a few good men were on what? i hope they sobered up in time to get back to whatever they were supposed to be good for.
The truth is subjective, even Jessup's truth. Also, I think we can handle the truth even if it's unconvenient, uncomfortable or not matching our expectations. We don't need people like Jessup telling us we can't handle his truth just because there are a lot of civilians that are ignoring the possibility that he is right. Yes, he was defending also people who shit on what he stands for. I guess that comes with the job.
In which regard? Perhaps army people like Jessup have a hard time handling the truth that they defend people that shit on him and his outlook. I would find that understandable.
In my experience we don't have a hard time accepting that. In a certain sense, you could say that those of us who have worn the uniform embrace it. What I meant is that most of the people I have encountered refuse to accept certain realities even when someone with experience with those realities relates them. Why? Because those realities don't always jive with the narrative they have been taught to believe.
When you said "Also, I think we can handle the truth even if it's unconvenient, uncomfortable or not matching our expectations." It has been my experience that most can't handle it.