So I started going to the gym and..

Discussion in 'Let Food Be Your Medicine' started by Formertechno34, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. Formertechno34

    Formertechno34 Member

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    I've stopped drinking diet drinks. Like pepsi or 7-up, stuff like that. I don't drink them anymore, I might eat some snacks but rarely, I imagine I have to cut them too? I'm 17 and wait about 145 pounds, I'm not fat but I want to get into great shape and have nice abs. So, what should I eat? A lot of proteins I know about that but what exactly? Steaks? Eggs? And what shouldn't I eat? And what can I eat ''occasionally''?
  2. xexon

    xexon Destroyer Of Worlds

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    Get a job that's physically demanding.

    Its like going to the gym but they pay you to be there.

    As for food, stay away from junk.

  3. zombiewolf

    zombiewolf Senior Member

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    Spoken like a person who's never had a physically demanding job.

    Most physically demanding jobs are very repetitive and work the same muscle groups over and over. You never get a full body work out because you are too tired after work to go to the gym. Get an easy job so you have a chance to recover from your personal workout sessions. Be sure to work the entire body.

    I recommend taking up Judo. There is no better whole -body workout.
    A 3 minute "Randori" will let you know what kind of shape you're in!;)
  4. Formertechno34

    Formertechno34 Member

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    Well I'm working as a busboy and I can assure you, it's really a physical job! I was actually thinking of quitting, got tired. Been doing this job for over a year. I've been actually thinking taking judo.
  5. xexon

    xexon Destroyer Of Worlds

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    I did my share of restaurant work. Construction too.

    Some of the best memories of my youth were spent working as a dishwasher for a couple of years. The economy was really bad and I was thankful to have a job. Many people around me didn't.

    I know how to balance muscle groups. Then as now, I'm an active cyclist.

    I can still exhaust people half my age too. :)

    Its easy to get in shape when you're young. It can almost be an impossibility to maintain it through adulthood because of the demands on your time with family and career. Once again, bicycles saved me there.

    I structured my life to maintain the degree of physical fitness I have. If you start now, it will prevent many of the physical ailments people get as they age. I'm living proof.

  6. Formertechno34

    Formertechno34 Member

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    How often should I be going to the gym per week? 3-4 times? When I go, I usually run for 10-20 minutes, then I work my biceps and triceps. Then I go to do my abs. That's my usual routine but you have to do everything or is it 2 muscles per day?
  7. i_need_a_miracle

    i_need_a_miracle Cajun Cornbread Jigger

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    If you want to lose weight, 10-20 minutes ain't gonna cut it.
    I used to work out for an hour a day doing cardiovascular activities, five to seven days a week.
    Then I did strength training for about an hour, working all muscles, every other day.

    I stopped that and I've gained a good 40 pounds. Thank you, chronic depression. :rolleyes:
    But I'm going to get my membership reinstated and start going back again.

    I lost like 50 pounds, if that helps you any...

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