Everything. Is the same as the real ones the imprints are the same they are just extremely smaller and kinda a lighter green.
The green ones are the 2mg. I actually prefer those. They say they're all the same but in my experience those & the white ones that actually say the word Xanax on them are more potent. But be careful because they will give you blackouts. They all do to a certain extent. If you take just 1 then you should be ok but go straight to bed. If you feel like it's not working don't rush to take another one. No matter what your tolerance is it will work. Ive learned the hard way. Thinking it wasn't enough & taking more. I've lost 3 jobs & gotten 2 DUI's, plus ruined the relationship with my ex-boyfriend & my mom. They feel great because you get rid of all your anxiety & stress. They help you sleep & make food taste great. That's why they are so dangerous. Also even if you've taken them the night before they will still be in your system the next day. Which makes your memory cloudy for quite some time even a little before & after you've taken em. Sorry to write you such a long reply but I've taken them for so long & so many bad experiences on it. I was just barely able to quit last month when I hit rock bottom.
I hate to be "that guy" but some fake xanaxes (xani?) have the exact same chemical makeup as the real thing. Basically what I mean is SOME phoney xanax bars are just as good as the real thing but not made by whoever makes xanax. That said you should NEVER take fake ANYTHING especially not xanax. If it looks dodgey or fake just don't take it. That "when in doubt sit it out" shit they teach you in JV basketball applies even better to drugs than concussions. If you have any doubts I'd say just get rid of it.
Yeah. If they're bootleg, you really don't know what fillers or binders or whatever is in them, or even how much Xanax, for that matter. I take 0.5mg peach colored footballs, and I notice an effect from even a half of one. That's 250 micrograms. Now granted, it can take a lot of Xanax on it's own to kill you. I've read that the LD50 of Xanax in rats is 2171mg/kg. Extrapolate that to 80 kg and you get 173.68 grams. That's for rats, though. I don't know the crossover to humans. Also, that's Xanax by itself. Mixed with alcohol or other downers will lower that considerably. You probably already know that anyway, but the point is, if they're fake, just throw them away.
normally the LD50 in rats is quite a bit higher than human LD50 ... not sure on exact numbers and it varies but maybe 50x human LD50. even so, i doubt you'd be able to fit enough alprazolam in a tablet to be lethal, even if it was a tablet of only alprazolam and no filler material. iirc, green bars are the same size as the white ones. if they are smaller as you say then they are something else, which means you dont know what kinda pills they are ...
Completely off topic but I use to take like two green bars and get a damn good buzz that was better the next morning. I took 4 1/2 and was not no where I wanted to be. I'm new to xanax so does your tolerance change that fast?
yes, it's easy to get a mad tolerance to xanax and benzos in general, and pretty quickly too. Probably not one day, but a few days, or a week and you will definitely notice some tolerance but it all depends on ur doses. Higher the doses the faster the tolerance comes.
I've only taken Xanax once but I do know that it might be a respiratory suppressant. If it is, (I'm not a pharmacist, but a pharmacist should be able to tell you more; just call CVS or something) then it can kill you if you mix it with other substances that also have a respiratory suppressant effect. I learned this the hard way taking an edible with a respiratory suppressant (I don't remember what).
LD50 in mg/kg body mass, so the actual dose would of course be proportionally less due to the rat's body mass being less than that of any human. Usually rat LD50 (in mg/kg) is higher than the human LD50 probably due to differences in metabolism or maybe receptor density but tbh I'm not sure why (not pharmacology or neurology major), or if it's true for all drugs. Either way, benzos have an absurdly high LD50 in humans, and there have been a few unfortunate occasions in the past where somehow I consumed hundreds if not approaching a thousand times the maximum daily dose of a benzo and I'm still here to talk about it. However, the results were not good, varying from difficult requiring some explaining later, to trainwreck (things like being arrested or ending up in the hospital I would consider trainwreck, not to say that either of these things necessarily happened to me). I could have been killed in other ways of course though, such as being so "benzo'd out" as to get run over by a train or driving a car and killing myself that way in an accident.
I figured it was probably something like that. I guess from an evolutionary perspective it makes sense, since rats have to eat lots of nasty shit and still survive.
metadata spamming, to make it more likely to show up in unrelated searches. I thought I was the only one that did that, people with 3 posts shouldn't be doing it .... they're doing it wrong anyway. It makes all girls that have fun driving cars look like bar-tards.
not psychedelic 1 mg - real generics made by original company i mg - weak - i get 6mg a day and i don't feel them
that could be it, tolerance is a bitch, either up your dose or try to lower your tolerance. You can't take the big doses every day. Ocassionally I take around ~10mg every now and then but during the week I try to keep my doses as small as possible while still maintaining most of the benefits, so when I feel like getting barred out proper my tolerance isn't massive. I can definitely "feel" them a lot better during the daytime than I do at night for some reason FWIW.