So if I

Discussion in 'Oral Sex' started by Barefoot Scott, Mar 4, 2023.

  1. Barefoot Scott

    Barefoot Scott Members

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    get sucked off once by a guy, am I being unfaithful?
  2. Andy Schumer

    Andy Schumer Visitor

    What’s the difference between a man and a woman? Still did it.
    Can’t explain any logic out of it for an excuse
  3. LowHangers

    LowHangers Members

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    Technically yes you are but we men feel different about blowjobs than women do. It's just a blowjob to us.
    Ybcican likes this.
  4. straightma1e

    straightma1e Members

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    Any form of sexual relations with someone other than who you are committed to, regardless of it being opposite or same sex, can be considered as being unfaithful. You should ask yourself this question to determine if you have been.

    "Am I adhering to vows, allegiance, or duties you have confessed to the commitment I made?"

    If you made a vow of exclusivity with the commitment you have been unfaithful. Or have broken the allegiance you made towards them and shirked your duties towards them. But if you can answer no to any of these conditions then you are free to enjoy sex with others and remain faithful to your commitment. It can be made to where you can have sex with other people while remaining faithful to one. All you need to have is an understanding that this is acceptable between the two of you. Then go get your cock sucked by all the men you want.
  5. Barefoot Scott

    Barefoot Scott Members

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    You have all provided the answer, which I knew to be obvious. I'm not as dumb as I look!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2023
  7. Barefoot Scott

    Barefoot Scott Members

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    Don't leave much room for discussion, do it??

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