Anyone who is high right now needs to turn on Saturday Night Live because Snoop Dog is hosting. He's the best when you're high!
I kinda liked his show Doggy Fizzle Televizzle on MTV. On a side note I was gonna go see Korn and Snoop Dogg on Linkin Park's tour, but the tickets are way too fucking expensive. There was over $17 in "convience fees", "building fees", and some other bullshit charges. I hate TicketMaster soooo much...
Snoop Dogg's pretty cool..I used to watch his show Doggy Fizzle on MTV in the summer..but not anymore. It was pretty damn funny..kinda like the Chappelle's show if you ask me.
From what I've heard, Snoop has quit smoking reefer after 10 years of basically living high as fuck. He want's to "feel like himself" again. I don't listen to rap, but I read this on some news website so I figured I'd add it. I'm not completely sure that it's valid, but who knows.
Man SNL sucks so bad now! I will admit the hightimes spoof was pretty funny, the PCP magazine, dusters or whatever. I also like it when Jimmy Falon does his parodies on weekend update, and he started to do it last night, but then they had to go off and fuck that up! god SNL sucks now. Doggy Fizzle televizlle was freaking halarious, i used to love that show.
The pothead tv thing was so hilarious, I laughed so hard even though I was completely sober. "How about having ketchup shaking people out of a bottle!"
I think they just use that to get the cops off his ass. (If there are any) He could be looked at as promoting pot or something.. so maybe that's why he said he quit? But damn, that guy must have had some goood shit!
ah shit! i missed it! damn prom and damn parties you host at beaches that the cops know bout in advance so you have to move them...never listen to snoop but i love the guy!
I saw that episode of SNL and it was horrible.. In fact.. The news ones have pretty much all sucked..
he has a handful of good songs but now he just plain sucks but i guess the favorite of mine that comes to mind is Lodi Dodi...a classic
i dont watch either often but i would perfer mad TV, here's a pic i took of my buddy with Bobby lee of mad TV downtown Vancouver last weekend lol for those attention paying stoners, bobby lee is also in Harold and Kumar, he is the nerd asian guy at that college they find weed at and are partying with all the other nerds lol