so i have been wondering this for a long time, as for background information i am a currently transitioning male to female transwoman that is only attracted to women, the scent of a man just about makes me gag and now that im on hormones my sense of smell is very strong, as it goes i have friends that are gay men and enjoy being around them, currently i feel that i pass as female and don't identify as male whatsoever, but i am getting to the point were i am ready to start dating and am wondering if i was to date a lesbian would she freak out at me when she finds out that i was born a boy, as for men rejecting me i could really care less but the rejection from a woman is enough to keep me from trying to find a girlfriend, i feel that i am not accepted as a lesbian since i haven't had my bottom surgery and lets face it i wouldn't want any interactions down there until i have it anyways since it even disgusts me i guess long story short should i be afraid of dating a lesbian, are most lesbians unaccepting of transwomen, should i just pretend to like guys and take the easier road until i have had my bottom surgery, would a lesbian freak out at me upon finding out i was born male? i posted this in the gay forums and not the lesbian because i am worried it would get deleted if i post there Much love Kiara
Depends on what the woman wants. If she wants a true female, she wants a true female. I would say it just depends on the person's taste.
Not MOST refuse, but many just because of the connection if you have not had surgery yet. There are those out there who do even as lesbian plus there are always Bisexual and pan-sexual womyn. and - eww no! Date guys if you really only like other womyn? - I did that before I came out and I really hated it. It made me feel used and nasty.
After all the work you're putting into opening up about yourself and your gender, how can you even consider becoming a repressed/in the closet lesbian? You're dealing with something that I imagine most transsexuals do when they transition - will they be accepted for once being whichever gender the people they date aren't attracted to? Follow your heart, anyone who refuses to date you because of this isn't someone you're going to want in your life anyway. As for your current pre-op situation, I suppose that's up to you. If I were you (not that I have any idea what you're going through) I would start dating whenever I felt comfortable doing so, but I would always be completely open with anyone I met that had even the slightest chance of turning into something special. The last thing you want to do is fall into the "why didn't you tell me sooner" trap! Best of luck!
I've dated a MtF before and she was absolutely lovely. It all depends on the lesbian you're dating though. Some girls can't get their mind around it and some just don't care. Please don't be discouraged Love is a beautiful thing. Edit: Do NOT pretend to like guys. No no no. Be you. In my experience, most gay women are accepting of transwomen. The "issue" is if they themselves are willing to date one or not but like I said, that's very much an individual thing. Always be upfront though. Never hold back or hide who you are.
She is still female. I think the word you're looking for is cis-woman. "True female" is insulting to the OP and to all transgendered women out there.
all womyn are "true females" - gender is who you are and nothing else, if someone is concerned about what genitals you have say it correctly, every womon has a different appearance and if sex is all you are concerned about then that is fine, just be honest about it. Intersex or trans*womyn still count as womyn exactly
I’m not going to pretend I know anything about being trans or a lesbian I just wanted to say you are not a freak. I have felt broken or like a freak for what I felt and who I was attracted to don’t listen to that voice live your life how you want take your time I’m sure you will find your partner
I know this is an 11 year old post, but transbians are definitely a thing. Literally every trans gal pal I have is one. I'm like the only straight trans girl in a sea of trans lesbians lol More boys for me!!