Smoking While preg?

Discussion in 'Parenting' started by auddy, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. Willy_Wonka_27

    Willy_Wonka_27 Surrender to the Flow

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    I cant find any information supporting this, and it would be terribly hard to prove without extensive testing on the deceased child. Plus how can they say that if causes SIDS if the cause of SIDS is still unknown.
  2. fricknfrack

    fricknfrack Member

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    Like i said, i seen it on a commercial, from researchers hence researchers.
  3. beautifulwarrior

    beautifulwarrior Member

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    They don't EXACTLY what causes SIDS just some contributing factors. Basic things like it happens when they're sleeping, keeping the crib clear can help make sure they don't smother, laying them on their back can insure they get enough oxygen....things like that.
  4. Willy_Wonka_27

    Willy_Wonka_27 Surrender to the Flow

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    Researchers/scientists don't make commercials. Commercial time costs a lot of money. Privet companies make commercials, and what they say in those commercials is not always based on fact. They stretch the truth. No researcher would make a commercial stating marijuana causes SIDS, because wouldn't be gaining anything from it. Television commercials are not proper ways of publishing scientific research. Also, as i stated, i can not find anything on this commercial, the research, or any independent medical studies on this.

    I'm all for choosing to not smoke marijuana during pregnancy, but lets not just pull unproven and probably made up facts out of our ass to scare mothers away from using it.

  5. Bumble

    Bumble Senior Member

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    I wouldn't smoke just because, gods forbid, if something would happen to the baby that would be on my mind. No matter what you smoke, it still produces tar. If I ever get pregnant I would try my best to be the healthiest I could be. Smoking something cannot be considered healthy.
  6. bcsher

    bcsher Member

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    Have you ever read 'Women and Cannabis: Medicine, Science and Sociology'? You can find it on Amazon. A book that is a collection of 9 articles published simultaneously as Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics, Volume 2, numbers 3/4 2002.
    Edited and compiled by:
    Ethan Russo MD a child and adult neurologist working as a neurobehavioral specialist
    Melanie Dreher PhD Professor of Nursing, host of the first clinical conference on the medical use of cannabis, member of the editorial review board of the Medical Journal of Substance Abuse and Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics
    & Mary Lynn Mathre RN MSN Editor of Cannabis in Medical Practice with an extensive background in addictions, a former member of the board of Directors of NORML

    That's where I would begin to look for solid advice and FACTS. They offer evidence ranging from molecular studies, animal studies, human case reports and other studies. They even introduce the fact that the uterus itself has THC specific receptors, as does the brain. It's the first book that examines MJs implications for fertility and maternal/child health.
    A bit of a tough read, but well worth it if you are in search of sound information, rather than random-ish and barely educated opinion.
    Having worked on the neonatal recussitation team in a NICU who took the severest cases for miles around, I can say one thing. I've never encountered marijuana use as a difinitive cause for any abnormalities. Most of what we saw was related to unknown causes, heredity, hard drug use, alcohol and nicotine. That said, I'm 5 weeks pregnant myself, and am smoking a lot less. Pharmaceuticals is what I'd avoid at any and all costs. Caffine, nicotine and alcohol too. I'm also steering clear of fluoride, aspertame and MSG, those poisons may be legal, but they are POISONS.

    Fortunately for me, I live in Canada where I would not lose my baby to the government 'protection' agencies as a pot user, unless under suspicion of some other endangering behaviour. Us canucks are also fortunate in that a select few of our well informed doctors, nurses and midwives will recommend the MJ, where appropriate.
    Nursing and smoking can be said to pose more of a danger as MJ is fat soluble and WILL be transferred to your baby through your milk.
    Don't eat it, it's the only way to OD on the stuff.
    That's more than my .02

    Edited because I've changed my stance and grown some balls
  7. Lennon_Skye

    Lennon_Skye Member

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    I'd say no. No, no, no, no nonono:D

    The best way to explain it is like this:

    It's your choice if you want to smoke pot (or just use for that matter), but the baby has no choice to smoke.

    If your child (male or female...) is, say, 18, and he/she tells you: "Mom, I want to smoke pot." Then he/she has freedom of choice and is hopefully responsible enough to decide for him/herself.

