats is better than no seats. So they can be part of the opposition, right?
  13. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    It's not like they couldn't have acted though, only one of the countries needed to veto, especially the extension granted April 2019

    In about 2 or 3 years, you'll see why they should have

    Largest sector of UK imports by value is machinery, including technology. Companies buy a certain amount of that.

    But 2nd largest us cars, which are mostly brought by individuals

    Those car imports, how they change, if at all, if there is a dramatic shift from where they are coming from. That will be the earliest indicator. We will get those figures just over 6 months after they actually leave

    If there is a big shift in those imports to Japanese and Korean cars, then Germany suffers and you have a whole bunch of Germans scratching their heads as to why they didn't see it coming.

    If there is no change in those car imports because Germany backflips quick enough...then it becomes, well what do you need the EU for? If there is no difference?

    At the same time you have Trump's little trade war with China, he didn't need a full on trade war with China, just needed to scare businesses for 6 months so they spread out to other countries. Japan and Korea of course aren't China

    But basically two years from now, we find out parts of the EU did suffer more than the UK, regardless of fault, you don't think there will be a whole lot of people asking why none of the EU27 vetoed, kicked them out earlier?
  14. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    As for the usual negative nancy media articles in these posts

    Manufacturing is 10% of the UK economy, manufacturing job losses because of increased automation is happening all over the first world. Blaming Brexit mostly is horseshit

    When your GDP is 2.2 trillion pounds a year

    "May have" lost 0.13 trillion pounds over three years (with the help of some creative accounting) due to Brexit, doesn't really mean shit
  15. Varmint

    Varmint Member

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    I don't live in your part of the world, so I don't have to put up with the EU shizzle for the most part. I'm sure what the EU says and does has some effect over here, but it is limited by our own laws and our constitution. Not so over there in the UK.

    One has to wonder, however: How did anyone not see this coming? Did anyone really think that, just because the people voted to leave the EU that your lousy government would obey your decision? Or that some worthless parasite would not find some way to sabotage the whole thing to make it meaningless and worthless?
  16. Hope you realise something here. No other country wanted Brexit. Hence why they left the EU.
  17. Varmint

    Varmint Member

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    I would think that, if other countries didn't want Britain to leave, there must be a reason why. This leads me to wonder why Britain is so important to them and what the benefit of Britain staying is to Britain. In other words, who does Britain's membership serve? Britain, or someone else? And at the expense of whom? My guess is to follow the money and you'll know not only where it goes, but who serves who.
    Mustard Tiger likes this.
  18. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    This is getting monotonous !!! - Wrong yet again !!! - Caroline is the SITTING M.P and since the 'Green' party are more radical than the local Labour candidate it was 'no contest'
  19. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    We will squash you Brexiteers :D
  20. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Wrong about what?

    Greens have one seat in your lower house, 2 seats in Lords

    Doesn't matter how radical Lucas et al are, what the fuck is one seat in the House of Commons going to do? Apart from environmentally friendly options for seagulls in your own electorate that is

    Lolz, so lentils for the Parliament cafeteria, doesn't get anymore radical than that

    Lucas calls for sustainable Commons catering
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2020

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