I never knew this. But according to weathermen, the summer season actually begins June 1st. Before then, like most Americans, I assumed it began on the Summer Solstice, around June 21st or so. Actually though, for where I live (SE Michigan) that is about right. Seasons come late, here. I know we often don't get our first major snowfall until the end of December, when the Winter Solstice rears its ugly head. Anyways, in England it is ever more crazy, as I understand it. They have what are called cross-quarter days, more or less between the Solstices and Equinoxes. So Winter ends on (what we would call) Groundhog's Day, or February 2nd. And so forth. (May 1st, i.e., May Day, would be the start of Summer there. But the subject is already so confusing, I will just leave it at that.) Anyway, so you have June 1st (which would make July 15 or thereabouts, the hottest day), and then you have the "cross-quarter day" (which is more or less between the seasons) of Aug. 1st (which they call Lammas Day in England--I'll leave it at that) as the height of the Solstice--or theoretically the hottest day. Which is it? Which is the hottest day? I really need to know. Because I can't stand the heat, and would like to know what to plan for. (BTW, I might as well tell you that I once followed the local weather report, oh, about ten years ago. And I deliberately watched the average highs. This led me to believe it must be around July 20th, or so in Michigan--which makes even less sense. As I said, it has to be July 15 or Aug. 1.) I await your answers. (BTW, I also will try to attach something which might be of value, to see what I mean. It is the Wiccan wheel of the year, which illustrates the seasons and cross-quarter seasons I am talking about.)
Hello, there are several definitions of summer, for instance, a meteorological and an astronomical summer. The meteorological summer starts on the first of june. That becomes handy if you want to produce statistics. On the other hand, the astronomical summer is based on the (virtual) path of the sun. The sun doesn't care about statistics, so the astronomical summer starts at a different time every year. Summer started at the 21st of june at about 06:37PM this year. I don't understand how this should connect to the hottest day of the year. The temperature depends mostly on other factors. The hottest day of the year for my area was yesterday. But we expect today to become the new hottest day of the year. Regards Gyro
Hello, my experience at the moment is that you get used to it pretty fast. I guess I have to turn the heating on if temps are down to 25C again . Regards Gyro
Hello, I swear, I searched for a video showing an open fridge with little iciles in it . But I didn't found one. Regards Gyro
Hottest day of the year is the day the temperature is the highest... It's not like this is rocket science, you know.
It depends on your exact location on this miserable dirtball. I'm either freezing or roasting, coughing or sneezing... on this supposed perfectly fine tuned creation.
There is pretty much no way to say what day will be the hottest. You can look at past years in your area and compare hottest day in history for a few clues, but even that won't answer anything. It depends on the sun and clouds and air pressure and a whole bunch of other random crap that has nothing to do with longest days or time of year.
The sun lingers longest in the sky for 3 days June 22, 23, and 24. But anytime around ~June 15th to July will be hot
Mainly only hippy or pagan types in England that would know that. If you asked the average brit in the street 'when is Lammas?' they wouldn't have a clue. The full and older name of the day is Lughnasadh. Probably it marked the start of the harvest season.
Hello, did it : Code: xxx@xxx=> with maxtempofyear as (select extract(year from time) as year, max(temperature) as maxtemp from weather group by year) select distinct time::date as "Hottest day", temperature from weather as w join maxtempofyear as m on (extract(year from w.time)=m.year and w.temperature=m.maxtemp) where w.sid=46; Hottest day | temperature ------------+------------- 15.07.2007 | 35 02.07.2008 | 35 20.08.2009 | 33 10.07.2010 | 37 23.08.2011 | 34 19.08.2012 | 35 27.07.2013 | 37 02.08.2013 | 37 09.06.2014 | 36 04.07.2015 | 38 (10 rows) In 2013 we had two hottest days of the year . Regards Gyro
I don't know if any of you are interested in this update. But a local Detroit weatherman recently stated the average hottest day, in metro-Detroit, is July 20th. What happens on that date, to make it the average hottest, I have no idea. I know meteorological summer begins June the 1st. That would make the middle of July, perhaps July 15, to be exact, the average hottest. But it is July 20th here. Has anyone been given a different date, where they live? :bigcry:
My limited time at school would tell me that the hottest day of the year is the day that it is the hottest that year.