    Good luck with the pregnancy!

  8. lynnzy

    lynnzy Member

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    I have to say again, you all sound like you have been brain washed by the government or something. Only now is all this stuff coming out about not smoking any weed while pregnant. In the 60, 70 and early 80's most of the women I knew smoked weed while they were pregnant and nobody had any problems and certainly no health problems for the kids. This is rediculous for me to sit here and read this stuff about it being ok to take the drugs from big pharma, but not smoke weed. This sounds like a bunch of government propaganda to me. If women would just resign themselves to having kids when nature intended it, they would not have babies with health problems. The reason women are having babies with low birth weight and all these complications is because the women are waiting until they are over thirty years old and many of them are waiting until they are thirty-five which IS THE AGE YOU SHOULD STOP HAVING KIDS NOT START!!
    Just have your kids between ages 18- 30 and everybody will be A-OK including the babies. If you wait till you are too damn old, then THAT'S IRRESPONSIBLE..
  9. fricknfrack

    fricknfrack Member

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    That may be easy for you to say... but my body can't wait for kids till 30 shut your trap. i'm not irresponsible. i know TONS of people who had twins triplets quads they were over 40 who were just fine so you have no clue what your talking about!!!
  10. Willy_Wonka_27

    Willy_Wonka_27 Surrender to the Flow

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    Chill, lynnzys post wasn't a direct attack at you. Its true, the risk for some birth defects, such as Down's syndrome, does increase with age. But luckily the risk for many other birth defects don't go up at all, and the risk for a few actually go down with age.
  11. bcsher

    bcsher Member

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    I agree totally. DO RESEARCH. There are studies out there, you just have to dig and know where to find them. They're rarely published because the 'war on drugs' machine suppresses results they find undesireable. As I said, I've worked in NICU. I'm a Respiratory Therapist (different in Canada than in the US), so worked specifically with the most severe cases as I am in charge of life support, recussitation at birth and testing babies for their ability to go home. I also worked with a world renowned neonatologist who worked in first, second and third world countries while he studied neonates as they grew into childhood. Never have I ever seen a baby, a study or a categorization of birth defect difinitively linked to marijuana, nor did we learn about pot babies in school or internship. I'm sure you could find something motivated by the anti MJs, but there are no 'pot babies' as there are crack/coke/heroin/meth/E babies, nicotine babies and FAS babies.

    Funny, what you said about moms smoking pot while pregnant in the 60s, 70s and 80s. That's when the Indigo and later Crystal children started to appear in larger numbers. They are children who are considered to be gifted metaphysically, in consciousness and their sense of spiritual connection, which some believe to be the next step in the evolution of our species.
  12. bcsher

    bcsher Member

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    She knows lots of kids that were born to potheads who were just fine. Does that mean that those who've said you shouldn't smoke pot while pregnant have no clue what THEY'RE talking about?????
  13. RollAnotherDrewbie

    RollAnotherDrewbie Member

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    if you want stewie griffin for a child then go for it
  14. bellystar

    bellystar Member

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    Another good study is detailed here


    I am 5 mos and do take a few tokes a day. It relieves my anxiety (something I used to take prescription pills for) and calms my stomach problems (again, I used to take prescriptions for IBS). I have completely cut out pharmaceuticals & alcohol. I do not smoke cigarettes and avoid msg and aspartame. I limit myself to one (sometimes two cups) tea per day and have switched to organic dairy to decrease the amount of hormones and antibiotics flowing through my system.
  15. HippyFreek

    HippyFreek Vintage Member

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    Bellystar, have you looked into gluten free or dairy free for your IBS? My "IBS" is the symptoms of dairy intolerance. Down to the proteins, even.
  16. bellystar

    bellystar Member

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    Hippy Freek, thanks but no I haven't...yet! Do you have any good resources for gluten free or dairy free living? I'm afraid I wouldn't know where to begin!:D
  17. HippyFreek

    HippyFreek Vintage Member

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    just google gluten free.

    it's mostly about reading ingredient lists, and being willing to make substitutions.

    I use thai rice noodles instead of spaghetti, goat cheese on my gluten free pizza instead of mozzarella, coconut ice cream instead of milk-ice cream, lettuce wraps instead of sandwiches, etc.

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